“Wonder Woman, Dark Dimensions V” from Christina Carter

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Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

I’m big fan of Christina.
Before I run into this business, I saw her works always and I raised a dream.
I think Christina is best for Wonder Woman in the industry.
Especially, ‘Wonder Woman XXX’ is my best favorite.

Thank you, Christina! you’re my hero and you’re my muse.
Respect you and I wish to work together some time ago.

8 years ago

Huge CC fan! Have nearly every WW video she’s ever made including all the Americana clips. One thing I have not seen her do is have a NET thrown over her. Although there have been some Ogirl episodes where they used a net I will admit. Big fan of the net and oxygen/chloroform mask. Your hogtied WW shoot remains one of my all time favorites as well as another shoot you did with Matt where you broke into the bunker to save the girl in the straight jacket. LOVE the bottoms with the single white star.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

really liked the way the story was retold via press conference, and the grittiness of the scenes, love that the heroine gets dirty!

Only question is, how come all the members of the media looked like they were at a press conference for slumdog millionaire?

8 years ago

I plan on getting this but I just found your SWvsViper vid and couldn’t resist. You look so good in tight body suits and it was really good. Any chance on doing a sequel to that with Diana dominating? Or doing a WW vid with the motorcycle outfit? I remember one you did in the past. And more booty shots please.

8 years ago

Anyone know if there’s any evil laughter in this one?

8 years ago

I’m a big Christina Carter fan so I will definitely get this……the pics look great but the one thing that stands out to me is that I think she’s wearing a different WW costume if I’m not mistaken……the costume looks awesome and fits her really well……much better!!!!!!

saxman314 avatar
8 years ago


Sally K.
Sally K.
8 years ago

This was interesting. Strange that Diana Knight’s reprising her role as Dark Wonder Woman, but it was nice to see a new face playing the part and Shay Fox is a hottie.

Tell me, is this story going to lead to a victory for Wonder Woman? It’d be nice to see her score a win over Dark Wonder Woman for a change though. That would really make me do a ‘happy dance’ as well.

senordescartes avatar
8 years ago

This is an instant purchase for me– darker and more psychological than anything Christina’s done before. The photos alone convey quite a performance, top notch peril– and the public humiliation aspect is always a winner. Cannot wait to download this after work– way to go, Miss Carter šŸ˜‰

8 years ago

I agree, everything you say is right SeƱor Descartes.

8 years ago

I am tempted as well. I am all for new things and this one looks like it’s pushing the envelope a little further.

8 years ago

Usually, I buy a superheroine movie only if the heroine wears a mask and if there is a good unmasking scene. But I think I’m going to make an exception to this rule. The story line seems to be very interresting, and the photos are great. Christina looks very expressive on those photos, and I saw a small trailer on clip4sale…The other comments are speaking highly of this movie… yes, I’m going to buy it soon.

8 years ago

Well, It’s hard to believe that the real Christina Carter is posting comments ! But I want to believe it ! As I told before, I bought this movie, and I’m not disapointed !!!! This issue is over-excellent !!!! All the actresses and actor are excellent, the film script is really interresting, Christina and Shay are so expressive… I like everything in this movie. Yes, I’m a fan of “unmasking scenes” and I almost always buy a movie when there is one… So I’m waiting for the next issue including an “unmaskind scene”, with a beautiful heroine feeling so shameful… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  ODILE

I just want to add that’s the first time I’m in contact with you, Christina… Thank you for watching our comments and answering to us… And I want to apologize in advance for my grammatical errors, I’m not american, it’s sometimes difficult to explain what I have I my mind… Well, it’s really difficult to believe that a famous and beautiful woman like you is answering to us… I also bought issues with Candlebox-Batgirl, and I love the “unmasking scenes” I can watch inside… Thank you again for all those fun movies, and have a good day.

8 years ago

LOVED IT!!!!!!! This is one of those that are so good, it’s difficult for many people to comment on. Just enjoy it. I hope it translates into high sales and another film soon.

Orcaman001 avatar
8 years ago

There is no doubt that Christina Carter is the Amazon queen when it comes to portraying her in perilous situations
And she doesn’t it with 100% passion behind every production
This one looks the darkest of them all to date which means it’s a must have šŸ™‚

Robert Smith
Robert Smith
8 years ago

pls check the custom story about milkanite that i have sent to you