“Topless boxing” from Lady2fight

Scene 1
Nicky wears dress shirts and dress pants, new blue Muay Thai pads on her arms, glasses on her face, and bare feet. Sonya wears a tube bra, Muay Thai pants, boxing gloves on her hands, and bare feet. Both ladies stand in the boxing ring.
Nicky is a journalist here to interview MMA fighter Sonya, and Sonya wants Nicky to hold the Muay Thai Pads for her and feel the power of her punches and kicks.
At the beginning of the video, Nicky and Sonya stand inside the boxing ring. Sonya delivers kicks and punches. Nicky is nervously sweating, and she struggles to hold Thai pads for Sonya. Sonya teaches her to hold Thai pads, and she knocks off Nicky’s glasses during the strike.
In the end, Sonya tackles Nicky on the boxing ring floor, giving her a headlock. Nicky needs to have the muay Thai pads on her arms for the entire scene.
Scene 2
Rita is topless, wearing jeans, bare feet, and new blue Muay Thai pads on her arms. Sonya is topless, wearing jeans, bare feet, and boxing gloves. Both ladies stand inside the boxing ring. Sonya delivers kicks and punches to Rita’s Thai pads. Rita is nervously sweating, and she gets cornered by Sonya. Poor Rita uses the Thai pads to block those vicious kicks & punches from Sonya.
In the end, both ladies sit on the boxing ring mats, sweating heavily. Rita has some cuts and bruises on her face. Sonya hug and kiss Rita. Rita must have the muay Thai pads on her arms for the entire scene.
Custom clip request.
Product length: 12 minutes
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