“Venture No More” from Lucia Films

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deathrider avatar
6 years ago

I tried to click on the contact me of Lucia’s site, it doesn’t work. Opens up a window

6 years ago
Reply to  deathrider

It’s one of those “mailto” links that opens the browser and populates an email address. Try right clicking the button and selecting “copy email address” to get the email address.

6 years ago

Would be great to see someone try get Lana Rhodes, Blair Williams or Brittany Amber in a custom

Gog1000 avatar
6 years ago

LOVE COCO!!!! Glad to see another place she turned up. Plus super glad she’s a brunette again. 🙂

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago

Well, I’ve now had a chance to watch the whole movie, and what can I say? Lucia knocked it out the park. Took the script and stage directions and actually made it far, far better than what as on the page. I will say right now, this has been an exceptional custom experience for me – very professional, timely, and exceptional quality.

Also…Coco, wow, she delivered more than what the script called for!

Best custom experience I’ve ever had.

6 years ago

I commend this producer for doing something different and I wanted to point out that the production value was far above what you normally get with American superheroine films. I had similar concerns with the brutality of the video when I watched the trailer but I purchased anyway because Coco was in it. I was worried that the video was going to be filled with protracted scenes of grotesque torture like what is foreshadowed in the trailer with the drill, but was relieved that scene turned out to be a second long and there really were not others like it.… Read more »

6 years ago

can I buy this video by paypal?

6 years ago

Against my better judgement, I watched this trailer. I made it as far as the drill, and then I stopped. A video like this demands a conversation. This site promotes videos about superheroines, generally in perilous situations. There’s fighting, there’s bondage, there’s sex and there are a hundred little micro-fetishes that get catered to. The overarching theme is fictional, powerful heroines who try to battle crime and often get into trouble. Fetishes are weird. Peril fetishes are extra weird because they depict things that in real life are criminal, violent, and amoral. People afflicted with this fetish walk a tightrope.… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

There’s definitely a scale for what people enjoy in their fantasy videos. I’m for the darker stuff but I don’t need to always see it. I like variety. But yeah I get where you’re coming from. Some people like Light fetish. I sometimes enjoy a dark and disturbing, almost hopeless scenario.

6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Your not alone. Again, to each his own, I’m literally casting no judgement on anyones taste in heroine videos but I too found this trailer uneasy. I believe my heroine ‘thing’ came from being excited by the stuff the mainstream hinted at (the torture scene that cuts away before it starts, etc) and the super heroine aspect placed it firmly in a safe fantasy box. I realise the genre has taken a ‘rapey’ turn which I really don’t care for (again, personal taste!) and this trailer…not for me.

TheLecher avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Aldous

I disagree with the statement that this genre has taken a “rapey turn.” The actual presence, or at least the hint of rape fantasy has always been present in comic books and the media which is inspired by comic books. It doesn’t begin or end with Wonder Woman or Supergirl getting tied up by the bad guy and left lying on the train tracks. This goes back to the 1930s, when comic books first emerged from pulp fiction as a new form of media. Why do you think that Comics Authority Code was established in 1954? Why did the US… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Fetishes are weird man. I’m not sure what conversation you want to have though. I’m guessing the question you want a discussion on is “what’s the line in the genre where we go from harmless fetish to something disturbing”. For that I don’t think there’s an easy answer to that. I think we have to understand that there are different gradations on what is considered “the line”. I think people are remarkable complicated in justifying where they place that line, sometimes in totally contradictory ways. Here’s just a couple of examples from my own personal experience. From outside of our… Read more »

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

I’ve wrestled with this myself. When is the fetish morally wrong or no longer justifiable? I guess I’ve always been able to reconcile my interest in this fetish with the fact that if you translated almost any of the content from the superheroine fetish out into the real world, it would be completely morally unacceptable. From non-consensual physical contact, sexualised content when someone reisists, physically assaulting someone – if you seriously tried to extrapolate even the PG-13 material out into the real world, any sane human would say it was completely unacceptable and abhorrent…and they would be correct. If we… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Endofallthings

When is a fetish wrong or morally unjustifiable? You hit the nail exactly on the head. It’s when a person is harmed or a person’s rights are violated. If it’s a fantasy, that never happens. Harm which occurs strictly within a fantasy isn’t real harm, and a fantasy person has no rights to be violated. And if it’s a depiction of a fantasy, involving actors and/or actresses, then the questions are “Was anyone actually harmed? Was everyone over the age of consent? Did everyone freely consent to everything which was done?” If no harm was done and no one’s rights… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

Exactly Lecher! Exactly I’ll be honest. I’m not particularly sympathetic to the not wanting to distress others argument. If you don’t like something, or if you don’t like a particular element or if its too bloody for you or too sexual for you then don’t buy it. It really is that simple. You know who probably gets distressed a majority of the time on this site? PG-13 fetish lovers. My fetish is generally broad enough that I can wade in between both R rated stuff and PG-13 stuff as I please and I’m fairly active on the PG-13 posts. I… Read more »

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

One of my pet hates in this superheroine genre is the superheroine being killed, because, especially in the case of the likes of WW and SG who have “super powers” they can take an inordinate amount of suffering and abuse and escape in the final reel, recovering from their peril quickly in order to go through it all again; killing her off is such a waste, lol. Such isn’t the case with “normal humans” and the same applies to Batgirl who has no “super powers” (not that I don’t enjoy seeing her suffer, lol!) To me, this deals with the… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

I personally draw the line at a death fetish. I think that one is really bizarre. And plenty of others are ‘bizarre’, sure (tentacles, anyone?) but not in the same way.

Every time I see a comment on here “MAN I WISH THE HEROINE DIED IN THIS VIDEO” I do a little grimace. But hey… like others have said, this is a niche genre so I accept the videos I don’t care for to play the odds for getting one that hits my spot!

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  rover

Killing off the heroine, be she “super” or not, is just a waste of a sexy babe who, surviving and finally escaping her dastardly captors can be caught, fought, beaten and battered again! I mean, what do you do with a dead heroine?

6 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

The Extrapossible Research Institute needs your donations! Our organization’s mission is to advance our understanding of how superheroines get their powers and how they work. Some of the biggest breakthroughs in heroine containment were the result of the Institute’s autopsy, analysis, and tissue archive work. (And if the heroine you send tests negative for superphysics, we still provide free cremation service, as long as the donation can be positively identified as a heroine in the guild’s registry of annoying do-goodery. So submit your Disruptive Contact forms promptly, and pay your guild dues, people.) Make sure you’re dealing with the EXTRApossible… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

So, here’s my thing with heroine’s dying (because I’ve thought a decent amount about it). I’m generally not a fan of it. I don’t think death stares are attractive. I don’t think neck snaps are hot. I think having the heroine’s head blow up or them otherwise lose some of their body is kind of gross and takes away from the attractive person you’re watching in the video. I personally just don’t get anything out of that stuff. But to each their own. But pulling back and just looking at death as more like unconscious (which is a thing I… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

What mainstream TV and movies do is very different. They don’t kill the hero and end the story. An important character dies, and then the hero / audience surrogate character must go on, because the story isn’t over yet. The big emotional impact isn’t that we die with the character, it’s that we live without them.

6 years ago
Reply to  rover

I have been studying this “heroine peril” thing for quite some time (looking for some answers to life’s great mysteries among other things), and have watched many many videos… Some, if not many, have completely cringe worthy material. I was not aware that the kids today have even harder heroine peril stuff called “ryona”. And that usually features the brutal beatings and blood and death. Which I am not a fan of. At the end of the day, its just a type of porn / adult entertainment. It features unique fetish and kink elements – Women in uniform, peril, humiliation… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I appreciate this post, Bert, and this conversation. The Lucia videos that have appeared here are intriguing to me, since it seems very well produced, with a distinctive visual style, and the stories don’t seem totally straightforward, but so far I haven’t actuallly gotten anything (sure I will, but not this one.) Like Darkwarth016, I tend toward the PG-13 side of this “genre” and the more hardcore content doesn’t interest me (and I’ve tried a bunch of stuff.) That said, there are a lot of “inconsistencies” in what appeals to me, too. For instance, I like heroine combat, but not… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

A couple things. First, thanks for the thoughtful response, Lucia. While I didn’t state this explicitly in my first post, my comments weren’t met to single you out at all. I think you folks do quality work, and the one video (so far!) I did buy from you was really quite good. I simply felt like the uneasy feeling this video gave me might be worth discussing, which brings me to… Wow, what a fascinating discussion this has turned out to be. As I mentioned initially, I don’t really know if there is a “solution” to this issue. There seems… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Wow! What a fascinating and mature discussion. I want to thank you for starting the conversation, Bert, and for expressing your personal views so well, even though, ultimately, I have to agree with The Lecher re: this being a matter of each person making a personal choice of what they choose to watch or buy within an adult site. The entire debate has moved me to do some soul searching – never a bad thing – about what truly motivates me to enjoy this genre and my own personal preferences within it. And if you hadn’t spoken up, Bert, that… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Something else to consider here — not all interests are sexual fetishes, and not all content is being watched for sexual stimulation. I’d like to think, based on the level of craft, that not all content is being commissioned or produced strictly to serve prurient interests, either. There’s been art going on around here for a long while. Sometimes art makes you think or feel things you didn’t expect or even ask for. And you don’t have to like it, or even indulge it with your attention in the first place. I do think if you’re going to push boundaries… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

I really appreciate this discussion. I am bothered by things like rape, blood, and especially causing a heroine to enjoy being assaulted. Nonetheless, I have a death fetish. I don’t know why. I recognize that is probably more morally repugnant than the things that bother me. However, ever since I was like 10, I have had the same reaction to a pretty woman dying as I have had to a pretty woman walking around in a bikini. The truth is that this entire genre is probably socially damaging in one way or another, and in a perfect world, this entire… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Sean

You’re not the only one Sean. IMHO though, the death fetish is not as uncommon as you might think and it’s just that an awful lot of people feel uncomfortable admitting it. But you only have to look at the average Hollywood horror movie to see that the brutal slaying of a pretty girl is “de rigueur” in the average slasher movie. But nobody seems to bat an eyelid about it in that context and happily pays the price of the ticket and the popcorn to watch it guilt free. Also, that is why the old phrase “la petite mort”… Read more »

BigZee avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Some of Bert’s comments are reminiscent of some of the debates that occurred way back in the second half of the last century. This is usually the case when producers are breaking new ground such as T&A, sexploitation, porn, ‘B’’ and Grindhouse films. Producers included Russ Meyer, Andy Sidaris, And Roger Corman. The most controversial films included ‘Behind the Green Door, Deep Throat and Faster Pussy Cat Kill Kill.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

WAIT!! Did I like this!?!?! Why yes I did. This ticked literally no boxes for me whatsoever and I came out liking it and enjoying it better than most R rated films I’ve brought over the years. I think this film made me discover a new fetish that I may like……..I’m so confused now. Let me state that I’m a physical peril kind of guy. I love fights. I love to see the heroine beaten down in humiliating fashion. I love to see heroines defeated and I want to see the actual act of defeat as well (I do like… Read more »

Coulumbia avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Thank you Darkwrath016 for your comments. It’s helping me think about purchasing this video. Can you, or someone else, give some insight into the dialogue during her torture sequences? Is it just (which is still a LOT) having a beautiful bound SH struggling and moaning, or is there a back-and-forth between her tormentors? I happen to like the verbal taunt/tease of a tied up victim being forced to cum. I especially think it helps when they tease her this way using the word “torture” (in other situations, cumming would obviously not be torture… using it as a torture…is a neat… Read more »

Coulumbia avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Hi Luciafilms- yes that helps a bit, thank you. It looks like such a well filmed clip with good production value with an excellent model/role-play in Coco. I happen to like the verbal banter, especially referring to the sensual torture. It would be great if in future clips you could add some taunting dialogue to add to the Captive’s torment, re-enforcing her physical predicament and being tortured per se… even if (and in mind specifically so) it is being forced to orgasm. Since it is forced it is torture! Just one fan’s opinion among many I’m sure. Here’s to your… Read more »

ak_fan avatar
6 years ago

Really enjoyed this!

Usually I get carried away by hype and anticipation and buy something immediately, enjoy it, but then never watch it again, forgotton… I feel like this one will have repeat value in my library. Well done and almost everything was done to my exact liking!

6 years ago

Bought it. Loved it. I would have seen more with the drill (and maybe have that be how they finished her off for good), but I really loved everything about this. Coco, the effects, the grim and dark lighting. I thought maybe it was too long (these would be killer if you did a series where they were about 10 minutes with a different heroine being humiliated and destroyed.) Coco’s reactions are great. She reminds me of Paris Kennedy when I first got into watching these videos with her timing and facial expressions. Someone please deliver to her a big… Read more »

shfyd avatar
6 years ago

Big fan of Coco, so I went ahead and bought this, without a second thought. Production quality and editing is excellent. The graphics on the screen really are convincing and one thinks that it is a replay of a recoding from long time ago. There is an audio commentary done by a lady with a really nice voice. Coco is SUPERB. She endures a forced orgasm first and fights it like a tigress, but her eventual climax is so real. She is then supposedly worked over and in the next scene appears with one breast exposed and continues to spit… Read more »

6 years ago

Very cool vid. Thanks, LuciaFilms! : great idea!

6 years ago

Is this on sale yet :-)?

6 years ago
Reply to  dkm

i keep checking.

6 years ago

Same! It’s almost been a week. Can’t wait to buy it.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  dkm

Looks like we’re in luck. It’s live!

Hi_Im_Negan avatar
6 years ago

Love Coco but wondering if she’s ever going to do real explicit stuff

6 years ago

looks very interesting

6 years ago

This is the first update I’ve seen from Lucia Films since the launch of a new independent website back on June 3rd.

… Hell of a start. Is the fateful end shown on camera or is it also shown as aftermath? I personally enjoy seeing the finishing blow so I’m curious – not that it matters on whether or not I’m buying it. This looks astonishingly good regardless.

6 years ago

Great concept! I like this dark, Christopher Nolan-esque style.

Heroineburgh avatar
6 years ago

Wow! You have been busy. Amazing concept!

6 years ago

Love where this superheroine video goes. Great sexy concept.

6 years ago

Well done. The concept I don’t believe has ever been done for a heroine video. Lucia you are really stepping up your game.

6 years ago

Thank the LORD for someone finally doing something different! Lucia, this looks absolutely brilliant. Love the concept here.

shfyd avatar
6 years ago

This really takes the genre to a new level. Cannot wait to have Lucia take my money.

senordescartes avatar
6 years ago

Haven’t even watched the trailer yet, but from the screenshots of poor Coco alone… INSTANT PURCHASE.

6 years ago

Can someone tell me what elements are there in this movie.

Thanks and I appreciate it.

6 years ago

The apprentice Lucia has now become the master

6 years ago

Speechless! This looks f*cking amazing. Lucia is the MAN right now!

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago

Yeah…so this is looking awesome. Lucia has got the tone I was going for just right. Also, check out that lighting, editing and sound mix…not sure of any other producer delivering at that level…

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago

Oooo, this is a different approach… Very interesting.

6 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Was just thinking that. I’m all aboard the snuff heroine train.

6 years ago

Take My Money!

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Normally not into the whole torture scenario with that dark undertone and dimly lit scenes. And I’m more of a physical peril kind of guy, complete with actual fighting. And Coco isn’t a particular favorite of mine but I don’t know. There’s something about this that is catching my eye. Looking forward to this one.

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I agree, Coco is very sexy, and very good in her roles, but for me her vocal responses are pretty limited, especially during the fights, but she looks fantastic when she suffers, lol.

6 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

Vocal responses limited? Lol during fights?? Are we still talking about coco? Lol the variety of noises she makes is beyond any other actress in the genre. She always gives 110% vocally. Imo.

ak_fan avatar
6 years ago

Wow super gritty looking! Haven’t really been purchasing most new releases like I was doing a couple years ago but this is definitely doing it for me.

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  georyang

Me too, I love the grimy look of her surroundings and her own dishevelled, beat up appearance.

6 years ago

And that is an instant buy!

End, I love your stuff. I will totally go in with you on the next custom

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dkm

I’ll maybe take you up on that. I always have ideas….

6 years ago
Reply to  Endofallthings

Sweet, please do!