“Virtuous Girl” from The Battle for Earth

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Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

I wanted to compliment TBFE for their masks. They do a great job with using something that looks sleek and natural, as opposed to the giant Halloween masks I’ve seen used. It’s a nice touch because it doesn’t cover too much of the beautiful heroine’s face.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

i 2nd that! a nicely designed mask can complement and accent the facial features of a beautiful woman.

Karl F
Karl F
6 years ago

Looks super hot. I missed seeing Pamela in a sexy costume. And this new semi-hardcore thing with the fake dicks is a plus too.

6 years ago

Pamela Voorhees is definitely one of my favorites. Any release featuring her is a must buy for me. She’s a very sexy woman.

6 years ago

Interesting discussion in this thread. While I typically prefer thinner babes like Lana Rhoades, Pamela Voorhees puts on some of the sexiest videos in the whole genre and I find her as hot as they come in this business. Shadowcat is one of my all time favorites. I really hope she doesn’t read this thread. While I am all for voicing your opinion, there’s certain times where it just doesn’t need to be said. All you had to do was not buy the video if you for whatever didn’t like her. There’s no need to be hurtful for no reason.

6 years ago

To each their own I guess, but I love curvy girls like Pamela. I agree with uhzoomzip, if Alex David is retired, Pamela Voorhees is my new favorite superheroine actress.

Does anyone know if she’s been in any other movies other than these:
Secret Heroine Films:
Shadow Cat
Shadow Cat: Big Mistake
Night of the Demon
Public Humiliation

Virtuous Girl

Has she been in any movies that aren’t superheroine related?


6 years ago

Excellent movie. The storyline is very interresting, it’s well filmed and played. Pamela is gorgeous (beautiful costume) and she’s a good actress, I like the way she expresses the different emotions the superheroine feels: arrogance. shame, lust… Villains are very worryng, good actors. The peril elements are well thought, maybe a next time few special effects could be a plus ( I mean something like laser or electric rays, but it’s a personal opinion). I love the unmasking, the public humiliation that results from, the “x-rated” scenes… Virtuous girl needed a good lesson, and she had it ! Excellent job.… Read more »

Manic Street Creature
Manic Street Creature
6 years ago

This is the custom vid I’ve been wanting for a long long time, the idea of the helpless heroine being humiliated and unmasked in front of a crowd of her enemies….but i didn’t think it would really be possible to achieve to an effective degree… but then I thought if anyone can…the battle for earth can….and they really delivered for me! They almost perfectly captured what I had in my head and in my script, in fact the only way it could have been improved is if she was actually in the stadium with the crowd….but unfortunately I don’t have… Read more »

6 years ago

wow just bought it pamela is amazing this just maybe MOVIE OF THE YEAR great job love me some pamees wammees wow!

Old Guy in Coveralls
Old Guy in Coveralls
6 years ago
Reply to  sam

Absolutely! This woman is a *find* (and clearly a classic horror film aficionado 🙂 ). She is pretty, curvaceous, and — perhaps most important — she is very good at delivering her dialogue pretty realistically, which enhances the effect in a film like this, where hearing her talk about her situation is half the fun. That sort of natural sound is deceptively difficult to pull off. There is a moment in the middle of her humiliation where she is asked how she feels, and she responds “defeated and helpless, but I’m relieved you didn’t f**k me.” The last admission was… Read more »

6 years ago

would love to see her as batgirl, maybe even a little kinky joker and james gordon peril!

6 years ago

great job!

6 years ago

Well, and yes, love the movie! Pushing the envelope once again. TBFE for the win!

6 years ago

Looooving the actress’s body. Absolutely gorgeous woman. If Alex David has indeed decided that she is done portraying heroines in peril, I’m hitching my cart to the Pamela Voorhees fanboy bandwagon. One door closes, another one opens. Truly looking forward to purchasing this video tonight.

Old Guy in Coveralls
Old Guy in Coveralls
6 years ago

Just in case anyone is buying with the idea that there is a full chloroform scene here, the heroine fights it off before even getting affected at all, and it is never come back to again. The elements list above accurately does not include the KO, but the still above with the cloth over the heroine’s mouth might suggest otherwise to some. Still, actually, a worthwhile video, mainly because the heroine is so appealing. She acts very well in both the fight and humiliation scenes. And even though she is not chloroformed, we do get a little dialogue right after… Read more »

6 years ago

This looks great and all but couldn’t you have at least used someone that has a body that befits a heroine?

6 years ago
Reply to  E


6 years ago
Reply to  E

That’s really mean >:(

6 years ago
Reply to  E

E — good job with the preemptive satire of the self-absorbed insensitive jerk post.

6 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

And totally uncalled for. Because it does not applied and mostly because you just don’t do that!

6 years ago

Women come in all shapes and sizes. This girl is very sexy.

BigZee avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  E

How to make friends and influence people. The trouble with the world right now is that too many people are actually saying what they are thinking. Some thoughts are better left unsaid.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

I don’t condone being rude about someone’s body, but I would like to think someone could voice their opinion in a fairly polite fashion about a model’s body seeing as how the medium is ALL ABOUT the visuals.
I don’t think the original post was excessively rude, but I agree it could have been phrased in a better manner if they are saying they want a more muscular model.
Maybe instead we can focus on being polite while still being able to post our opinions on a message board focused on advertising our kink.

6 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

It’s quite a reach to defend E on the theory that his opinion has any politeness behind it. And voicing concern that we all be allowed to share theoretically polite opinions about how a model looks, here, about Pamela Vorhees, the… second? video of hers in the past year in a sea of videos that hit the bullseye of the mainstream Photoshop ideals of beauty? That’s needle-threading that needn’t be done. ESPECIALLY when everyone who’s been here for a minute knows that what this producer makes and who gets featured is influenced very much by the patron who commissioned the… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Fuck politeness and political correctness. Common decency, though, is another matter. If you’d walk up to a cosplayer and tell her she should have more of a body that “befits” a heroine, you’re trash. Your wallet speaks more loudly to the people with the power to give you what you want, even if it’s as small as everything else you’re compensating for with remarks like that.

6 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Lol ok, all i asked was for these heroines to reflect the heroines i see in movies and comics. But you intepreted it as if Ive insulted a disabled person or something.
Ya’ll are crazy.

BigZee avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  E

Words matter.

6 years ago
Reply to  E

You want them to stop dressing so sexy, be woke and chaste and win all the time?
You’re crazy if you think you can walk this back with a non-apology. Quit while you’re behind. Tomorrow’s another game.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  imagineer

Can’t wait until the juvenile term “woke” works its way out of Americans’ diction. To the points made, if someone really wants a certain model, they pay for it by commission. Doesn’t make sense to ask TBFE to choose a different model. As for the original comment, seems like some people are enjoying being offended on behalf of the model. E simply posted that he wanted a model more befitting of a heroine. That doesn’t mean Pamela has a bad body, simply not one E sees as being a heroine. That’s E’s prerogative. Others obviously see Pamela’s body as good… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

It was a douchey thing to say. Sad thing about the internet is when you say something fucked up and everybody says “hey, that’s fucked up,” it comes off as a crazy overreaction because of the number of the comments. None of the commentors are overreacting, though, and it has nothing to do with being offended on behalf of anyone or even themselves. It’s just people seeing something wrong and saying something to correct it. I’m not offended by someone dropping their trash on the street, but I’ll definitely say, “Hey, buddy, you dropped your shit.” Again, common decency.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Fair point, but I would counter by adding that piling on is a version of overreacting. I don’t see the original comment as being all that messed up. Asking for a body that befits a superheroine isn’t offensive—most people don’t have bodies of superheroes or superheroines. There wasn’t a comment about the model herself, just a request for a more muscular figure (again, I’m reading into the comment as meaning that). Simply put, some models have muscle tone, some have curves, a rare few have both. Requesting a certain body type for a role in a fantasy video based on… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Since we’re apologizing for belaboring, which is a bit like saying “no offense, but…” If you want to dismiss me as being offended on behalf of the model, then you’re kinda stuck if I dismiss you as being offended on behalf of the commenter. Forgiven. Forgiven? All should beware that in trying to veil a comment in gentler language you could end up saying something harsher — and if the gentler language puts on airs, you’re begging not to be given the benefit the doubt, so be good at it. Coulda said “my penis grew up on such a narrow… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Taking the opportunity to talk trash to a trash talker isn’t an overreacting, either… it’s just good fun.

6 years ago
Reply to  E

How could you say that?? She has a beautiful body and the best curves! Especially in that costume it looks super sexy! Nothing wrong with that!

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Stan

My guess would be the complain they have is due to a lack of muscle tone.

6 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

My initial reaction was, *At last, big tits!* I’m a simple man. She’s gorgeous.

Decendingskulls avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  E

I used to date a girl who had a body like this and she was tough man, she could kick your ass. Just sayin. Being a fighter is not necessarily the same as being a crossfit instructor. As for superheroines, they’re not real, so we can imagine them how we like.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

I agree with you Descending. And my guess is E imagines superheroines with a more muscular physique and that initial comment represents that.
In adding my two cents, I prefer muscle without too much definition and curves (but not the DanO size curves from SHC).

6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

No, not even muscular, just… slim

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  E

You should be a happy camper, then. The vast majority of the chicks in these videos are skinny. Check out xxxtremecomixxx on clips4sale. Most of their powerful superheroines would blow away in a stout breeze. The Japanese have them in droves, too, at akiba-web.com. Primal has plenty, as well, although they have a nice proportion of girls with nice proportions, also.

6 years ago

Wow, This girl has really huge…


saxman314 avatar
6 years ago

The content of the video isn’t exactly my thing, but it was still super hot. This chick is criminally underutilized. So fine. The fight scene was fun, especially while she was still fighting back.

6 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

How’s the electrocution scene at the end?

6 years ago
Reply to  dkm

I don’t think it is what you mean. The focus of this vid – which I like a lot – is mostly on sexual humiliation. Hope this helps!

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago

Yeah, the humilation aspect was hot. I just prefer a physically resisting and eventually submitting heroine to the mind control approach. Clearly, that was the main kink here beyond the superheroine thing, and it’s done in a way that ticks plenty of boxes on the fear, humiliation and control fronts, which I do enjoy. The electrocution thing was fine, but that’s not really a thing for me, either… To me, the pain is a means to an end, and by the time you’ve got her strapped down and helpless, the end has been reached. The actress sells everything really well… Read more »