“The party is over” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, choking, scissorhold, tit punching and low blows: knees, kicks, punches.
The girls are wearing panties in this movie – not bikinis/swimsuits.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 18 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
Jane and May are rival spys/assassins at the party of a crime lord. Jane is the more skilled honorable fighter, whilst May has learnt some new tricks to gain an advantage.
Jane is looking at a laptop. Jane closes the laptop, about to pick it up and take it.
May appears behind Jane and throws a punch at Jane’s head. Jane narrowly dodges sideways. May throws another punch which Jane blocks. May kicks Jane in the stomach, Jane stumbles backwards holding her stomach, wincing slightly.
May: “That doesn’t belong to you Agent Jane” The girls circle each other. “I thought I saw you sneaking away from the party.”
Jane straightens up into a fight pose. Jane “That was a cheap shot. Get out of my way May. Or don’t you remember the last time we met?”
May smirks. “It won’t end the same way this time!”
May charges at Jane. The girls exchange blows, a few of them land but most are dodged or blocked. The girls are evenly matched.
May punches Jane in the face knocking her to her knees. May swings a kick at Jane’s head, but Jane catches it. Jane hits May in the thigh.
Jane’s superior skills start to show, she knocks May to her knees.
Jane “It’s over May, you can’t beat me!
Jane swings a kick at May’s head, but May catches it, Jane looks surprised. May looks up Jane’s skirt at her panties, she smirks and delivers an uppercut low blow. (Upwards camera angle)
Jane gasps, grabbing her crotch staring into the sky groaning with her mouth open.
Jane “Ooooo….What the fuck was that?”
May “Aww did I hurt your little pussy?” May teases. “I’ve learnt some new techniques since we last fought”
Jane “You bitch! Even with your dirty tactics, you’re no match for me!”
May “Let’s test that theory, shall we?”
May charges at Jane. They exchange blows, blocks and dodges. Jane gets the upper hand again and grabs May by the throat. May grabs Jane’s arm trying to release the choke. May tries to knee Jane in the crotch, but Jane blocks.
Jane “Not this time” Jane smirks.
May delivers a left jab to Jane’s breast, Jane winces. May follows with a right jab to Jane’s other breast. Jane releases the choke and staggers back against a wall holding her chest.
Jane “Ow my tits you dirty bitc…”
Before she can finish her sentence, May lifts Jane’s skirt revealing Jane’s panties. She grabs Jane’s shoulders and delivers a hard knee to Jane’s crotch leaving her knee there for a few seconds. Jane winces in pain.
Jane “My… my pussy!” Jane squeaks.
After a few seconds May knees Jane in the crotch again. Jane slides down the wall legs apart, 1 hand holding her crotch, the other holding her breasts.
May “You were saying Agent Jane? Looks like you won’t be having any fun with any of those parts tonight!” May laughs.
Jane takes a while to recover to her feet, still with one hand on her crotch. Jane charges at May. May catches Jane with a knee to her stomach, Jane bends forwards in pain trying to hold herself up using May’s hips. May slams both fists in a hammer down onto Jane’s back. Jane falls to the ground pulling May’s skirt down at the same time. May looks shocked that her panties have been revealed. Jane looks up at May’s panties and uppercuts May in the crotch.
May stumbles back holding her crotch rocking back and forth.
Jane gets May in a head scissors, choking her. May punches Jane in the breast a couple of times trying to release the choke. Jane winces in pain but maintains the head scissors
May slowly pushes Jane’s legs apart to release the choke. She looks at Jane’s panties before punching her hard in the crotch. Jane immediately releases the hold to protect her injured crotch. May is gasping for air a little, but also goes to nurse her injured crotch from the previous uppercut.
May recovers first. Jane is on her back holding her crotch. May kicks Jane in the side twice, but Jane is still holding her crotch. May then stomps on Jane’s breast, grinding her foot into her breast. Jane releases her crotch to protect her breast.
May grabs Jane’s legs pulling them into the air so Jane’s ass is also off the ground. She punches downwards into Jane’s crotch. Jane tries to protect herself but May pushes her hands away and punches her in the crotch again. Jane holds her crotch in pain, but May pulls her hands away. May finishes with a vertical chop to Janes crotch.
Jane is down face down with her ass in the air. May approaches Jane.
May kneels next to Jane. She reaches under Jane’s belly, between her legs. She pulls Jane’s hands away from protecting her crotch and then punches Jane’s crotch hard, leaving her fist for a few seconds.
May pulls back her fist. Jane immediately covers her aching crotch. May spanks Jane’s ass smiling and watches Jane struggle for a few seconds.
May picks Jane up and chokes her from behind. Jane tries to pull May’s arm away from her neck. Jane elbows May in the breasts a couple of times. May reacts in pain, but maintains her grip, choking Jane harder. May punches Jane in the breast. Jane shouts in pain and reaches back and slams her fist into May’s crotch.
May gasps, bending slightly at the waist. Her grip weakens, but she maintains the choke on Jane.
Jane sends a backwards mule kick into May’s crotch.
The girls break apart nursing their aching breasts and crotches.
May recovers first, Jane is trying to crawl away. May angrily kicks Jane’s legs apart from behind, and then kicks her hard in the crotch. Jane rolls on the ground holding her crotch.
The girls end up in a grapple hand to hand. May kicks Jane in the crotch twice.
Jane tries to close her legs in pain, but their hands are still locked. May spins so they are now back to back. May delivers a mule kick heel to Jane’s crotch.
Jane is leaning against the back of a sofa holding her crotch. May turns Jane around and bends her over the back of the sofa. May kicks her hard in the crotch from behind. May grabs Jane by the hips and knees her twice in the crotch.
Jane falls down holding her crotch.
May picks up Jane and sits her on the edge of a table. She punches Jane a few times in the face and belly. Jane falls back lying along the table. May hammers Jane a few times in the belly. May uses both fists to hammer one of Jane’s breasts, Jane arches her back in pain holding her breast.
May grabs Jane’s legs and pulls her ass to the edge of the table, Jane is still lying down. May lifts one of Jane’s legs into the air spreading her legs and punches her hard in the crotch. Jane sits up in pain holding her crotch.
Jane is sitting in a chair. May pulls her legs apart. She knees Jane in the crotch hard, grinding her knee into her crotch for several seconds.
May “Looks like my techniques are quite effective Jane. I bet nobody’s hurt your soft kitty like this before.” May pulls her knee away from Jane’s crotch, Jane immediately holds herself.
May is bent over in front of Jane, face to face.
May “I never imagined you’d wear such cute panties for a secret agent” May laughs. “Ready for some more punish-” Before May can finish her sentence, Jane kicks May in the crotch hard.
Jane stands over May grabbing her by the hair. May lifts Jane’s skirt and uppercuts Jane in the crotch. Jane stumbles away holding herself. May gets to her feet but still reacts to the pain in her crotch.
After a few moments both girls recover.
May jabs Jane in both eyes, Jane’s eyes close, she cant see. May grabs Jane by the shoulders and knees her in the crotch hard. Jane eyes open wide, she bends forwards holding herself.
May staggers backwards exhausted, her own crotch is still aching, she catches her breath. She marches up to Jane, and pulls Janes hands away from her crotch. May knees Jane in the crotch 3 more times quickly, leaving her knee in Jane’s crotch for a few seconds on the final knee. Jane is in agony, holding her crotch, thighs together, feet apart.
May kneels in front of Jane, and pulls Jane’s hands away from her crotch, but Jane keeps moving her hands back to protect her crotch.
May stands up pulling Jane up straight by the hair. May punches Jane in each breast a few times. Eventually Jane stops moves her hands from her crotch to protect her breasts.
May smiles. May slowly walks behind Jane and kneels down behind her. May slides Jane’s skirt up from behind revealing her panties. May pushes Jane’s thighs apart.
May “It’s over Jane, this time I win”
May smirks. May presses her fist up against Jane’s panties, slowly taking aim making sure Jane’s thighs won’t get in the way. May pulls her fist back before slamming her fist straight up into Jane’s crotch from behind, leaving her first in Jane’s crotch for a few seconds. Jane grabs her crotch. She slowly stumbles forward falling to her knees holding her crotch and then onto her back rocking slightly holding her crotch.
May picks up the laptop, but holds her crotch slightly, as she’s still in pain. May smiles admiring the damage she has done to Jane before she leaves.
Jane continues to react to the pain in her crotch.
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This was my custom and Jay, Jane and May from FemaleKicks did an amazing job! You can read the full script on the page here https://fekistudio.com/product/the-party-is-over/ Trailer below https://femalekicksinfo.space/aiovg_videos/the-party-is-over/ The story is quite simple, Jane and May are rival spies/assassins who’ve infilrated a criminal’s party to steal a laptop. It starts with Jane about to take the laptop until May arrives and a fight ensues. It starts off fairly even fight, with Jane taking the advantage, until May lands a low blow. Jane tries to fight honorably, but does ends up resorting to a few low blows of her own.… Read more »