“Virtue v Lucy Zillion” from NGC Championship

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Maar13 avatar
8 years ago

Loved the different attires and the whole concept of the match, it was great to see both endings.

Also … like every Wrestler, off course the winner has “selective” memory, lol! that line was awesome!

8 years ago

I’ve been buying all of the comet girls of the VIrtue all the time because I like their costumes and hope that their two short films will continue. I would like to ask them how many short films, hoping to be as soon as possible above, I can not stand it! please NGC

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago

Saw it, loved it!

8 years ago

Virtue, my favorite came back and must be bought

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago

Dammit Spock who won?? (or at least are there two endings???) Just asking 🙂

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago

I Just voted for Lucy… That was a tough vote again! I just hope they have two endings!

Jeff avatar
8 years ago

I love this idea as well, Virtue looks fantastic as Ms Freedom and I think Lucy does great as Shadowstar as well, thank you for another great looking video NGC

Markko-Martin avatar
8 years ago

Ok this is finally a great idea, to have costumes switching + real superpowers on that small environment 🙂