OUT NOW: “Virtue & Vice v Commander Curse” from NGC Championship

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RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

Lots of good things to talk about here, in fact I think this might rank as one of Virtue’s best outings. The good is always in the detail and there are some lovely nuances to Virtue’s performance. When the announcer is introducing her opponent Virtue’s face is a picture of uncertainty, and when the announcer says “Commander” her chest hitches as if she’s holding her breath; you can almost feel the adrenaline running through her. As Curse approaches the ring Virtue’s eyes widen in fear and, as they square up to each other she swallows repeatedly. Virtue is clearly scared… Read more »

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

Is virtue wearing her pantyhose in this one? Where are her panties?

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

This is a pretty good video for a pretty fair price that’s was fairly enjoyable and a worthy addition to the championship. It’s not amazing or spectacular or the best thing ever. But frankly, it was just good and that’s all I ask for when I put down money for my superheroine film. Give me a decent fight, good peril sequences, good lighting and a good performance from the star actress on screen and I’m set. Thankfully, all of that was present here. When it comes to what was enjoyable the answer is the actress playing Virtue/Vice. Much in the… Read more »

5 years ago

Just got this. Virtue is soooo sexy as always and simply continues to be one of my favorites in the genre. But Vice? Oh my was she delicious!!!

Mike J avatar
5 years ago

Man, I loved those training room videos. I wish they’d start making those again. Much prefer them to the wrestling.

kained avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I like the wrestling set up.

Mike J avatar
5 years ago

I’m just not a fan of heroines in the ring in general. The action is slow a lot because of all the holds, stretches, and other wrestling moves. Hanging people in the turnbuckles, tying them up in the ring ropes, that stuff just doesn’t interest me. Nothing against the videos themselves, just not cup of tea.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Not to interject, though that’s exactly what I’m doing, but I find this critique of yours fascinating Michael. And it’s fascinating because I have an almost opposite experience to yours. The NGC championship, while painful to watch story wise, has provided me with some of the best heroine in peril sequences to date and has been fun and thoroughly enjoyable throughout much of 2018-2019. On the other hand, it’s the stuff outside the ring over the past year and half that’s been really hit and miss for me. And that’s after adjusting for there being three times as many episodes… Read more »

Mike J avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

That depends on the video. I’ve purchased a handful of them. I’ve found 2-3 I’ve liked but none of those I would count as anywhere near the top of my favorite NCG videos. Some are hold and stretches heavy, and some aren’t . But the it’s not just the holds. Even when they aren’t doing that, they’re doing things like shoulder tackles in the corner, choking someone on the ringrope, hanging them in the turnbuckles, splashing people, and other wrestling moves. I’m just not into heroines in wrestling matches. Also, I just don’t find them perilous or intense at all.… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I agree with Michael. The ring belongs to the wrestlers. Also the holds and the stretches. Superheroines fits better into a training test context. I loved some of the championship episodes but the training room was the best.

TheEscapist316 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Beast

As someone who is a fan of wrestling, nothing is worse than BAD wrestling and NGCC has a lot of bad wrestling. Now I’ve also enjoyed several episodes, but mainly just certain peril situations of some of the heroines. I do like the concept/idea behind NGCC, but at the end of the day, these aren’t wrestlers…they are just actresses and don’t really get how to properly apply or sell these moves. Its just the same NGC style combat in a wrestling ring, with some bad wrestling added in. I liked the training room stuff as well, but I don’t really… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  theEscapist

I don’t know. I think the championship is great and has been great for a while now but I guess that’s just me. On the other hand, I remember, with the exception of the Bluebird videos, not really liking the training videos all that much. The things is though, I just don’t see the championship being any more about wrestling moves than anything NGC produces outside the ring. They’re just a series of fights that happen to take place within a ring. And maybe I’m just an easily pleased person when it comes to my heroine in peril sequences but… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Maybe after a while some things get repetitive. That happend with the training room and with the NGC championship. So I’m cherry picking the heroines I like. But yeah that’s almost most off them 😉 What I do agree on is that the championship is lacking one component. And that is the championship incentive. What are they fighting for? I’d rather see some sort of knockout system instead of a league system. Particularry Mortal Kombat style or dead or alive style. Drop the heroines on an Island and fight their way to fame or shame. I think that made the… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

The Training Room and Championship series have a lot of differences, but the ring setting doesn’t rate high among them, to me. The training room episodes were done years and years ago, so a lot has changed production-wise, the premise is different, performers change, etc. That said, the Championship videos tend to rise and fall based on whether I like the performers and whether the fight has an interesting twist (format, story, etc.) of some type, which was also true of the TR entries. I haven’t done an inventory recently, but I’d guess I really like about half the Championship… Read more »

AlyAdmirer avatar
5 years ago

Member’s Gift, Second Picture: Just Nina Hellfire doing Nina Hellfire things, bringing the heat…

Gawd, I miss her. 🙂

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

As much as I want to see some heroine win a match against their foe in the championship, I really want to see Vice get crushed and dominated here. Something about Vice’s rank arrogance and confidence makes it oh so satisfying to see her get humbled.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

My guess is that we’ll definitely see Virtue soundly defeated (perhaps several times) in the course of the fight, and the win/lose endings will feature Vice. If I’m right, that means we should get to witness Curse put Vice in her place, regardless of the canonical outcome. Still, I’m enjoying Vice’s wicked hubris, so I’m looking forward to seeing her on the winning end as well, and a hallmark of the best Championship videos is that both endings are very satisfying.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Btw, is it just me, or is Virtue looking mighty fine these days? Not that she wasn’t attractive before, she just looks really good to me recently.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Actually for me, it’s Vice that is looking mighty fine.

Dr G avatar
5 years ago

Curse you Commander Curse !!!

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr G

I saw what you did there