“The SHIP” – a Luciafilms Original Film

When a drugged heroine (Coco) wakes up groggy and confused in the possession of two goons, her instincts kick in and she immediately begins making a mess of both them and her surroundings. Eventually she learns that her plight is far more extreme than she first realized, when she finds out that she is on a ship at sea… leaving her nowhere to run.
To make matters worse, the goons still have possession of the tranquilizers that knocked her out in the first place, and are keen to get revenge for their beating during the rest of the long trip. What follows is a ruthless beatdown where the Heroine learns that she might have had it wrong all along. That pain can feel… quite nice… however shameful it is to admit…

This movie contains:
- A Pun Title
- Drugging
- Beatdowns
- Strong Heroine
- Low Blows
- Choking
- Masturbation
- Internal Dialogue
- Groping/Rubbing
- Cartoons
- Tummy Punching
- Depowering/Weakening
- Squirming/Crawling
- Forced Orgasms
- Begging
- Forced Oral
- Extremely Messy Blowjob ♥
- Simulated Sex in Multiple Positions
- Strangulation
- Heroine Eventually Enjoying It
- Crowbars/Bats/Etc Used
- Sweating
- Carrying (Brief)
PREVIEW! (We Shot Starshame 2!)
We filmed the sequel! Here are some quick photos taken on set to give a preview

Producer Update:
Hello everyone! Sorry we’ve been a bit quiet of late. This year has kinda pulled the rug out from under our feet and we’re struggling to find our footing. No plans to stop what we are doing, and all previously mentioned projects are still being worked on, but we know things have slown down a bit and we are sorry. We’ve taken a few gut punches recently and momentum is hard, and while this might be oversharing we feel like it is important to acknowledge that we know we’ve not on the ball as much as usual.
Still excited for what is to come, and hope you are too. Thank you for being with us these crazy, many years.
Next up for filming is a mystery film that will be truly Wonderous, as well as Bad Medicine 2! Badder. And with more medicine. Probably.
how to watch other video of that
I have been visiting the other site “Heroine News” (Horrible experience!). They adhere to the “fairy tale” version of events: In February 2024 TBFE, was filming the sequel to “Nebula” (provisionally called Nebula 2). Filming was abruptly interrupted and all the promotional images were quickly archived along with those from the first part of Nebula, but of course that is normal and means nothing. Shortly after, TBFE announced that it would no longer upload its content to this site (Heroine Movies). But, this decision was very thoughtful and rational and carried out through a kind and civilized agreement (without anger,… Read more »
Are you for real ? Even if what you are writing was true, how on earth can you claim any credibility with such a complotist paranoid post where you complain about being a mistreated victim ? I saw your post on the other site and people tried to debate with you in a rational manner and all you could do was respond in an indignant emotional childish way. I mean, you don’t offer anything apart from conjecture. If there was any sources to corroborate your speculation, please share. And because you were not treated seriously, you come here where this… Read more »
Sorry, but what kind of credibility are you talking to me about? I return to point out what has been seen. You yourself admit that a new site has been created and the peace of this entire community has been disturbed. I am not claiming to know anything sinister. I never said that. I am only asking for clarification of certain facts and my final concern is the mistreatment of people and what may have happened to Coco during this period of inactivity. Do you think I have no valid reasons to be worried? See for yourself the aggressiveness of your responses and then tell me. As to why this site is abandoned. I don’t know, you explain it to me. I just know that entering Heroine News was not a pleasant experience. I only find reactions like yours. Aggressive and disdainful. But I say again that all this is not the point. The point is the safety of the people who work in the SHIPs and in particular that of Coco.
Finally, I did not come to this site to lose my dignity and credibility, but to be able to express myself in peace. So as not to have to litigate with people like you who seem much more outraged than me, as if I had done you a personal wrong. Blogs are there to express opinions and also to clarify conflicts. But if every time you hear something you don’t like you’re going to react so belligerently, it makes me think that some of what I’m saying is true.
I don’t have a clue what kind of conspiracy you believe you have unearthed, but TBFE did not create HN. And most of the people who post there are the same people who use to post here. It seems that you are legitimately finding some kind of anguish about something (not really sure what it is) but I can assure you – whatever pains you is a creation of your imagination.
I thank you for your words about my state of health and my anguish. You are a very perceptive man. Saying what something is not is an important piece of information, but it does not explain what it is either. TBFE, did not create Heroine News, but this does not explain how Heroine News was created and why the “About Us” section still does not inform who is responsible. With a passion that perhaps exceeds logic, I wanted to present a series of facts, more or less successive, more or less coincident, that I found worrying and I have asked for clarification of them. Who am I to ask? I am a blogger. If you don’t want to answer questions like mine, don’t open blogs on your sites. If you don’t want questions about the work you are doing, don’t upload content to the internet. Don’t forget that the Internet is the World Wide Web. Everyone is watching you. The activity that you carry out is not just pornography. Pornography is a delicate activity that can quickly descend into abuse and mistreatment of people (very commonly women). But you do pornography and sadism. You film fantasies of aberrant crimes (beatings, torture, abuses and deaths of women) for the pleasure and enjoyment of the viewers. Therefore, I believe it is essential that you are willing to give clear answers when questioned about the well-being of those who are working on these productions, particularly the models/actresses. If you are not in a position to give clear answers, the question immediately arises: what are you trying to hide? You ask me for proof of what I say. Proof of what? About what are you afraid that I have proof? Violent attitudes, a posture of offended dignity, trying to discredit those who question you, are all quite common strategies with which those found doing something they should not be doing defend themselves. I noticed Coco’s absence in TBFE since February 2024 and there was no willingness to explain why. Maybe she is taking a break, maybe she doesn’t want to continue working on these films, maybe, as another told me, clients no longer choose her for a film. But the truth is that no one tells me anything specific. I have accepted the answer that TBFE gave me that nothing is wrong with her and that they will film with her again soon. But, my dear Damien, I will have to keep watching and waiting.
Hope starshame gets squeezed in tight both arms pinned bear hug
Having Coco in a film is such a good thing. Any scene with her looks a hundred percent better witch it comes very handy when the plot is a no-brainer. Take a look at these preview pictures, and you’ll see what I mean. But this video, although just released, was filmed in 2022 and now that TBFE has no plans to include Coco in its upcoming projects (the little rascals!), I wonder what the next job for her will be. (And please, don’t tell me it is “The Rise of the Phoenix”, a film more than one year in the… Read more »
Only facts: TBFE has four videos with Coco yet to be released: “Sunder Coco”, “Redwing Coco”, “Tormented” and “Nebula”, all of them already finished. After the “epic debacle” of “Nebula” in February of 2024, TBFE hasn’t announced another film with Coco, and she is not included in any of their future projects. Meanwhile, on eX-Twitter, another “producer”, Phoenix (cero) Philms, has been “harassing” Coco to make a film called “The Rise of the Phoenix” for over a year now, but the film was never completed. It would be nice to know any specific news about Coco, her future projects or anything concrete about her.