“The Night Sparrow Project” – Ultraheroix.com
Hey Everyone!
We have a project we’re developing at UltraHeroix.com!
This new feature will be called “The Night Sparrow Project”! What will make this special is this free content that I will be posting on YouTube and other Social Media where our original character, Night Sparrow will be telling/ narrating stories on the paranormal, Folk legends, Horror-themed, unexplained, and the weird which is Night Sparrow’s passion. She will also be telling her own short superheroine, crime-fighting stories.
The goal is for Bi-weekly updates of her narrating stories and giving brief reports on paranormal subjects/topics.
If you have visited the website recently, you will notice her own section where you can find her character profile and other information. This will also be the launching pad where you will find her free YouTube stories and when it is ready a member’s section! There, you will find her exclusive video adventures, special photo sets and other cool stuff.
To make this new venture successful we need your help! Besides just watching the Youtube videos, we ask that you writers out there contribute short stories or reports on paranormal reports for her to tell. The content could be on cryptids, mysterious locations, Aliens and etc. and it doesn’t need to be superheroine related. If you have a general interest in that area and would like to contribute, we would be happy to accept. Also, feel free to contribute art and we can try to include it on the site and as part of the video updates.
We ask that your story and art contributions be in the PG-PG13 but we are flexible if it is on the sexier/ teasing side of things. the stories should be the length that could read for 5 to 10 minute videos. If you have any questions feel free to email me at ultraheroix@gmail.com or post them on this thread. Please no attachments in the email, put your contribution/stories/reports in the body of the email.
Hopefully, we will be fully launched of “The Night Sparrow Project” by Summer/Early Fall this year but I will keep you updated on our progress here and also on UltraHeroix.com ! We just need your views and participation to make this project a success!

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Hi Everyone,
I’m not sure why this site hasn’t been updated yet with new releases but we have a new video available now. “Powerdame: Venom Strike” at ultraheroix.com .Check it out!
I really liked Venom Strike. If I’m being honest, I come here for story-driven sexual content, so when videos have no sexually suggestive stuff at all, that’s usually not what I’m looking for.
That being said, this area that you’re kind of exploring where there’s light sexual peril (nudity free groping, implied stuff, moaning, etc.) without being explicit or downright pornographic, I like a lot. While I like the nudity/more explicit stuff, I think there’s a ton you can do without it (sometimes even more, depending on what it’s being used for in the story).
I also have to say I’m a HUGE fan of the ending in this one. You do something that I’ve definitely seen before but doesn’t get used often at all, which is
New “Powerdame: Venom Strike” available now! Thanks Bbsucks! I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m happy to be able to give you something new and different! The ending was something different that I usually do and so far has been popular with fans! Thanks again!
Hmmm, how’d this post slip by me earlier? I’m very intrigued to see this how this turns out, cool little video explaining it all.
Thanks! If you are anyone else has any questions, please ask!
very exciting news…. i’m not super creative myself but curious to see what can come of this with fan input.
i’ll just toss my two cents in for anything related to encasement like nylon cocoons (amazon says full body nylon cocoons), getting caught in spider webs, slime, etc.
or being strangled by monsters !(seehttps://www.clips4sale.com/studio/33501/consssssstrictor-s-lair for examples)
Thanks Depo man! I’ve gotten a few stories and I’m working on some myself but I am always eager for more. Thanks for your 2 cents!
Sorry if you’re already explained this but will you be posting the stories? Even the ones that aren’t brought to life via video?
That may help, even myself, generate more ideas and understand what limitations there are both from content view and production capabilities
Thanks for asking Depo Man! I’ll be happy to clarify! Night Sparrow will be narrating the stories that fans contribute in YouTube videos. The goal will be to release the narrated stories for free on a monthly (hopefully Bi-Weekly) basis, depending on how many stories we get from fans and me writing a few short stories myself.
I would like to try and focus on paranormal/creepy stories but I would also accept your traditional Superheroine, crime-fighting stories if it will help generate content. I’ll also put the text version of the stories on the Ultraheroix website.
oh, i’m an idiot! i didn’t realize it was only narration (helps to read i guess! lol)
i was hoping some of the stories would be brought to live action, perhaps as simple, single-shot 5 min clips.
Well, I don’t want to make guarantees but I would keep an open mind. If the submitted story is good for a 5 minute single shot clip I might consider it. Especially if it is to set up or work in a narration story. Thanks!
i keep imagining Night Sparrow tip toeing through a cave, only to encounter a spider who webs/cocoons her head to toe, with several minutes of NS struggling and the spider moving across her body.
i know i said single shot, but now i’m wondering if it’s better to splice the narration with some visuals as mentioned above, or just have the narration sit on top of the visuals entirely
i’d be happy to supply the cocoon if this would ever be considered! 🙂
really intrigued by this. especially love the idea of fan contributions to stories and such. I always thought the paranormal was a route shg’s picture story sites could have went down once upon a time. really like the heroine too. will keep an eye out for updates. always got a mad idea or two I could pitch haha XD
Thanks !