Zatanna: Feud of Zatara (OUT NOW)

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3 years ago

I expect you’re probably real busy, but were you able to do anything regarding the action-only section as a shorter, stand alone offering?

el goodo avatar
3 years ago

i’m holding out for the voiceover version – i’m assuming an announcement will be made once it’s been updated?

Don1987 avatar
3 years ago

This was some of the best face fucking ive ever seen!!!

phlfan avatar
3 years ago

Damien–On the subject of other heroines you might explore, I would love to see you do a feature with Phantom Lady, one of the original heroines in distress.

phlfan avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Phantom Lady was in continual jeopardy. A friend of mine who looked at the entire run said he was stunned that there was bondage or else she was knocked out in practically every issue. Email me if you want me to highlight specific issues stories and/or panels. I can also suggest plot lines of my own for her.

Congratulations, btw, for far and away the most technically advanced videos in this genre. Well done!

3 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

Phantom Lady in one of my favorite little panels.

MyNameIsURL avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Guy must be a criminal cosmetologist. One sock to the jaw and suddenly her hair looks much better.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I would like to see her modern outfit. Yellow crop top shirt with yellow bikini bottom

hypnomancer avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

For whatever this is worth: based on the above images, I prefer the yellow version. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  Hypnomancer

Also much prefer the yellow costume. For some reason, I am picturing Arielle/Olive in it.

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Meerkat_Man

I would love to see Olive Glass in a SHL production, but I suspect that it won’t happen for a while, if ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  Meerkat_Man

Could that be because of this?

phlfan avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  DarkStar

Much as I liked Olive’s version, the costume was too modern. The original yellow costume had a deep cutout, that was incredibly suggestive. See attached. Damien, I can send you more provocative drawings of this costume as well.

phlfan avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

Two thoughts for Damien:
–there seems to be some response to this idea.
–if you ever do it, pay attention to her hair. In the blue version it was luxurious, like a dark Veronica Lake (you can see this in Bert’s submission, above). Much, much better than the hair in her yellow version, much as I love that costume. One of the problems with Olive’s video was her short hair.

3 years ago
Reply to  DarkStar

Hah! Yes that must be why. I forgot about this.

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  DarkStar

@DarkStar Was that from a cosplay she did, or from some third party production? I haven’t seen that before. It doesn’t look like anything she did for XXXtremeComiXXX.

3 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

It’s Phantom Dame from TBFE on SHGMedia

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  DarkStar

Oh. That explains why I haven’t seen it. It was from a softcore production – such a pity.

bigums avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

See? That’s what I’m talking about! Vulnerable! No other producer would say that.

heroinehunter1212 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Would you telling us what heroines you’ll be featuring next? 😀

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I don’t suppose you’re inclined to disclose who the actress is?

dragonzz avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

OMG looks amazing, how many hoodlums by the way ? 😀

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Oh, that’s cool. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Pantyhose should be part of her costume!!

heroinehunter1212 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I agree; personally I’d prefer that the neck/shoulders be exposed 😉

3 years ago

the video seems nice before I buy though wanted to know when will the voice over version be released and how long will the voice over be in the entire film

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

According to her Twitter, she starts shooting scenes again in mid-July.

BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago

This was a awesome movie worth every penny. Damien you hit it out of the park with this one for me it had the perfect balance between the beatdown and the sex scenes. Alex Coal did a fantastic job I hope she will agree to do more movies with you. thank you for all the hard work you put into this film.

Dr G avatar
3 years ago

From a superheroine peril perspective, I think that this is one of Damien’s best movies. The story and scenery were great, with the attention to detail on Zatanna’s character being very good. Alex Coal looks great as Zatanna & does a great job playing her. Here’s hoping for a Zatanna sequel with Alex Coal in the near future from Damien ! Thanks for the great movie !

AWS Man avatar
3 years ago

Great work again, Damien. I thought Alex was phenomenal. I was looking forward to seeing what she could do in a scene that promised to be darker than most of her Primal SHIP stuff, and she didn’t disappoint. I hope you can shoot with her again, whether in a Zatanna sequel or as a new character. I don’t know if you’d ever have any interest in doing a Jessica Jones movie (considering she’s not technically a superheroine I’d assume not), but she’d be perfect in that role.

AWS Man avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I do have one request if you do a sequel: Please have the villain(s) place Zatanna’s hat back on her head at some point during the rape! I feel like that would really add to the humiliation, like another way of mocking her for her powerless state.

Cora avatar
3 years ago

This one doesn’t align with my picky tastes (almost exclusively B/G), but I almost bought it anyway off the strength of Alex Coal and the always high-production value/attention to detail of Damien’s work. Perhaps I’ll grab it somewhere down the road when it goes on sale. Really hope to see more of Alex Coal in the future. She’s one of my absolute favorites. Good luck with sales!

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Cora

While I also prefer one-on-one B/G for rape scenes, I do enjoy both multiple rapists on one victim and (the extremely rare) one rapist on multiple victims. I even enjoy multiple rapists on multiple victims, though it would probably be my least preferred configuration. But I’m blessed with broad tastes. It’s a pity that this one doesn’t meet your criteria, given that you had previously indicated that Alex Coal is a performer you particularly enjoy.

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

But polls haven’t proved to be all that helpful for you in the past, have they? Also, there are so many possible permutations. And there are even variations within a single permutation. Take BBBG, for example. I like multiple rapists on a single victim (even though a single rapist and single victim is my favorite), and I’m perfectly fine with gang rape scenarios (all of the multiple rapists banging the victim at once), but what I actually like better for multiple rapists is when they take turns with the victim, each of them taking her one-at-a-time in succession, so that,… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I happen to think that you were releasing good films before the polls, as well. But if it has provided a benefit, then that’s cool.

MyNameIsURL avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Of those 3, BBG. However, I like BGG or GGG better still.

bigums avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

This is an interesting twist of the thread. I never really put much thought into it. However, when there are two villains, Bronson adds so much with his dialogue with the other actor(s)/villain(s). He always brings his “A” game. I feel both you and your audience lucked out with him.

3 years ago

First conclusion after looking at it twice. I have to say it was worth the money in the end. Damien really tries to appeal to a wide audience in each of his films. Be it the fights, the special effects or of course the sex. Although I prefer a healthy mixture. I found the beginning very interesting as the story was told slowly and then the bad guy appeared. I found the fight scene a little too long in places, especially the punches. The sex was very detailed, it was really well staged. At the end there was a goodie… Read more »

Marie_Brooks avatar
3 years ago

Really One of your Best, Worth Waiting, Very Good Work, Keep the good work

Mnite83 avatar
3 years ago

Absolutely worth the wait. Alex Coal was great in Primal Fetish movies and she is fantastic.

hypnomancer avatar
3 years ago

Still downloading here. Given how well the trailer alone is, to say I’m looking forward to this one is an understatement. Good to hear that there’s a generous amount of gagging in this one. That’s welcome news in any SHiP vid for me, but especially when it’s related to Zatanna. I hope this one sells well and we see more of Alex in the role.

HonestFish avatar
3 years ago

This video checked off a lot of boxes for me, I personally really enjoyed it. Seeing a Zatanna SHIP with high production is amazing, I hope more people use her – she’s getting her own DC movie afterall :). You should definitely check this out if you like a couple things. Magic fighting – its a small portion at the beginning but this is one of the best vfx fights ive seen in SHIP. Belly punching for sure – this is the majority of the beatdown portion. Gagging/Oral – TONS of it. Like the vast majority of this video she… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by HonestFish
3 years ago
Reply to  HonestFish

Does this movie include kicks to the guys by her?

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Let her wear her glasses. Dats hot!

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

She could be caught by the bad guys in her secret identity, wearing glasses. They beat her down and discover her costume under her clothes, stripping her down while they continue the beatdown. They leave the glasses on to remind her that they know her identity.

HonestFish avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I feel you, making this stuff is hard and you’re never gonna please everyone. The sex scene is EPIC, I forgot to put that in. that’s kind of a given though with SHL. Maybe the sex could be broken up with a little peril in the middle of it? Like the guys forcing her to crawl or try to get her belt back while she’s dazed or something.

Anyways, thank you for the response and the awesome video. it’s obvious you put a lot of work into it and it came out fantastic.

HonestFish avatar
3 years ago

Alex Coal looks great in the role. Very cool to hear she was into it enough to memorize the spells. the throat punch in the trailer was chefs kiss. Can’t wait to see the final product this weekend

HonestFish avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  HonestFish

Also this is random, but coming from a VFX background I see why the post production took longer. All those spell effects lol. Nicely done btw

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago

This looks amazing and these previews are something else. Definetly pre ordering this now.

3 years ago

I don’t know if I will buy this movie… The actress somehow does not appeal to me. I watched some movies from “primal” with her participation… and I’d really prefer alli rae or someone else to show up. I know she has a lot of fans, so enjoy movie 🙂 . This is the first time I haven’t bought a movie from you Damien. I’ll watch the previous Melody Marks movie (this movie is great!!!). It would be nice if you could write what the next movie will be, or at least what actress will be in the next movie.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathanek

I seen complaints about Ashley Lane too but lots of people like her also. No actress is ever going to please “every” guy so I would just ignore any complaints made toward any actress. I for one, already preordered this movie. I like Alex Coal and Ashley Lane. I think its good to use different actresses though. It gets tiring seeing the same girl over and over.

mongey avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

lol always the same thing huh? keep doing what youre doing bro..i appreciate the ‘new’ faces as well as the next guy but i have the power to choose so its all good.

Don1987 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

People don’t like it when you “are reasonable” XD

3 years ago

The costume looks great, and Alex is gorgeous and sells the beat down perfectly. The hardcore stuff isn’t my thing, and the price is just too high for me when all I want is the first 25 minutes of action (maybe a reduced price ‘Part 1’ at some point?) But good luck on this – it deserves success because looks like a really good, very high quality production.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Thanks – I couldn’t find an email, so messaged you here

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Hell yeah the trailer rock pal, same as Ike, I would like to purchase the peril part (first 25 minutes ). So would like to know your email for it

bigums avatar
3 years ago

The saying goes, “The best comes to those who wait.”, and it has never been more applicable. I think I can speak for most when I say your dedication becomes more evident with every production! To me, there IS no comparison. The other guys, all great in their own right (now how can I put this nicely), ain’t shit compared to what you’re doing. And that’s just the product. But you also talk to your audience/fans. Your willingness to be vulnerable amongst your customer base shows a maturity I fail to find in other producers. Am I fan-boying too much?… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Bigums
bigums avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Brushing your teeth is an effort?!?!?!? Maybe a little too vulnerable, right there! LOL!!!

3 years ago

The fact that the spoiler was not covered here is very annoying because I already know how the film will end …… However, since the staging and the special effects meet my taste exactly, I will still buy it.
I hope so with the distribution of the film there will be no delay this night.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Yeah I bought it for nearly 4 hours. So now I am waiting for emails with active download links. I thought preorder get it a bit faster, seems i guess wrong.

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Perfection

Preorder gets a better price and bonus footage, not an earlier release.

vldspec04 avatar
3 years ago

It is a little off topic, but are you planning on doing a Black Scorpion Movie? It would be great with her costume and peril scenes like Zodiac Attack episode. And after that a sex scene.

vldspec04 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, for me was the same, accepting my sexuality watching BS. Much luck in the future and hope you will be able to done this one!
And, really nice movies you made. The Prison is my favourite so far.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

That was an awesome movie and I was shocked when they added all the sex and nudity to the Black Scorpion movie. This also was the first time I’ve ever seen a superheroine film go this route. I was a little disappointed the sequel didn’t try to outdo the first film in the sex and nudity department but I was still satisfied with the sexiness of it.

3 years ago

amazing looking production. Alex would be amazing as wonder woman.

PaulHM avatar
3 years ago

Just purchased the trailer looks awesome.

hypnomancer avatar
3 years ago

Excellent. This looks exactly like what was promised. Very happy I per-ordered it. Looking forward to the finished film.

Marie_Brooks avatar
3 years ago

WOW Looks Amazing

3 years ago

Is the voice over work her thoughts spoken? In this case, I like that there will be two versions with and without voice over work. The spoken thoughts in the movie takes me out of enjoying the film sometimes.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

ok cool, Im looking forward to having a version without internal thoughts.

3 years ago

Do you have any more projects with her or is this the only one

hypnomancer avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Nashville

I hope that we see a few more with Alex. I will definitely pre-order if that’s the case. Not my call, of course. 😉

HotelCalifornia avatar
3 years ago

This look amazing. Especially like the look of her when unconscious.