“VENGEANCE” – a Luciafilms Original Film

An incredible pairing rocks even our expectations when Coco and Lucy Westenra team up as duo heroines against a rogues gallery of unrelenting revenge seekers. When longtime middle bracket heroine Rift goes missing, Ultra Lady sets out to find and recover her. Being led to an abandoned fight club, she is abundantly aware of the traps set for her but ready for the challenge. Freeing her ally in crimefighting, the pair face off against four villains with vengeance on their minds. Unfortunately, Rift finds herself out of her depth and Ultra Lady is forced to try and pick up the slack for both of them. Will Ultra Lady be able to withstand these increasingly unfair odds? Or will the trap prove more than either of them can overcome. Join us for this absolutely BONKERS showing of some of Luciafilms most talented performers going all out.

Dual Heroines
Four Villains
Revenge Story
Power Disparity
EPIC Combat Sequences
MANY Low Blows
Tummy/Face Strikes
Many Lifts
Bear Hug
Knockdowns and Outs
Superpowered Villain (Fire)
Breast Punching
Unwilling Submission
Costume Removal/Nudity (Just tops)
Forced Orgasms
Messy Forced Oral (Various configurations)
Absolutely Wild Sim Sex Scenes.
Sex in Many Different Positions
Refusal to Surrender
Uncertain (If Super Dark!) Ending
Visit Lucia Films at SHG-Media or LuciaFilms.rocks
Hey everyone! Sorry for the slow updates! Things are a bit topsy-turvey right now, and we know a lot of you have commission e-mails in the queue. We promise we haven’t forgotten! We’re just trying to knock out some of the films we’ve already recorded while we juggle some unrelated issues. Either way, lots of great content still on the way, and we’ll try to tackle the back-logged e-mails soon as we can. In the interim we hope you guys enjoy this one. It was paid for out of pocket by our studio because we just *really* wanted to see it happen. Our gift to the amazing fans who continue to make all of this possible.
The Luciafilms Team~
any Lucia updates??
I wish
Will u do a film with Alicia C. Moon again?? Similar to imperiled..
any lucia stuff coming? or rye too actually
i hope we get a new lucia or rye soon 🙁
Will there be a part 3 for skullion experiments
I have to mention the fact that this film uses all the cues Rye uses in his films. Is that a coincidence? Or some music choice has become the unspoken tropes of the SHIP genre?
Lucy looking cute and beautiful
Coco’s bodysuit is fantastic yet I feel the costume is missing some extra detail, like a belt or bracelets, since the bodysuit itself lack some intrincate design or logo…yet everything else is amazing…props to your costume department!
The new thicc Coco is just too damn hot!!
Just bought this video and I can recommend it to all super heroine fans. As described by the studio it is absolutely BONKERS but the girls are gorgeous, especially the one called Coco who’s pre-orgasm blank expressions are hilarious. You get the feeling everyone had a lot of fun making this video. Will our lovely heroines escape their horrible doom? probably not by the looks of things… but there is always one certainty in life… there are always more super heroines.
not to forget the other certainty: even criminals love BBQ
how can i buy the videos
Great movie, only one question: How come the heroines don’t have any accessories – power belt, gloves, and No Masks(!!).
Particularly like the stronger heroine forced to eat out the younger/less powerful partner!
Coco’s costume seemed a bit lacking even if I loved the bodysuit colors…even a logo could have come a long way!
Ok Lucia Films I must say…I watch many of your videos. THIS was by far the best one….. Bravo…congrats! Why? The theme of heroine duo -with one half being clearly the “weak link” with eventually the alpha heroine overcome also…just that theme was soo freaking HOT!!! and you guys executed it perfectly. You stuck to that story and watching it unfold was freaking amazing. Lucy and Coco are fabulous and so were the villains. Please continue to bring us scenarios where we want our heroines to win but it just slowly goes downhill and they are defeated. That was HOT… Read more »
I’m not a complex person. I see Xiphos in a video and I buy it.
Call me Desi Arnaz because I Love Lucy!
I would pay so much money for a film with Coco that is similar to Wonderous Woman in Captivity Part 2.
That series was crazy! It set a pretty high bar, project-wise. I hope we get to do something similar again some day when the dust settles on a few things studio-wise.
Anything with Lucy in it is an instant buy for me. Great acting and her flexibility is off the charts.
Lucia needs to start expanding their cast a bit more . They are becoming like Adam Sandler movies. I still enjoy their movies though. Lucia , not Adam sandler. I haven’t seen Adam sandler movie since the one where he sells jewelry
Adam Sandler selling jewelry is very, very worth seeing
Hahah.. Well we can’t argue with that. And it’s something we are working on. We have had many almosts in the past several months and are still looking to find more talent that fits our studio’s needs.
One day coco won’t be in a snuff film
She’s been in many movies without dark endings, to be certain. Even the recent Frequency series, she came out the other side alive.
but thats boring
Buying this one for the girl/girl lifts. More of those please!
There are not a lot of G/G lifts in the movie. But I think there are a few at least.
Any videos in your catalogue that do have a lot of g/g lifts? I’ll buy.
same boat as imagineer- i’ll be eating ramen noodles. coco& lucy? ooof!
It’s okay, I like Kraft Dinner.
Big fan of Shells and Cheese. (Throw in a bit of diced bacon, some shredded green onions, and a hint of honey BBQ sauce!)
lots of good looking stuff here but not really big on uncertain endings. prefer either corruption or mind break or permanent ending.
someone can correct me if im wrong but i take it the ending isnt any of those?
it’s kinda shown in the trailer. The heroines are locked in the cage, some kind of flammable liquid is poured on them and one of the villains has fire as a power. Either they are cooking marshmallows or we know what’s going on…
Looks great! Thanks for making this. Is the Blaze character meant to be the same as from the Guardians movie (while I know it shouldn’t matter…it makes it more tantalizing if it is the same person…)
It is! Yes. After all, in the Guardians movie we learned about the sort of moonlighting she does on her own time. The kinds of things that would thrill in payback against other nosey heroines.
I like that you brought her back. But I’m afraid that teaming up with a bunch of thugs like this will get her in trouble with Shadow for being to reckless.
Coco in those boots—absolutely stunning! Would love to see a red version with Coco in her Starwave costume.
I believe she was in the Starwave outfit (or one similar) in the last couple we put out. The Frequency series? ^_^
And those were insta-buys 😉 I was just thinking of Coco reprising the role but wearing the version of boots in this video but in red (if they sell that version of those boots in red).
I hope lucia gets to make my script with either Mckenzie and Coco or Mckenzie and Lucy Westerna it’s about my favorite character of all time and one that strangely hasn’t been done a lot just a few movies I really want to know how much it would cost to make.
We’d love to see Coco and Mckenzie in the same room. Mckenzie and Lucy have filmed together several times though! I’d check out our listings in SHG for some of the best.
any update on sift #3?
you mean Rift #3?
Unfortunately, the S.I.F.T series did not really make the sales we hoped to offset the crazy costs of filming that many people and with that many special effects. It is uncertain when or how we will return to it if we do. It was a BLAST to make though! So here’s hoping!
oh wow no way – it was one of my favorite series from your studio and instant purchases 🙁 really loved the premise and action scenes. heres to hoping!!
Sold! Everything Coco is in right now is an instant buy. Lucy Westenra is very quickly becoming a favorite. Great film Lucia.
Thanks! We hope you enjoy it!
This looks sick! Will be grabbing this as fast as my hotel wifi will allow…so maybe I’ll see it by tomorrow.
why hotel?
Traveling for work.
Hope you enjoy! And mind the volume! Might get the wrong kind of attention from the hotel staff. XD
Very fun watch, enjoyed thoroughly. Very well done! Not really a dark ending though, there was quite a lot of light actually…
I see what you did there.
Because of all the light.
Wow. Downloading now, this looks incredible.
Hope you enjoy it! Was crazy to organize with so much going on at once.
LOVE the super dark (implied) ending idea. That makes this an instant buy this weekend for me.
We don’t see enough of Lucy in my opinion.
I wish she was in more movies as she can bend her body in unbelievable ways. No one seems to sell bearhugs or backbreakers like she does.
There are quite a few movies with her in the lineups! Definitely check out our sales page on SHG for many fine examples. Nightmare remains our favorite.
Oh I know -i’ve seen her in all!
It was more a comment of I still want more!!!! 😛
And Nightmare was the first video I ever saw her in and where she blew me away with her flexibility.
Hope a sequel to it comes one day….
I love all of them Coco, Xiphos, Ariana. But Lucy? I don’t know how to describe that feeling. I love Lucy so much. I hope She will be with us for a long time, a long time.
R u Lucy ?
I always love the idea that a older superheroine has to be humiliated in front of a younger superheroine. plus, anything featuring Rift is an instant buy. Lucy is amazingggggg
They are both superstars. Was such a thrill to pair them up.