Wonder Woman in “Sleep Dealer” from Sleepy Superheroines

Lured into a trap by Trickster, a seemingly ordinary villain, Wonder Woman finds herself facing more than she bargained for. Trickster, with a knack for the unorthodox, repeatedly knocks her unconscious using unexpected tactics, leaving Diana bewildered and frustrated. When he snatches her magic lasso, the humiliation escalates. The frustration deepens when he uses her magic lasso and forces her to change into her scuba suit (which he’s a big fan of) and continues to defeat and humiliate her . Can Wonder Woman overcome this torment? Find out in the newest release from Sleepy Superheroines.
Part 1 is the original costume and features male/female fighting, multiple chloroform KOs, multiple blackjack KOs, over the shoulder carries, spankings, and limp play.
Part 2 is the scuba costume and features male/female fighting, multiple chloroform KOs, multiple blackjack KOs, tranquilizer gun KO,over the shoulder carries, spankings, and limp play.
Available Now/View Trailer: https://sleepysuperheroines.com/wonder-woman-sleep-dealer/
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