X Club Wrestling Episode 42 from Pro Style Fantasies

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Kevlar avatar
8 years ago

Double team crotch attacks sound good to me, but only if the girl on the receiving end is given time to react and hold her aching pussy too 🙂 I like the idea of a girl in white getting soaked too. I would love to see School Girl Staci take on a cocky heel like Annie or Jessica, who bullies Staci with front and rear wedgies whilst taking advantage of the easy match-up, kissing and caressing Staci through her school girl outfit. A groggy Staci gets stripped of her skirt and hosed/soaked to wake her up again, only for the… Read more »

8 years ago

A few things I’d like to see are:

* A cheating/bad girl ref
* A match where one wrestler gets to pick the other’s outfit (something embarrassingly skimpy). Maybe even make her change into it right there in the ring before the match.
* True doubleteam moves like double finishers and submission holds/breast or crotch attack combos
* Good girl in white gets soaked

8 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

Would definitely like lots of low blows in the Warrior & Dominator vs Ice Cold match.

8 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

Hey Alex,
Glad to hear it! I always enjoy the low blow move where they hold their arms behind their back and give them multiple kicks from behind, like what Annie does to Lucky O’Shea.

sexquaana avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

When will the next one release?

sexquaana avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

So Karlie will not be on the new episode?

8 years ago

I just wanted to add my question of when the next episode of XCW might be released? Any kinds of hints of what we can look forward to?

8 years ago

Does the email address slayerparisproductions@yahoo.com get checked ever? I was hoping to get an issue resolved.

AgentHM-45 avatar
8 years ago

Just wanted to say I’m happy to see lovely butt-busting, in the form of elbow drops to the booty, would especially love if they were delivered “up” the crack, to compliment how they were presented here (sort of “across” the butt).. like if the recipient’s legs are spread and she’s face-down, and the dropper is standing between her legs from behind, and drops elbows centered right between the cheeks. But this isn’t a criticisim, I loved this video. And the knees to the ass/crotch from behind were absolutely killer, some of the best low blows/sorta-butt-busts I’ve ever seen. I salute… Read more »

8 years ago

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8 years ago

@Crude – Keep dreaming and writing about Emily scenarios. Emily was one of my all time favorites, and the thought of her coming back, well, I enjoy it. Your take on her is was cool. What do you think should be her first match back in the XCW? I could watch her win or lose against anyone, but I feel as though it has to be a win. Anime Akira? Annie Gun? I’m further conflicted by the fact that she would make a good addition to either side of the XCW coin. She would make a great challenger to Christie,… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  KE5612

Yeah I like the idea of them doing at least a little more damage before a match with Jewell. Maybe they could set up a chair and rest Emily’s tits on it before standing behind her with another one and using the top of the folded chair to press down and crush her tits between the steel. I still think Emily should make quick work of Jewell, like 2 minutes. And Jewell should look to be getting some momentum, but suddenly fall victim to this new submission Emily uses. Emily could talk some shit to Jewell after the match, “I… Read more »

8 years ago

With the mean girls would really like to see them take it to the next level especially if they are going to turn on each other soon. To see them completely sexually dominate their opponents to the point no babyface dare challenge them for fear of what they would do to them. The ceo could come into play as she would force the babyfaces into matching up with them against their will. I think jessica is an amazing heel would be great to see her with the strapon becoming more dominant not just letting christie get her way. You could… Read more »

JackPuncher avatar
8 years ago

Once again Captain Crude has revealed information that indicates XCW is going in the direction I buy into. The appointment of a CEO or authority figure in place of James Jackson. I have previously written about the contribution this character makes to XCW and the appointment of a female character would fall in with thoughts I produced in comments on the last episode(unfortunately one of the ten that were lost when Heroine Movies had to use an old backup to replace files). To my mind having a CEO/General Manager being responsible for booking and staging bouts and a Senior Official… Read more »

8 years ago

I’m wondering when the next episode is going to be released? Always so impatient, sorry Alex- many appreciations & hope you take it as a compliment for the work of course! I’m looking forward to Emily Addison aside from my earlier comments about an XCW CEO being revealed. One scenario I dreamed up is for Emily to call out Christie the following episode after an encounter. Instead GI Jewell enters and warns her not to fight Christie, that her and Jessica have taken years off her career… Years off of her life with heart punches & mean girl drops. Emily… Read more »

8 years ago

i can not agree more with Gman! I am still waiting for a creampuff tag team hopeless jobber team like the Southern Belles! It would be a huge success for XCW in my personal opinion.

8 years ago
Reply to  djarte

From the negative reaction to my wishes I think that we are only me and Gman that prefers this kind of matches for XCW. It’s a shame for me since I am following XCW since the very beginning but if the majority votes for the opposite its ok. At least I hope once in a while Alex satisfies also our wishes. Maybe as a side story and not as part of the main storyline. Thanks. Djarte.

8 years ago
Reply to  Djarte

All in balance. I like the occasional squash, but for awhile it was all we saw with the ocean patrol and the entrance of the Dominator. For me it’s all about the chance of the face winning, like Stokely vs Dominator or old Jewell vs Marquise. Then the defeat is humiliating. After squash after squash, and wrestlers that are knocked out when they get pushed into ropes, it stops making sense that they would even show up for the hopeless massacre. As far as negative reaction goes, yeah, don’t sweat it. I think the vote buttons are a work in… Read more »

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Djarte

Too bad I don’t have the money , but me & Djarte could be the Squash Match KIngs 🙂

8 years ago

I feel ya Gman, I want to get so many customs from a lot of different companies but I am broke as hell right now. I guess I have to settle with what they produce, grr. lol

8 years ago

hell yeah! There is nothing more sexy than pathetic jobbers getting squashed over and over again! 🙂

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
8 years ago

Or Summer & Brett would also be SUPER AWESOME to also take over as the newly reformed doormat good girl team already established as total jobbers , The Ocean Patrol , they would look awesome in those red Baywatch like bathing suits white those white boots they wear , hopefully a break from those black boots with silver trim that have been in every x-club video ever made

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
8 years ago

I second a vote on Summer Brielle & with Brett Rossi being mentioned on PSF 40 comments , I do have to say that they would make a 110% PERFECT Southern Belle 110% Creampuff Doormat tag team

8 years ago

I’d love to see a Southern Belle team, but Summer Brielle has that dominant in your face bitch look and portrays it so well in almost every video I’ve seen her in. If Jewell Marceau weren’t to be the head honcho of XCW, she’d be my next pic… but she also would make a great Southern Belle.

Brett Rossi looks incredible for that part. Lea Lexis would be another pick for me. I also think Sinn Sage could also use some repurposing if she comes back.

8 years ago

I can’t get the idea out of my head to see Jewell Marceau play the CEO and Chairwoman of XCW once a League of Brutality & Mean Girls feud kicks off, but another actress I would enjoy seeing in that role would be Summer Brielle.

I don’t know how available either of the two are, but they are so impressive looking.

8 years ago

I want to see diana and cater defeated by a more power woman, just like Lady Victoria.

8 years ago

It would be interesting to see the Ella/Jessica angle explored a bit. It’d be funny if Ella thought Jess really liked her and then Jess disses her. Like “It was just for the match” And then Ella gets mad at Jess for playing with her emotions . And attacks her only to get destroyed lol.

8 years ago
Reply to  L:aundry

On that note, it would be cool if there were some stipulation allowing for the winner of a match between them to determine who would ref the final match between Jewell & Christie.

Or if Jessica just bullied Ella until she caved in and allowed Jessica to have her way.

9 years ago

Gotta side with Fazy here. Slap some spandex on these babes!

9 years ago

I want to see x club girls wearing spandex and tight pants please bring this kind of episode for me i get bored to see this costumes same costumes in every episodes its not good

9 years ago

I think this was a great follow up to the last ep. I never noticed how much taller Ella is to the other girls and her getting dominated by the smaller Jessica made it that much sweeter. Would like to see Ella get ambushed and dominated by Jess in the future. Karlie and Annie were the bomb as usual although the collar on Karlie was kinda distracting for some reason. And Jewell has never been better, I think she should switch outfits again tho. Have Kristie and Jessica catch her in the locker room and put her in a humiliating… Read more »

9 years ago

I dont understand how i can NEVER get tired watching Kymberly Jane get destroyed in XCW.

Keep it coming!

9 years ago
Reply to  BITW44

lol fuck the asshole who voted this comment down, just voted it back up, Jenny “G.I.” Jewell for life

9 years ago

I loved this episode. The fall from grace of GI Jewell seems endless and I like the idea that the once fierce heroine is now a pathetic jobber (the stumble on the ropes while entering the ring is GENIUS!).
With GI Jewell and Karlie both reduced to jobbers for the time being, XCW needs a new top star babyface. I really hope she’s Lucky or the new masked Angela.

But please, give GI Jewell back her tights, possibly the black version! She’s the only one in tights!

9 years ago

@alex, I really want to see either the Dominator vs Ice Cold 2 or the Marquise vs Ice Cold. Either way I’d love for it to be a submission match. I’ve been requesting to see some sort of breast smother finish for forever now, both Karlie & Char Stokely sell it so well. Stokely refusing to submit until she gets weaker and weaker and passes out only to wake up from being KO’d and officially the slave of either of those two. I’d love to see the anguish on Ela Darling’s face as she watches Stokely lose her will to… Read more »

9 years ago

I really enjoyed Ela this episode. She is starting to get into it with Jessica which makes me think we might start to see our head ref turn. I also liked her reactions to Jewell getting beat. The most compelling thing for me here is that Jessica is getting sick of Christie’s shit. Jessica will be back stabbing her soon, or putting up a stink that makes Christie turn on her. Jessica, once turned on, would make an interesting partner for Emily. @CaptainCrude – Cadence has been out of the picture for some time, and I’m not sure she needs… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  KE5612

I hope Jessica doesn’t turn on Christie. I enjoy them all too much, and the possibility of them feuding with the Marquise, the Dominator & the Warrior entices me. Cadence has had minimal involvement in the story, but it wasn’t that long ago that she was involved in it. My complaints have been that Cadence doesn’t gel with Christie/Jessica, but seeing her on the other end of a beating from those two would be great. She’s like that punk girl in high school that got in with the cheerleaders because they want someone to hook them up with booze/drugs or… Read more »

9 years ago

On top of my earlier request for Cadence vs Jewell for a #1 contender match (which may or may not be possible considering something was already filmed for this feud). …I’d also like to see Jessica vs Ela Darling to determine the referee of Jewell’s final match against Christie. Jessica doesn’t even have to get involved physically with Jewell in the final match, I’m just sick of seeing Ela referee at this point. She does all the same things, and although her acting isn’t bad, it would shake things up from the usual. I’d love for the final match in… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  CaptainCrude

and by kiss a KO’d Jewell, I mean for Cadence to kiss her on the mouth.

9 years ago

This episode has some good elements and poor points. I’m disappointed in Karlie’s and Annie’s gun promo. Karlie is now a sex slave and it was advertised as such. We did not get any content related to Karlie being a sex salve. This needs to be fixed in the next episode. The two need to have sex in the ring or locker. Jessica’s and Jewell’s match was enjoyable. I love Jessica being so naught with the ref. I want to see her use her seductive ways on Jewell. It’s time for a new face to challenge Christie. Jewell is finished… Read more »

9 years ago

I’m into this storyline progression. I know we’ve been waiting a long time to see Jewell completely decimated by Christie… but the varying ways it’s being done have been entertaining.

I’d like to see Christie turn on Cadence. Right now I’m thinking Cadence challenges Jewell for Jewell’s final opportunity for a title shot and loses.

I’d like to see Cadence pressed in between Jewell’s tits and for Jessica to punch them together against her face.

9 years ago

Well hopefully after todays decision you will still have many hardcore shoots ahead Alex ; )

Alex T Carlson
Alex T Carlson
9 years ago

Not really into the sex slave angle, but whatever. I’m looking to purchase this one in the future. For me Ela Darling is sort of the high point in a lot of these episodes because her acting is so over-the-top that I love it. I’m hoping we’ll see more from the new Angela story-line, which I love because of the ridiculousness of it and how it came out of nowhere. Also, Lucky rules.

9 years ago

i want to see Karissa Kane again and ashley rose as a referee again and i think guys will like to see them again right ?

9 years ago
Reply to  bazoka11

Yes for Ashley Rose as ref again. That’s something I’ve been wanting for a while now. Maybe have her and Ela try to team up as refs who won’t be molested anymore, but that of course doesn’t work.

8 years ago
Reply to  bazoka11

I’d take Ashley Rose in any capacity. She is one of my all time faves.

9 years ago

I will get this……..I NEVER get tired of seeing Kymberly Jane get destroyed. I’m a big fan of hers. And I love it when Christie hits Kym with that finishing move…… I’ll say it again…….can we see the girls “turn” on Christina Carter and have her suffer their wrath???

Kevlar avatar
9 years ago

I’d prefer to see The Warrior vs Ice Cold Stokely as well and I’d appreciate more back and forth too! Hopefully you stick with the plan for lots of low blows if you do switch the Warrior in for the Dominator, and that both girls will be be on the receiving end. I love Karlie, Charlotte and face-Melissa is because they’re badass as faces who are tough, put up a fight and won’t hesitate to give the heels a taste of their own underhand tactics. So any combination of the 3 facing off is bound to be epic. I’m not… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
9 years ago

I find myself wondering whether the new comment/reply system is going to result in a lot of posts not being read. When I come back to the page to read new comments, I typically only scroll as far down as my previous post, which used to mean that I’d be seeing every new post in the thread. But now, if someone has replied to my previous post, I won’t see those replies unless I keep scrolling past my old post, because the replies are now posted beneath my post to which they’ve replied. Then again, maybe that’s just me. Maybe… Read more »

9 years ago

The episode is very good, I love Karlie Montana and Kym and they always make great role being humiliated, but I have to make some comments on the story, I think a mistake tern taken Karlie rivalry with Warrior who betrayed her foul mood, while Annie was to continue the rivalry with luck, who had never been so humiliated and would think that as well as their fight was a sort of Annie and fight again with the villain, and again it would be totally dominated and this time could not win, the fight would end by disqualification with Annie… Read more »

9 years ago

What we’re missing here is Cali Logan and Emily Addison in their primes. Those two were just… wow. If you’ve never seen “The Scheme,” scroll all the way down and buy it immediately. Ha

I too am tired of these same girls over and over but the subject matter is 100 percent on for me in most episodes so I’ll keep checking in.

9 years ago

I know I am the only one, but I am not a fan of either The Dominator or The Marquise, so Warrior would be better for me, ha. Yeah, yeah I know, thumbs down.

Kym Jane tripped over the ropes and that’s it, she was done, smh.

So with the new laws, are the ladies gonna be wearing goggles from now on? lmao

9 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Yeah, I thought that trip on the ropes was hilarious too.

9 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Hey, if that’s your opinion, I see nothing wrong with that.

9 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Well forget about the goggles, the bill didnt pass. Yay!!

TheLecher avatar
9 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Even if the bill had passed, that wouldn’t be the end of the matter. There are all sorts of legal challenges which can be mounted, if necessary, though it shouldn’t have to come to that.

TheLecher avatar
9 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

Speaking for myself, I’d prefer Dominator vs. Ice Cold. Christina Carter does do hardcore, and I always prefer hardcore. As a matter fact, there has to be a very strong incentive for me to spend money on softcore. Also, I like the symmetry of the idea of Karlie and Charlotte Stokely being simultaneously enslaved by Annie and Christina Carter, respectively. On the subject of back and forth vs. shutout matches, I generally do like back and forth action, as far as fighting goes (not in terms of sexual domination/humiliation). That’s not to say that I don’t also like complete shutouts.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

I know I’ve seen rumors of Emily Addison returning, are you planning on shooting with her at all??

9 years ago

if the next episode is ice cold getting destroyed by the dominator again will be disappointing. Already seen it twice would prefer ice cold vs melissa instead. Personally really don’t like babyface getting beat up every week without putting up much of a fight, for me best babyface are stronger than the heel so the heel must cheat to win. When they get sexually humilated at the end it makes it so much better. Episode 37 my all time favourite because you had to strong faces cheated out of a win and dominated with strapons.I understand alex if you are… Read more »

9 years ago

Much as I don’t want to be one of the naysayers, I have to also sadly say I am giving this episode a pass, mainly due to no sort of sexual humiliation. Much as I love Kymberly Jane and Karlie Montana as victims, I would prefer to see them sexually dominated as well. Although not with hardcore content, which does nothing for me honestly. However, I am intrigued by possibilities of the next episode, and I think Ice Cold being turned into a sex slave would be interesting, but I do wonder if maybe Dominator or another heel is the… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

I can honestly say i never have gotten tired seeing GI Jewell destroyed. Props to you on keeping it fresh. Would love to see some more humiliation stuff thrown her way! Like being walked like a dog, being written on, etc..

9 years ago
Reply to  Alex Bettinger

Good episode. The only thing I wish was that there were more low blows (Karlie, Lucky, and The Warrior always look good taking them too, lol). I like when Annie gives her opponents multiple kicks from behind. Would love to see her give them from the front, too 😉

TheLecher avatar
9 years ago

I have to say, this is a complete miss, as far as I’m concerned. I do like Kymberly Jane as GI Jewell, even as the perpetual loser, but the lack of sexual humiliation in her match makes it a complete dud. Yes, she does have really nice tits, but a bit of TnA alone isn’t going to convince me to part with my money. As for the continuation of the Annie/Karlie storyline, color me extremely disappointed. I’ve been waiting to see where they were going to take that, and if this is it, then I’m checking out again. Karlie loses… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

Karlie and Annie better have sex in the episode. She wasn’t a sex slave in this video. She was just a punching bag. Sex slaves are meant to have sex with, not to beat up without any reason.

9 years ago

Was really looking forward to this release but going to give it a miss. Too much the same as past episodes, hoping this storyline is finished. So many great matchups i would prefer to see, the mean girls vs the dominator and melissa is a dream matchup with the losers taking the strapon. I think jessica is the best heel would like to see her try to take on christe at some point. Jessica could turn on christie and team up with the dominator. And along with her betrayal sexually humiliate christie. Cant wait for next episode of xcw but… Read more »

9 years ago

Agreed with most of the other comments. I was anxiously awaiting a new release, but this one is stale and boring. It barely – if at all – qualifies as explicit content. Yes, IMHO, the Annie Gunn/GI Jewel storyline has run its course. I may be in the minority, but I’d enjoy seeing the Superheroines come back – along with Paris Kennedy.

9 years ago

Jobber Kymberly Jane is easily one of my favorite things to see. She plays the role quite well and it always feels authentic. This episode is no different.

9 years ago

I’m a story guy. I actually (to some degree) do get Playboy for the articles. So, the second or third question I ask of every release is, “how does it move the story forward?” The answer is not much except in one very important way. Christie is on her way to being all alone due to her selfish and mean ways. Jessica has always been a former fat girl at heart, probably picked on in high school, her smack talk gives it away, which is why she tries so hard to get positive approval from everyone. This was the first… Read more »

9 years ago

Such a let down after the last few episodes. It was almost a rehash of everything that’s went before. I really like the idea of Karrlie being a sex slave but it could be done so much better than this. Also I know its not everyones cup of tea but I am personally a fan of the more hardcore episodes with full nudity, strapons etc. Felt this was a bit of a lazy episode. But still love the series and cant wait for the next one.

9 years ago

Same old, same old. Are these the only women available? These have really gone downhill the past 5-6 episodes. Sorry.

9 years ago

This fat ass juicy jobber got squashed again! I can’t get enough of her getting her big far booty slapped and spanked all the time.

9 years ago
Reply to  Djarte

Hell yes. Kymberly Jane has such an incredible body and Alex’s XCW vids are pretty much the only way to get my fix. It’s so extremely satisfying to watch her gorgeous physique utterly devoured by the camera in such glorious high quality. XCW started off with 5 consecutive episodes that each featured a Jenny Jewell match. She’s hard-wired into the series’ DNA, and I thank Alex and Kymberly Jane for continually bringing the character back. It may have feel like a stopgap release to some people, but for someone like me, for whom Jenny Jewell/Kymberly Jane is a huge part… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
9 years ago
Reply to  uhzoomzip

I agree that keeping the character of GI Jewell around helps to strengthen the series’ continuity, though, as a former champion, she really ought to win once in a while. You can still have her get sexually humiliated if she wins, either by having her rally for a comeback after the sexual humiliation, or by having her ambushed by a group of heels when she leaves the ring on her victorious march back to the locker rooms.

9 years ago

I agree with Paul, babyface GI Jewell has been over done in XCW…how many times can we see the same person getting squashed. I think it would be a good time for a heel turn for Jewell, and the perfect way to start is to have her snap on August Ames character for leaving her the last time they were partners. After all the abuse Jewell has taken throughout her many beatings in XCW, I think it only fitting that she dish out one of the worst beatings we have seen in XCW, and the same goes for the ravaging/humiliation… Read more »

TheEscapist316 avatar
9 years ago

Never been a fan of Kymberly Jane, especially in XCW as the babyface in peril. I really liked Christie as the all-american girl who actually won almost all her matches. Made it that much sweeter when Dominator came in…and well…dominated her. Hopefully the bratty, cocky heel Christie will get what is coming to her by one of the bigger/stronger heels like Dominator or Annie Cruz. But anyway, babyface Kymberly has been done to death in XCW, not a fan.