“The Pink Kickass” from Kick Ass Kandy

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4 years ago

I hope this is a best seller so we get more like this. If the girls had relaxed jaws or open mouths when KOed it would be perfect.

The back and forth between the two factions were quite entertaining to watch and I particularly like that the women were winning the physical fight while the men had to rely on “foreign objects” to turn the tables. Plenty of drama with a twist at the end. The way the girls would recoil from the gas was absolutely captivating as well. Great plot and choreography also.

88joblo avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  JohnG

Thanks. Do the kandygirls take any punishment beyond the gas?

Dr_Mabuse avatar
4 years ago

I totally loved this one. Great back and forth between the girls winning fights and falling victim to dirty tricks, with a wonderful twist in the end. I’d definitely get a sequel, or another video with a similar balance.

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
4 years ago

I’ve purchased only two of the videos here, KickAss Succession and Airforce KickAss because they contain a balanced fight between the two with the Femme eventually winning at the end though… So does this one also have a good balanced fight like them???

BigZee avatar
4 years ago

Without a doubt, those two videos are the best ever. Nevertheless Pink Kickass is one terrific vid.BTW, Nuclear Kickass also has some peril in it.

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Alright! I’ll be purchasing this one soon… Also, thanks for the info on Nuclear Kickass. shall have a look at that too….

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Hey Jacques, took both this n nuclear as per your advice, unfortunately both turned out to be disasters for me, I found DrKickAssLove much better compared to both these two…

BigZee avatar
4 years ago

Sorry about that. Other than Airforce Kickass and Kickass Succession both of which are my customs, I am not aware of any other films that have as much sustained back and forth action.

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

That’s absolutely alright… I’d just like to see more of stuff like the two we’re talking about, in the future… 🙂

4 years ago

How much of a “table turn” is actually in this? 1 image out of 16 is about the typical percentage of “peril” content I’d assume from the video.

4 years ago
Reply to  Redmountain

There are three different KO exchanges/scenes of the girls being put to sleep that are best in class

4 years ago

Does anyone know what happens in this video?

pulphead avatar
4 years ago

One of the BEST you guys ever produced, Brooke and Sienna are amazingly beautiful!
their reactions to being knocked out is excellent! Filming them properly while unconsious was key and you nailed it !!!!!!
I hope there is a sequal to this! 🙂

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  pulphead

We must have a sequel, a KAF sequel where each actress absorbs a pounding.

pulphead avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacques


4 years ago
Reply to  Pulphead

Double YES

4 years ago
Reply to  pulphead

The reactions are literally amongst the best ever in the genre. No exaggeration.

Ghost999 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  pulphead

Question. Is it gas or do they get beaten?

pulphead avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Ghost999


mantower avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Pulphead

That’s a shame, was hoping for a sleeper hold or at least punchout. Gassing does nothing for me I’m afraid.