“Thief of Wonder” from Lucia Films

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6 years ago

How long is this one?

It looks amazing, btw. I totally understand the logic of custom orders dictating the videos we “get,” but it’s refreshing to see a movie that, well, really looks like a movie. And a superheroine who really acts like a superheroine!

6 years ago
Reply to  zilch

It comes right to 30 minutes in length.

6 years ago

Lucia always has the coolest lighting

6 years ago
Reply to  RenNstimpy

Thanks! I’m glad you like it.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

How good is the sexual element in this one? And in what manner is she taken? Any specifics would be much appreciated; I’m on the fence with this one.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Most of the sexual content is near the end. Amber is one of our less explicit actresses so there is no nudity or anything, but there is a definite tension between the pair as WW’s true feelings are revealed. This results in both teasing, molestation, and eventually a sex scene while WW tries her best to resist being physically overwhelmed by the sensations. These all happen in the final portion where she is bound to the wall with the glowing bands, though she is turned around for the finale. (Something I neglected to add screenshots of, sorry!)

Hope that helps.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Lucia

Thank you, that does help. Is there any dialogue of any kind during that sequence? And does she ever get into it or admit liking being dominated sexually?

shfyd avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

There is plenty of trash talking and taunting between the two. There is good inner dialogue throughout. Amber does get into the stimulation eventually and she admits to herself that she is liking it, although she does not want to. Amber moans and winces superbly while being stimulated and penetrated. Found those scenes quite erotic…even when there was no nudity

shfyd avatar
6 years ago

Oh be still my heart. This was OUTSTANDING Firstly I have to say that I bought this because of Amber. But having watched it, I have to say that Amber aside this was EXCELLENT work. Amber looks HOT throughout. She plays the defiant heroine superbly and is so believable in peril. There is excellent FX, I really enjoyed the electric whip scene. Great contest between Wonderous Woman and Roderick. When he traps her in a bearhug and chloroforms her , she fights like a tigress before finally succumbing. Loved it. Roderick then binds her strips her of her power belt… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  shfyd

Thank you for the kind words! Glad you liked it. And yes, an extremely determined heroine that refused to give up was definitely the theme I was going for. Glad that came across.

shfyd avatar
6 years ago

Any idea on the release date of this video…….? Itching to watch it 🙂

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

I really appreciate all the responses to fans’ questions here. If I may add to the questions, any chance of part 2 having some sexual elements to it?
And to echo the sentiments, it would be great to see more Aubrey as SG!! She is a terrific actress for that role!

6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Well this one does have some sexual elements in it for certain, even if it isn’t the overwhelming direction of it. Sexual peril is an important part of the genre even if it is more suggestive than overt. (Though there are some overt parts in this film.) When I do sequels I generally try to touch bases that I didn’t focus on too hard in the first. So if you felt that those elements were missing, you will probably find more of them in the next.

shfyd avatar
6 years ago

Love Amber, so will definitely be getting this video. Hoping for inner dialog, KO, a defiant heroine.

6 years ago
Reply to  shfyd

This is easily the most defiant Heroine I’ve shot. Wondrous Woman is nooooo pushover in this.

Thevoice avatar
6 years ago

The lighting in these videos is always exceptional. Love it personally

6 years ago
Reply to  Thevoice

Thanks! I do spend a lot of time fussing with lighting. I am glad the results are enjoyable.

6 years ago

This looks great! Amber looks incredible like always. Love the look of her lasso wrapped around her upper body right above her breasts. Also looking forward to the scene where the whip is wrapped around her wrist. I hope there’s some tug of war aspect there where she struggles to get away, but the villain pulls her closer via the whip/rope.

6 years ago
Reply to  JBC

Amber is a true star. She is such a ridiculous pleasure to work with.

6 years ago

Getting an early 1980s flashback. Lots of pink neon. Time to watch “Drive” again.

6 years ago

I’ve been in a really big 80’s mood lately aesthetically so that is not an accident! This is actually part of a set from another video we shot that I tore apart so that 80’s vibe is definitely going to make another appearance at least once more time. Glad you picked up on it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucia

Cool. How I miss the early 80s cool neon looks sometimes. And the music was awesome 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucia

By the way: I greatly enjoy what you are doing in this genre. Loved “Prisoner”.

6 years ago

Thanks Nameless Equus! I am still very new and have a lot to learn, but I am very excited to make more videos and really enjoying it. Every video teaches me something new and I want to keep progressing the quality and content over time. There is a great community here to build for and it is exciting to make things for everyone.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucia

You, sir, are humble as well. I thought the two Skullion releases were extremely good (and hot) and rank highly on all my personal lists of heroine videos purchased (content, performance, aesthetics, ROI etc.). Those two videos checked a lot of the boxes for me. With that in mind, please forgive me for asking these questions here but I know of no other venue to use: Are future episodes of the Skullion series in your plans? Is Aubrey in your plans for ANYTHING you will be producing in the future (preferably in the same costume)? (Even if the honest answer… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

I would absolutely love to work with Aubrey again, and certainly hope to down the line. Yes. As for the Skullion storyline- that is an absolute. The use of the portals to be able to prey upon all of the different incarnations of the heroine in the timelines means he will be cherrypicking his favorites across time and space. So you can be sure that we will come back to that.

6 years ago

Know it’s not superheroine related, but Drive is awesome! Great soundtrack too

6 years ago
Reply to  JBC

So is “Neon Demon”‘s soundtrack. Can’t wait for NWR’s Amazon Prime TV Series “Too Old Too Die Young” written by my favorite comic book writer Ed Brubaker. If you are into comic books, check out Brubaker’s latest comic series “Kill Or be Killed”. Utterly fantastic. Both the art (by Sean Philips) and the writing are breathtakingsly good.

6 years ago

Since we are seguing off topic a little here, youtube-
“† Carpenter Brut † TURBO KILLER † Directed by Seth Ickerman † Official Video †”
You can thank me later. This is the level I dream of my videos being some day.
Warning: Mildly NSFW, suggestive themes and use of religious iconography.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucia

Will check it out thanks… you got me at “suggestive themes“.

dhallmu avatar
6 years ago

Looks great will be picking this up, would love to see more of the Prisoner series as I think Dillion Harper isn’t used as much as she should be in these movies as well

6 years ago
Reply to  Observer

Would love to get Dillion in front of the camera again. Maybe I will send her a message! That was a fun series to shoot, would be enjoyable to continue it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucia

If it would be fabulous, the third part could be “united villains” type. The second part I thought I was going to try that but I still liked it. good is just an opinion

6 years ago

Love these pictures! Amazing effects. Great peril elements. I hope to see lots of sex peril in the part 2.

6 years ago
Reply to  sh_Mike

Thanks! My hand still hurts from editing that lightning scene. We did the math after and it came down to about 15,000 individual adjustments for that segment. Wowza. Effects are no joke but I think they really add to the atmosphere.

BARON2027 avatar
6 years ago

what will be included in this video?

6 years ago
Reply to  BARON2027

I /think/ I covered most the big bases with the photos but it is entirely possible I left some out. I will go over the entire thing and post a full content list when it is released. There is definitely some great Inner Dialog throughout this that didn’t make it into the pictures for obvious reasons. ^_~