“Wonder Woman: Recon Interrupted” from SHL

Price: $60
Length: 58 Minutes
Size: 4K HEVC: 15.3GBs / 1080P: 3.9GBs
Featuring: Abbie Maley / Nathan Bronson / Codey Steele
Wonder Woman goes to infiltrate an off-sight lab of Lex Luthor, downloading data from the secret labs computer of an unknown project. She has a run in with one of his guards, who is equipped with a ‘super suit’. No big deal, Lex’s tech is no match for her sheer strength. But he isn’t alone and the tables quickly turn.
The guards decide – Luthor doesn’t have to know about his unwelcome guest – and then its up to them to decide what happens to her next.
- Pantyhose throughout film
- Lose ending (no death)
- Hardcore
- Contains rape scene
- Breast are shown
- Gets debooted
Setup / Fight: 10 Minutes
- Minimal amounts of internal dialogue
- Off screen transformation
- General fighting
- Bracelet bullet blocks
- Taser rifle renders her helpless
- Fights back despite set backs
- Gut punch
- They search her for evidence she took from lab
- Taser torture
- Pin her forcefully to ground
- Search her boot for evidence
- One boot gets removed
- Gets gassed until she’s helpless
Forced BJ(s): 12 Minutes
- Accidental discovery of power of lasso (used to try to restrain her from fighting back during BJ)
- From this point forward Wonder Woman is compelled to stay compliant
- At times she’s encouraged to be enthusiastic, but still showcases her lack of desire for her sexual peril
- Lasso interrogation
- Identity reveal
- Power belt removal
- KO from strike to face
- Over shoulder carry
Hardcore Scene: 34 Minutes
- Unhappy with how dry she is, they use a vibrator while she’s KOed to warm her up
- She awakes quickly after the vibrator is used on her
- Vibrator scene is brief
- Tits are exposed
- Pantyhose are torn at crotch
- 2nd boot is removed at beginning of HC scene
- Lasso is kept on her neck during HC scene
- She’s generally instructed throughout scene on how to comply
- Tone is wavering between forced and enthusiasm (compelled by lasso)
- 2 real orgasms during sex scene
- Facial and cum on crotch
- Lose ending (no death)
General Updates
Production of The Killing Joke has been slightly delayed due to COVID spike from Holiday season. Pending how numbers change within the next couple weeks will dictate rescheduling (big cast, harder to schedule with things like a pandemic).
Zatanna voice over dialogue is still planned to happen. I haven’t forgotten. Thank you for your unreasonable patience.
Sign up, I have some plans for 2022 that will exclude anyone who is not a part of it. More to come on that later… in the newsletter of course.
I have some big plans this year. No clue how they will pan out or if they could possibly live up to the hype. I want to increase the amount of films I release in a calendar year, aiming to deliver roughly 10-12 films this year. I want to increase the quality of my productions above what they are set at currently. I want to be creative and deliver unexpected content in the films that I make. All of this is possible because of your support. I want to thank everyone of you whom don’t share my films, with one another or share them to tube sites. The only way I can continue to raise the bar on my productions is with money and I will never ask you to buy a film you are not interested in. I will only ask that you do right by me in not sharing the content you purchase to avoid or slow down how soon my content ends up on pirating websites. Scaling up from where I am at can only happen with capital and being an indie/fetish filmmaker I too cannot survive the massively harmful wounds of piracy (Even Disney with Black Widow suffered massive losses due to this, so if they can’t avoid it… neither can I). Those of you who take a chance with preordering my content: I can promise you… you are the only reason SHL has kept its chin above water. Securing a financial foundation before a film has a chance to be pirated is critical to my business now more than ever. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I also want to encourage you to stay active in my comment section, within reason. I do want to hear your thoughts about the work, ideas about how it can grow or change. But I do ask that your critiques offer productive criticism, and that your suggestions are about how things can change, not expecting me to somehow rewrite history for content that’s already been shot. Do consider that I shoot content in batches. If I can work with a specific actress, sometimes I will work with her 2-3 times in one week and release those films over the course of a year or more. That helps the bottom line for me to be able to save cost on things like airfare, hotel costs, transportation etc. But… it also slows down my ability to react to suggestions. Like, if you enjoyed Abbie as Supergirl in Brothers Vengeance and had ideas for what I could do next with Abbie… I had already shot 3 films with her that took me over a year to release. So suggestions like: I am burnt out on ___________ or, next time can we see ______ do ______________. – Those suggestions while I am interested in hearing them will most likely not impact the next 3-5 films. Not because I don’t take your feedback seriously, but because I do not fly to LA once a month to accommodate the ability to pivot in reaction to immediate feedback.
I know I can be blunt, I don’t know how not too. Be reasonable with me and I will be honest with you.
Thank you all again for buying my films, for writing comments, or being excited about things that I am up too. I love making these films, I think my best work is ahead of me and I am ready to keep coming up to bat.
Here’s to 2022, hope you enjoy this film
any chance to cast anny aurora as ww or savannah sixx they would be awesome
I watched this movie. Good work. I really like it. I prefer one man than two but it’s okay. Vibrator scene, hardcore scene everything is great. Especially Abbie Maley!!! Thank you for 2021. Many brilliant movies. I watched every movie from you, and I don’t regret any cash I spend on movies. One minus in my opinion is that in your movies sometimes there are more than one man, and I just don’t like it, and maybe that in your movies i not saw where man fuck heroine in standing position. I like every movie, especially Common Enemy, Spider-Girl, Wonder… Read more »
maybe some various sex positions? like this
or this :/
I’ve been refreshing HeroineMovies looking for the next SHL release/teaser!
Come back in a month cause I’m on empty after those back to back films
Any hints on the hero or actress?
I don’t know what’s next so I can’t even hint at anything
what’s going to happen next
Shl one thing I would definitely say this is the best starting of 2022 and Abbie is gorgeous(.rough sex nd Abbie is the
perfect combo
I want ‘Layla Rylan’ to do this.
Yes yes yesss yessssss…… Can u bear the budget..
Maybe a bit of Jill Kassidy in the future?
Yeah She is brilliant. I would like to See her in Shl movie.
So she loses to some henchmen? Man I’ve been wanting to see some underdog henchmen taking out the hero in a bright costume. I’ll have to check this out!
Yeah just two henchmen protecting a lab
Throwing this out there as a plot idea that I particularly like and I imagine is a big hit within the community. Example: Christina Carter’s Wonder Woman, Dark Dimension V. The general structure being that the heroine is captured and then is broken over time. There’s humiliation/torture, then she’s confined, then next day/week/month (whatever timeline you want) she’s tortured sexually/physically, then confined and etc. etc. Eventually she’s mentally and physically broken down at the end of it and over the course of the story you see her slowly start to submit.
Love all you’re content! Keep It up! Definitely need more batgirl or maybe add in ultra girl.
Man seeing this one blow up comment wise, it got me intrigued enough to read some of them. Are you strictly into the M/F business, or are there F/F hardcore movies on the horizon too, SHL?
I will say this, if I make 10-12 films this year, maybe 1 of them will be F/F
And if it doesn’t do well, then in 2023 that number won’t increase. I still don’t believe that F/F films will do well for my brand, maybe I’m massively off.
In your opinion: what’s makes a F/F hardcore? A strap on?
IMO, hardcore means something is inserted into another person’s body. Could be a strap-on, multiple fingers, vibrating toy, etc…. All are acceptable to me
Basically what Toxic Janitor said regarding what defines hardcore to me. Which leads me to another question, have you done a f/f one before that I have missed or was that just estimations? I understand your concern, especially if you have a format that fits better with the direction you are doing things m/f wise, but if one’s strictly doing one over the other, there’s people who will never experience your work. I rarely if ever find myself enjoying m/f interaction in a superheroine flick, if there’s both m/f and f/f interactions in the same vid I can make exceptions… Read more »
F/F hardcore, for me, would also include one or more women licking out the heroine, causing her to orgasm. Hopefully multiple times.
I love wonder woman series. For me this actress and Ariel X are the best. Do you have in future any work with Ariel X as Wonder Woman?
I also like her and hope to see more of her works in the future, especially her role as wonder woman
In future releases they could incorporate scenes of chloroform use, they are always very exciting
Even over the head knockouts that surprise the hero and render her unconscious. Maybe while in plain cloths and not in costume as she is investigating or home or work or wherever…
Fantastic work !!! I love your movies, so well done !!!
It would be nice if there could be a clip in the future in which our girls would fight real horror movie creatures like Freddy Kruger or Pinhead from Hellraiser for example 😀
In Hellraiser for example Pinhead is “chaining” his victims making them unable to move 😀 So he can do whatever he wants to our heroines 😀 ^^ Just an Idea for future works 😉
Keep up that fantastic work 🙂 🙂
I’ve considered this, mostly haven’t cause if I’m going to recreate a horror movie icon I need to bring the A game to their styling and look, which at this moment I don’t know if I’m capable of pulling it off
But, maybe for sure
Fully understand that it’s very hard produce 😀 But maybe in the future 😀 You’re movies are fantastic and they get better and better 🙂 Keep up that fantastic work 🙂
i too would like my superheroines to battle a gruesome, beastly or otherwordly monster, and in fact, since “invited” is my favorite s.h.l. film, i would like nathan b. to play her sidekick who rescues her from the monster and they make love at the end like after they heal from the battle, with her costume still on. so a film with both con. and non-con. sex.
Exactly 😀 I like it when the girls are battling evil monsters in a fight they can’t win 🙂
This looks incredible. Abbie is a perfect WW. She is so hot and I love her authenticity. Thank you for all of your work in this genre. You are my favorite director by far. Have you considered a story line with WonderGirl? I see her as younger, more naive and innocent than WW. Possibly the villain captures her and has his way with her to lure WW and get her to stand down. In the meantime the torture of WG could be very hot and I imagine her losing her Pollyanna view of the world at the hands of her… Read more »
I’d love to do a wonder girl film, using her costume from the original 70 series. I just haven’t found an actress who I think would look and fit the part enough for me to pursue it. She was so well casted in the original series. Youthful, great body, very doe eyed
I agree. The young Debra Winger was perfect and doe eyed. Hmmm. I will have to keep my eyes open for ideas. I think Emily Willis is in the ballpark but maybe not innocent looking enough.
i know she’s portrayed ww or wg for other producers awhile ago, but i think ashley adams, when she had her baby fat, made a very sexy wonder girl.
anastasia rose and also katie kush — basically, young-looking, short, buxom brunettes. shortness is a good quality for portraying wondergirl bec. anything that makes her attackers seem more menacing makes her peril sexier.
Would you consider working with Cherie Deville? She did a few superheroine films with Rapture https://thesuperheroines.com/collections/rapture-defeated-heroines, and her acting in my opinion is pretty great.
It’s not something I’ve genuinely considered
Have you considered Ophelia for any of your productions?
Thank you.
Maybe one day, I think and am guessing most of my audience prefers hardcore films vs not. TBFE/Lucia/Rye all have the soft core market on lock. So I’ll probably be mostly focused on hardcore production this year
Good call. Have your approached her about your style? I’ve seen her in hardcore films.
Again, thanks.
Where did she do hardcore? I tried looking her up and her name didn’t pop up on search engines for me. Is she going by a different name?
Look up Ophelia H. Flowers.
Try to cast Tiffany chase means Amanda santella and Layla Rylan… We have not seen hardcore from them…but desire to see… In your production
Has Tiffany Chase/Amanda Santella done any movies recently ? She has been quiet for awhile.since thesuperheroines.com stopped making movies.
Just a note:I posted the 2nd post as this one was waiting to be approved.
Has Tiffany Chase done any movies recently ? She has been quiet for awhile.
Amanda never did hardcore. I have no awareness regarding Layla and her content restrictions but I don’t believe she’s a hardcore performer
Layla isn’t going to do hardcore lol.
But recently she has done hardcore scene in Lotus… And in one of the comments that she replied… That she is ready for more that kind of content…
We love to watch hardcore scene from such heroines who has not done hardcore yet like heroine legends actress… Nichole Braun
Samantha bagoch
Agent alexis… Etc they are very attractive and beautiful… I m waiting for their hardcore movies… Hope SHL will bring them in its studio
I don’t convert non-hardcore talent into hardcore talent
That was simulated not hardcore
That wasn’t hardcore. She just went topless that’s all. While she has obviously stepped it up she isn’t going to do an actual, real sex scene.
when it comes to hardcore intercourse against the model’s will, we can get the outfit messier. For example, the pantyhose feet and legs could be much dirtier. The outcomes brought by “rape” may build a sharp contrast to how confident and gorgeous the model was at the beginning.
Are you saying this doesn’t happen in my films? Cause she’s pretty dirty by the end of it
Could be much dirtier. Maybe due to the color. Do you want to try white pantyhose instead?
I am not trying to get into the dirty feet business, its not a big request for my customers either
For the messiest pantyhose feet, you should check out one of Damien’s earlier outputs, wonderful girl the return.
I believe this is the origin of Damien’s signature pantyhose feet torture shot. It’s still one of the best Wonder Woman SHIP films ever made IMO. For $15 it’s quite a steal
Hannah Perez looks amazing in that. Where did you find it?
On my website? -_______-
Yeah, but you took down all the links. I see now that people can get to it through a search engine.
Does your website sell the first Hannah Perez Wonderful Girl before The Return?
I didn’t shoot that film
I see. Thanks.
Yes, you made that video, it says “Damien Woods” at the beginning, don’t be an idiot. You have me a little tired, to each criticism or suggestion that someone makes you (generally with a lot of respect), you respond with irony and anger many times. Who do you think you are? That you only do favors for people? Learn a bit about GIGA and NGC before playing the smart-ass. Thanks
I think Damien meant the first film. My copy of Wonderful Girl ( the first film), says ‘Produced and Directed by HM’. Damien’s name does not show up on the first film.
I wonder why HM doesn’t sell it anymore. I’d like to buy a copy to go along with Damian’s Wonderful Girl films.
Not sure why they are not for sale anymore.The Wonderful Girl series was great. You can maybe try e-mailing HM at heroinemovies@yahoo.com to see if they respond.
I’ll be waiting for an apology whenever you feel like typing it up
Dr G knows what’s up. I’m not senile
I am aware of this clip. Thanks.
Plus only one shoe was removed.
I would love to see you do some work with model McKenzie. That would be fire. Only i don’t think she is willing to do such type of explicit content. But a man can dream 🙂
Would you be opposed to it being simulated?
No definitely not, that would do just fine. Anything with her is great and simulated is the closed as it gets to the real thing. Besides that she is willing to work. And who knows, maybe she is willing to do more after working with her several times. You also made it happen with Star Nine. Something that I also wasn’t expecting
I got the recommendation you sent, I’ll look into it
Thank you. Appreciate you taking the time and consider my recommendation. Keep up the great work.
*btw are you talking about the McKenzie recommendation? Because I also had another recommendation in a post, but it needed approval first. I guess because of the links. Don’t know if you can see it before approval as an author.
I’m talking about the 2nd recommendation
i am fine with simulated sex if you can land mckenzie, coco, lana rhoades, kaycee preston, alexis monroe, etc. i will pay the premium to see them in an s.h.l. production even if it’s simulated sex.
Which old Tiara?
I think Albert is referring to the comic book version – as also worn by Lynda on the TV show – versus the one you used, which was introduced for Gal Gadot’s “Xena costume” 🙂
Let Albert reply and don’t assume on his behalf. He can be referring to the tiaras I used in my films previous to this.
Hence why I asked for clarity, from the OP
Any ideas on what your next release will be and when?
This is me being honest: I don’t have a clue
Cool dude appreciate your honesty, excited for 2022!
Sorry, my English is not very well.THE film is so great. I think the sex scene should be forced and humiliated. Forced to kiss, touched, BJ, fucked, and so on. The heroine should be unwilling and resist to villain. But the actress showed great cooperation, such as helping the villain masturbation, sitting on the cock by herself. It is irrational. The sex scene should look like rape and violet. Mckenzie’s wonder woman films in the RYE and Luciafilms have o good job.In addition, I think we can think about the story after the heroine failed and fucked. Such as capture, imprisonment, humiliation,… Read more »
“ The heroine should be unwilling and resist to villain. But the actress showed great cooperation, such as helping the villain masturbation, sitting on the cock by herself. It is irrational.” Maybe it’s a lost in translation thing but wonder woman’s lasso compels her to obey commands. It’s a key component to the character and ties back to her comic book origins. So, it’s rational and is the point of the film. I made another Wonder Woman film last year you might enjoy more cause the lasso wasn’t used to make her compliant. But when it comes to Wonder Woman… Read more »
“I made another Wonder Woman film last year you might enjoy more cause the lasso wasn’t used to make her compliant.”
Is that ‘Wonder Woman: The Harvest”?
Another question. Usually, there is a”Forced to kiss”scene in the JAV, I think it is good foreplay, but it is hard to see in the west porn. What’s the reason? different culture? custom? or just feel unclean?
I didn’t like this 10 min fight under which she got defeatd.. It should have been longer under which gradually she lose control… There should have been some begging scenes and some struggle scene during sex
The 10 minute fight scene took over 6 hours to film. How long would you like for the fight scene to be? And would you pay $100 dollars for a film with a 20 minute fight scene?
Just watched it. Just WOW! The video was awesome! An actually cool set and effects. The villains looked in young and in shape instead of some fat dorks. The actress was beautiful. I know we all like to see a busty Wonder Woman but this girl looked fit and more like a fighter. I say fighter but it didnt take long before she was sucking cocks and boy did this Wonder Woman get FUUUCKED!!!!!! Basically, used hard for 80% of the movie. Great flick.
Looks great man, amazing work!
Your films are already great, but if you make some minor adjustments like replacing the giant panties to high cut thong bodysuits or bikinis, and implementing minor bondage like handcuffs during the action, IMO your creations would turn into masterpieces.
‘giant panties‘ – lol Are you referring to Wonder Woman costume? Or does that sentiment apply to all my films. You need to be specific otherwise I’ll disregard the comment altogether. I am all for higher cut costumes but my heroines will never look like strippers. I want to make films that connect what you see on television to fetish/porn. I don’t want my porn to look like porn. For me and the tone behind everything I have made is I want the heroines to feel like they can exist in a high quality television series and somehow get dragged… Read more »
I was referring to the latest Wonder Woman costume. I understand the theme of you films and I will always be a fan. I was just suggesting the use of costumes that aren’t too conservative, like the one in Batgirl : Double-crossed. The sexy costumes don’t really make them look like strippers, but has practical advantages in real-life crimefighting. I mean if we were criminals and we encounter a sexy superheroine, do we really want to shoot her in the face? I guess not.
IMO the costume in the batgirl film wasn’t high cut enough to be considered ‘stripper’ like; just to clarify my perspective
The panties from Wonder Storm with the stars all over are pretty cool. A little higher cut, a little tighter fit, and the best part is that they are shiny.
This is almost opposite of what I’ve seen go with superheroines in comics, particularly Wonder Woman. The ‘giant panties’ is probably what you mean by classic Wonder Woman, up to and through Lynda Carter doing the role, and some of the actresses like Christina Carter tend to go with that look, which makes me a fan of her. In the actual comics, not long after the Perez years, as the 1990’s went on, the artists seemed intent on just making Wonder Woman’s hot pants more and more into a thong. That also came with some of the worst art, with… Read more »
one question any updates on the voice over for the zatanna film or is that no longer happening
Sammy, please don’t read this as me being a dick, but please read the article above before asking me to repeat myself
I really appreciate the quality and care you put into your films, from the costumes to the talent to the editing. It all really stands out. In terms of suggestions, I’ve always wanted to see a Supergirl gangbang scene involving pink kryptonite, which puts her into a frenzied lust. Ends with her passing out from all the sex and orgasms. It could start with a terrorist group breaking into an research facility containing various kinds of kryptonite. Supergirl comes to stop them and, during the ensuing battle, she gets exposed to the pink kryptonite and begins succumbing to its effects… Read more »
I’ve definitely been meaning to do a pink k scene. I think I just backed off supergirl a little bit cause there was a moment there that most of my films were becoming supergirl films
That makes a lot of sense. I look forward to the pink k scene whenever/if you do get around to doing it!
FTM, I like your idea for a video.
Another way to handle the boots coming off then back on would be for the villains to realize at some point that they can just stash the pink K inside one of the boots, then to put it back on Supergirl. (If this level of detail isn’t helpful, feel free to ignore.) Also wanted to add that I think you’ve rocked it with all your different costumes. It’d be fun to see a callback to version of the costume with the blue top, blue skirt, and midriff exposed, but the other costumes you’ve done are also amazing (both the classic… Read more »
For the killing joke I think it would be best to have batgirl spoiling jokers plan in spreading the laughing gas, but she doesn’t know the joker secretly tracked her from his lair with a tracker she stepped on. The joker now knows where Batgirl lives and when she leaves her home the joker breaks into her apartment. He discovers everything he could’ve ever dreamed of! He laughs when he finds out she is commissioner Gordon’s daughter and says to himself oh this’ll be fun to show daddy! The joker waits and sets his trap for Batgirl. When she opens… Read more »
I don’t need this much assistance when it comes to what’s happening in that film.
I like the actress, but a lot of these productions seem so repetitive, revisiting the same tropes. Get waylaid by guys that look like they can’t punch their way out of much more than wet cardboard boxes, suck a lot of dick and get gang-raped.
Things in these perils that really never get old; Wonder Woman taking a lot of low blows to her starred panties, being choked or strangled with her own lasso, and exploiting classic Wonder Woman weaknesses, such as stripping her of the belt.
“Get waylaid by guys that look like they can’t punch their way out of much more than wet cardboard boxes” if you are referring to Nathan, then your an idiot. Same tropes? It’s a superheroine film, therefore it’s a genre film, and genres are defined by tropes. Kind of the point. “ Things in these perils that really never get old; Wonder Woman taking a lot of low blows to her starred panties, being choked or strangled with her own lasso, and exploiting classic Wonder Woman weaknesses, such as stripping her of the belt.” – that’s all tropes, and those… Read more »
– next –
‘Next’ my ass…I’m not through with YOU, you little bitch. Editing posts? I gave you credit for being a little better than that.
You’re a fucking pussy. A goddamned little pussy.
You know what? FUCK your plans for 2022…just shut your fucking studio down. SHUT it the fuck down. The industry will get along just fine without you. Believe me on that. Go to hell.
Can’t handle some blunt critique, you goddamned big baby.
holy cow are you okay?
Doesn’t matter, in the end. Studio manager, forum admin or mod…at some point, most of them succumb to the ‘god complex’. Think their content makes them hot shit above the common masses.
Some of them in the business have all but said it; events like Florida’s FetishCon. They make it exclusive so that ‘sweaty nerds’ aren’t attending those events…their words, not mine.
Just remember; that’s what some of them think of you.
Given his brass, I’d say ‘SHL’ is very likely among them.
Mid218 was replying to KA not me, so I don’t think the long you are making applies to what they said
Just a heads up
What do you think this is? McDonalds? ‘The customer is always right’ doesn’t apply to me and I am not looking for advice from ‘prospective customers’. I’ve been doing this 13 years, I am find with retaining the customers I already have. So fuck off.
No…YOU fuck off. I couldn’t give a shit what you think applies to you. You are NOT above critique, like any other artist out there. I WILL LET YOU KNOW IF YOUR WORK IS GOOD OR NOT. I don’t give a shit how long you’ve been doing this; dripping conceit of valid critique invalidates all your boasting. It makes you look like an amateur at PR. You should probably hire on someone that can run your page with some product knowledge. Someone who won’t roll over, belly-up after taking a hit. Not a hit that was intended from the start… Read more »
I’ll leave this one up ‘KOS, or KA or KiriAegis’ I think those are all you? It’s hard to follow the random name changes First and foremost, I think you are establishing now that you are a writer? That wasn’t mentioned in your original ‘hot take’ criticism, so, news to me. I’ve never stated nor pretend to be 1: good at PR. 2: an amazing writer. I’m a fetish superheroine director. Do I think I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to the genre? Not at all. Do I think I’ve massively progressed year after year of being in this… Read more »
I still like a lot of your older films 🙂 I guess you mean that your knowledge of how to make films better/different keeps growing as you go along.
Your response to feeling dissed by a producer is that they should shut down production, depriving hundreds of actual fans of future films? I gotta say, that’s an impressive level of narcissism. In fact if your post had a few more capitalized words and some bad spelling errors I’d suspect you were actually Donald Trump.
And what has Trump shut down or tried to shut down? I’ve only seen Trump getting shut down and conservative sites like Parlor getting shut down by corporate Democrats.And Biden is such an intellectual. LOL.
Well a rock is more of an “intellectual” than your orange turd messiah, so…
Oh and what did he try to shut down? Just our entire democracy, that’s all. But you don’t realize that right (or don’t care) because the right-wing garbage kool-aid you constantly drink tells you not to, right? LOL.
First,I don’t have a messiah. I just don’t like censors, and the Democratic Party are the best censors. They can censor people and businesses and convince their followers that not only is the censorship justifed, but the person or business being censored are themselves the censors. Show me the evidence that Trump called for the January 6 riot. Show me one person charged with insurrection or sedition. It is strange that anyone would attempt to take over the United States with no guns. This was simply a protest that turned into a riot, just like we saw Democrats do all… Read more »
Sigh. The Trump line related to the narcissism. Thanks for sucking the fun out of it.
You are the one who brought partisan politics to a superheroine forum, and now you don’t like the consequences because it takes away your fun. Maybe you should leave partisan politics out of your responses.
Trump being bad at spelling, capitalizing words a lot and being a narcissist is partisan?
Hey now guys, if you want to get into it about politics, you should be proposing Trump vs Wonder Woman. I’ll remove comments that just become some online sparring session that have nothing to do with super-heroines.
I can appreciate KA spun out cause I removed their comment and it probably rubbed them the wrong way. But I’m not up for people insulting talent as a means to ‘give me feedback’. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.
Be mindful that you are the one that found it ‘insulting’, when at worst it was meant to be honest, even if bluntly honest.
If you can’t take a forum hit, big boy, you probably should keep your day job.
Defer to the response I made to your other comment so I don’t have to chase you around the comment section.
I don’t know, Bert. His comment has 6 likes and yours only has 3, so by your own logic, KA must be right 😉
Haha! Sure, but none of my three votes were submitted by me!
I love how much political capitals thumbing up has on this forum
It might be more on-topic to say that if anyone’s going to bring this much butthurt to the proceedings it really needs to be in a costume.
“is that they should shut down production, depriving hundreds of actual fans of future films?is that they should shut down production, depriving hundreds of actual fans of future films?”
Hey, he was already going on about maybe not continuing on here with the site. Given his ranting over someone critiquing a production, maybe he should shut down.
Trust me…the hundreds of ‘actual’ fans won’t be suffering from his loss…someone will step into the gap to do better work.
Trust you? A guy with at least three different accounts on here who hurls profanity and insults at producers? Um, no. You’re just thrilled that an actual content producer is addressing your posts. Go troll somewhere else.
I am genuinely curious. Who are making way better films than Damien? Can you name them?
btw Heroine Movies shutting down has nothing to do with SHL.
Many people can’t tell us apart which is interesting
seems like this “writer” can’t really read
Looks good. Since the villains are using her magic lasso on her, does that mean there is some mind control in this?
I don’t know how you define min control, so I can’t really answer the question. She’s compelled by the lasso but they don’t erase her memory
Oh OK Thank you. I was wondering if she was turned into their sex slave at the end with the lasso.
Congrats on the great works! This is easily my favorite film of yours.
Glad you enjoyed it, thank you
First of all, best wishes and congratulations for this year. You’ve made some really good productions and this one seems to be the best of all. Abbie makes a perfect Wonder Woman just like Melody makes a perfect Supergirl. I would love to see her back in Supergil in a more vintage costume. I’m not a big fan of the costume from the Supergirl TV show. I’m not one to give you advice, but if it can help you achieve perfection, it might help. I see several points of improvement in the form and in the substance. About the form,… Read more »
1: “The last point would be to have a link between the productions.” – did that not even a month ago, if you didn’t notice then I don’t see how it would be a selling point to be concerned about 2: “I would recommend changing the camera angle more often. The point of view is too often static. And also, more creative camera angles would be great. The Japanese production of Giga are the best for that.” – I disagree. A lot of Giga films have very long winded shots where the camera barely moves and the content is drawn… Read more »
Oh sorry. There was sort of a misunderstanding. My comments about camera angles have been misinterpreted. It’s because English is not my native language so it’s not easy to talk about such technical terms. So, I don’t know how to put it. The same for “Link”. “Connections” would be a more appropriate word. For example, the two Batgirl productions “Excellent by the way” are unrelated. When I was talking about “pissing”, I was just referring to a sort of humiliation thing you often see in Japanese productions. It was just an example. I think a heroine who begs for her… Read more »
It’s not a lost in translation thing. My last film has a ‘link’ and you obviously were unaware of it, so proposing as a benefit to my films is a null point – cause if it would help my business… you wouldn’t be proposing it as something I haven’t done. I also don’t think it’s lost in translation thing regarding camera angles. Companies like Giga in Japan obviously have a big fanbase that buys their films. Their output and production quality showcase the amount of capital they have to work with. Giga is a company, who can afford to have… Read more »
It’s because I didn’t purchase your last film yet. I can’t afford to purchase all of them. I have to make choices. And the trailers help.
Do you plan to make a Mighty Isis or She-ra film in 2022?
I don’t
awesome work!! loving wonder woman here
i can’t wait for what’s next i am hoping for balck cat! video!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it
Gotta say this was way better than I expected, SHL gets better and better.
Had some apprehensions going in as Abbie had been good in her past releases but nit my favourite, as Damien mentioned this was a way earlier shoot (and as he normally gets better and better was worried this one may have felt dated).
Instead this has made Abbie a favourite of mine and the film itself moving into my top 5…
Thank you for the compliments, I think Abbie makes a great Wonder Woman
This film was well made and wonderful (no pun intended). Easily in my top 3 films of yours of all time. Also, the soundtrack was great as well. After reading your 2022 section, I’m really looking forward for more future films from you. It’s amazing to see how much you grew and changed for the better last year. I know we all make mistakes even simple ones, but I can tell that you care about quality over quantity in all your films and that you care about your fans more than anything. I can see it in every film you… Read more »
I appreciate it. I try to bring something unique to every film I make and I won’t lie, it can be a long and strenuous process. My hope is that people can feel it in the work itself to make the whole thing worth it. I am not done pushing to set the bar higher, I have some ideas that are going to require me to expand my skillset dramatically, so lets hope I can pull it off
Sounds great man. Now, I am more hyped for what you have to offer this year as a film creator. I bet your ideas are really good based on the past year, and, most importantly, I really do hope you will be able to pull off your new ideas during this year. But yeah, I don’t blame you why each film is a long and strenuous process. It’s not a day one thing as most people think it is. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a film that you will like, but also more importantly for… Read more »
Congrats for your work Bro.
Really looking forward to The killing Joke and other productions.
I sugest Natalie Knight as a actress that has some experience with rape movies, I think petite women are hot and make the Sense of heroines peril more intense when fighting against musculous villains.
I’ll look into this Natalie Knight, I think I follow her on Twitter…
Natalie has definitely given some great rape performances in her PKF and PST movies. She’d be the closest to Ashley in terms of selling it.
And Natalie played in great puretaboo.com movie like “Living Vicariously”, there are also Nathan Bronson and Jane Wilde.
I really like Abbie. She’s a good actress.
I agree
Damien I hope this year will be amazing for you. I would like to write what i’m expect this year. So here it is: more pussy licking scenes more scenes where heroine body shakes when she reachs orgasm lesbian movies dark locations (like dark tunel or something else) scenes where heroine is dominate man (Ashley would be perfect as villain and she takes revenge on Nathan) scenes where heroine lost her mind and she enjoy sex serum used which amplifies sexual urges brought on by physical pain maybe scenes with sex machine? Like Sybian or anything else. scenes with magic… Read more »
Jezus man. I don’t want to See all of my wishes but one two maybe three. But not all because that imposible to See all of this understand!
Damien’s never gonna fall asleep in 2022 because of the steep pile of expectations
on the positive note, I do hope deep learning AI are getting smart enough to integrate all the expectations and fetishes into one perfect SHIP film. Someone should pull a MCU type production. Setting up a whole cohort of super heroines, each tailored with a specific set of perils. And by the end of 2020s we’ll have that gigantic Avenger event where every fetish will be championed
I am pretty sure if such a thing existed no-one would buy it. It either has to be a perfect red or a perfect blue, no one wants a compromised purple.
Thanks for the enthusiasm, I will have to read through that list a couple times to see if anything speaks to me. Hope you enjoy whatever it is I cook up this year
Thanks Damien! This film was perfect. I would submit to Abbie any day!
From a superheroine peril perspective, I liked it. Abbie looks great and all 3 actors/actress did a great job ! The gas attack was good too as it is not used a lot in superheroine peril films. Keep up the great work !
I was inspired by a old superheroinecentral film where the bad guy holds the heroine next to a wall pipe as tons of smoke pours out and fills up her lungs.
Glad you enjoyed the film
I don’t remember that specific one but the person who did superheroinecentral was definitely creative with their perils 🙂
Saw “Recon.” The fight scene has better effects than I’m used to. Great sound effects and velocity of fight scenes. Use of lasso was spot on. Awesome film
Thank you
I really hope we got more verbal submission, begging, and the heroine saying how weak they are. It’s probably just me but I don’t think maledom is complete without breaking the heroine’s mental and spirit
I felt like Wonder Woman’s spirit was broken in this film. I suppose she could say it more out loud…
She does say it near the end in her own mind.
I’m 100% on wanting a F/F video. There’s a lot of different things you can do with an F/F video. Love/Betrayal, petty jealousy, “Mind over Muscle”. I think one of the sexiest things is a superheroine being defeated in a intelligent (non physical) way. IMO, one of the best “hero loses” stories is the original Bane breaks Batman story. Not because of the actual backbreaker. Bane released all the other villains from Arkham and that wore Batman out. Once he was completely spent, Bane showed up and destroyed him. I’d love to see that type of intelligent victory in a… Read more »
I still am not eager to make a F/F film. I dunno why. I just don’t feel compelled to do it.
I’ve been watching your movies since Uninvited 5. I also waiting for F/F movie from you. i never disapointed. You make the best movie, so i’m sure you can make best F/F movie. In my opinion you have everything – skills, passion, and cute actresses, the F/F movie with Melody Marks vs Ashley Lane, or Abbie Maley vs Ashley Lane, or Abbie Maley vs Melody Marks. Everything will be perfect for me. But if you never make F/F movie, I promise I will be still your fan, and i will be buy films from you. THANK YOU DAMIEN! I say… Read more »
I get it. It’s hard to work on something you’re not passionate about. If you haven’t seen it it, look up “Supergirl Evil Lena” on YouTube. In my mind, that’s how a F/F scene in one of your movies would look.
Thanks for your films!
I would say, keep including pantyhose and doing what you do best with your productions!
Fuck yeah bare legs suck
For the future films of SHL, it can be interesting to see the grittiness and intimacy of real world scenarios. An idea for this would be to create a spy/espionage type film instead of superheroes and magic. The possible antagonists/perpetrators can be humans as well as the female character.
Being dragged into a dark alley, or an abandoned safehouse, being bound, beaten up by henchmen, sold to the blackmarket, abused by multiple men. All the standard JAV Spy stuff, seeing it in western films can be interesting.
I make superheroine films. No plans on working outside of the genre.
Would you ever consider doing a Black Widow film? Then you basically get both genres. I know she doesn’t have powers, but neither does Batgirl so it doesn’t seem like that’d be a dealbreaker.
I’m open to the idea of a Black Widow film, but it’s hard for me to imagine it would do well. I’m guessing it has half the potential audience of a batgirl film. But I have nothing to base that on outside of a gut feeling
Great stuff as always, really hope to see a lot more of your work in the future!
Thank you for you hard work last year releasing excellent movies! Every one I bought was amazing and I’m really looking forward to the Killing joke. I know it was brought up already but I’d like to really express again my interest in a video with captain marvel in the black and gold outfit and see if it is something you would consider. I think it could be a hit but that’s also just my opinion. Thanks again.