“Wonder Woman vs Tiny Terror 3” from Christina Carter

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3 years ago

Still wish to see Tiny in this setting but using a strapon on the captured and strictly bound Miss Carter! 😉

3 years ago

I want Tiny Terror finger attacking Christina, like this one.

Screenshot_20210409-033312_Video Player.jpg
3 years ago

I love these fantastic videos, and the way Christina gets reduced from superior superheroine to humiliated blunder woman. She looks fantastic. Any chance of a WAM climax, with WW enduring a messy and naked downfall?

3 years ago
Reply to  Marty

How about a Loony Tunes-esque scene – WW setting a remote control trap using a malfunctioning sewer outlet. She asks TT to crawl under the end of the large tube to see if she can fix it, then flicks a switch to reactivate, but nothing happens. WW impatiently ushers TT out and crawls under the pipe to see what’s wrong, handing the remote control to TT. “Try it again” she orders with frustration, looking up the sewer outlet. TT obliges and WW endures an avalanche of brown goo, causing her to slip, slide and lose her outfit while TT laughs… Read more »

NickPrango avatar
3 years ago

I would love to watch you Christina groped, dominated and sexually used by short skinny older masculine ugly women. I love the contrast. Something like in these stories https://chyoa.com/story/The-groping-of-Matilda.34464 https://chyoa.com/story/Groped-and-subtly-dominated-by-these-weird-women–Part-1.32970

Jonathan Velez
Jonathan Velez
3 years ago
Reply to  Nick Prango

Hey Nick look up Christina Carter vs Crimson Ninja on ultimatesurrender.com. this relates perfectly with what your looking for

NickPrango avatar
3 years ago

Christina you look stunning. Goddamn you are so sexy. Your curves are so different from all those Skinny Minnies out there. Fantastic curvy figure 99% of celebrities are lacking these days. 

NickPrango avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

I am your big fan. You are a magnificent woman.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

gladded? This isn’t really Christina, in case the grammar has fooled you guys.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

Thanks genius.

Christinas fan
Christinas fan
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Christina you are a wonderful women.i like your this series very much of timy terror.i would like if there some more fightng scene like punches and slaps on the your face some kicks ,lowblows to you and tiny smothered you by her small ass and boobs .

Depo Man
Depo Man
3 years ago

this looks surprisingly really good, i love the contrast… i just wish the tone was different – not slap stick, silly, looney tunes, etc. and more dark and sinister 🙂

i hope to see tiny texie in more films, with CC and beyond perhaps. Lots to explore here.

3 years ago

Looks good! Would love to see Tiny take down CC with low blows in one of these.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Jaxs

Yes! Great idea!

Depo Man
Depo Man
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

i love that idea – please do more vids with Tiny. Id love to see her walking you on a leash and taunt you after she completely beats you down and captures you as her new pet / play thing!

3 years ago

CC still looks great naked hope she does more nude scenes. Maybe a bigger opponent next time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Angela Sommers

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Diana Knight AND Paris Kennedy AND Dee Williams ALL working you over at the same time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

I agree. you against 3 opponents. they have you on the ground beating you. you get your licks in but are overpowered after a while and then used.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimt

THAT would be a good one. What do you say? “Christina””???

NickPrango avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Fayth On Fire

Jonathan Velez
Jonathan Velez
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Can you get Crimson Ninja from Ultimatesurrender.com or some one just like her.

Jonathan Velez
Jonathan Velez
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Quick question did Crimson Ninja, from ultimatesurrender.com, make you cum for real or was that acting in Round 4?

3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Diana Knight or Emily Addison yeah,

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago

Man is Christina Carter packing on the pounds for a Long winters Night,,,or what !!?

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago

It’s now been 2 weeks “Christina”. What is the reason “why”?
We are worried about you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Matt Brown
Victor avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

Why say something so nasty in public? What the hell is wrong with you? CC looks great.

3 years ago

CC is the most beautiful wonder women I have ever seen. She just has the look. What I would pay to see here in a good old fashion beat down video. Being weakened and being defeated by henchmen that should have no business winning or a villaness. I wish she did more of those kinda videos or mixed them in. I think they would be a huge hit!

3 years ago
Reply to  ItsJames

I agree. CC is unquestionably HOT! And she has the Lynda Carter face, voice, and expression but with an even hotter body (buxom). I buy all her stuff. I do back up ItsJames with the view of more fighting and beating of CC. She’s really good at action sequences. Her putting up a good fight and then a beatdown is always my favorite (then, of course, the bondage and sex). Man… I love her. I know it’s hard to ignore trolls, but that’s their vocation in life. Just have to ignore them if possible PS. My dream video is a… Read more »

3 years ago

Christina Carter by now has played wonder woman far longer than any actress. She played such a huge role in keeping the wonder woman or heroin and peril type of fetish alive for many years until it developed into what it is today. I think tiny taxi is very energetic and an interesting model I’d like to see more of. She’s got a great little body but so far every video I seen of her has been basically a comedy view on her size. I would love to see her playing a more serious villain. Don’t know if she’s done… Read more »

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago

Her best videos were when Diana Knight worked her over.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

She (Cristina Carter) also did a video with Heroine Universe called Spider Womyn: Corporate Justice which is her best where she gets worked over by THREE other woman as a gang beatdown.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

That sounds really awesome. Gonna look it up!

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

I agree, love that video, wanted her to make something similar and bought a 4000$ commission… 2 years ago… She have been ghosting me for a year and I’m feeling frustrated as I can’t get my money back from her as I sent it over paypal.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  frederik

These type of experiences need to be brought to light. I bet there are other ones out there that were short changed.

3 years ago

Got your mail and have replied with details.
Hope we can get some closure and move our seperate ways. Best regards, Fred.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  frederik

You’re wecome Fred.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brown

On getting your refund back.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Doesn’t change the fact you kept the man’s money for TWO years, got caught, then had to make good before It went totally viral. BAD pubblicity.

babca avatar
3 years ago

once again the bimbo Wonder Christina is humiliated by the little terror.
Wonder Christina plays the jobber wonderfully, she becomes a perfect punching bag.
I would like to see Wonder Christina being raped by a little terror assistant in a possible future episode.