UPDATED! “Public Disgrace” from Punished Heroines

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Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Watching this video again and am really hoping to see much more of Alexis. She looks amazing in this outfit, and I love that she is willing to do sexual peril.
Also, great directing all around. Really loved the shot of Alexis being held up by the villain holding her top, stretching out her uniform while Alexis falls back helplessly as she is smacked around. Would LOVE to see that again, especially with Alexis in a Supergirl outfit.

redmanx avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

After seeing Parolee 3 I had to see more Alexis Monroe, she is incredible! I really don’t think Ive seen any actress in this genre as convincing; she fights well, moans well, her gasping and panting from her punishment is totally convincing, she moves well, conveys the arrogance and pride of a superheroine, and knows how to roll with a punch and look hurt, dazed and helpless while her own punches look authentic. There is so much I loved about Superia Public Disgrace, even the running commentary from the evil Prof Skullion which Alexis reacted to like an Oscar winner!… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  redmanx

Loved the movie as well.

8 years ago

Love the costume. The model is just stunning and fucking hot!
I’m a fan of low blows. Any idea how many are there in this video?

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Picturing that second to last pic with Superia saying, “Fucking give it to me already!” Or some other such words. Can’t imagine how hot that would be to have that actress as Supergirl doing that! She looks the part and then some!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

I loved this on, but in reading a previous comment I was thinking of how perhaps, in a future video with this actress (as Supergirl hopefully:) she could he fondled and completely aroused. Then, when the villain finally penetrates her (finger or otherwise) she lets out a loud moan of satisfaction. Have her teased to the point of almost climaxing several times, then finally have the villain satisfy her as she lets herself enjoy the moment (until she is shamed after by being forced to watch herself be taken). Perhaps a shot of the video on a laptop in front… Read more »

8 years ago

I hate to be a Negative Nancy but nothing says erotic more than fondling and groping with huge oversized gloves. I’ll keep a lookout for that in the future and avoid buying such videos at all costs. Also in a near 40 minute video could we have more hitting please? I’m not talking about 30 minutes here but perhaps more than 1 total minute could be managed. Grrrrrrrrr.

8 years ago

One of the best ever.

8 years ago

The video is good, she’s hot and sells the hits in a good way. I’ve enjoyed particulary a couple of punches to the crotch and the face hits. But, like many others, it has a lack of variety. Grab the girl, hit her 10 times in the face, 2 minutes of bearhug, hit 10 times in the crotch. It’s boring to see that every video (more or less) follow this kind of patterns. Why there’s no simple combat combo, like a couple of punches to the belly, a kne to the face follow to a kick to the crotch? The… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Giaggio

I cannot agree with this more. Would be willing to pay a little more than normal for a video that showed a heroine legit getting beat down, varying hits taken and failed attempts to strike back.

yumyum666 avatar
8 years ago

Brilliant, except you can’t buy it, something about pre-funding account by snail mail. Have we gone back to the 1970’s?

8 years ago
Reply to  Tuco

Don’t knock the 1970s. Such much more liberated times. And for buying it. Yes, you can. How seems to be a country specific thing maybe. I know this does not help you, but man, give it a try, even if snail mail and pre-funding is involved. Or maybe shoot SHG an e-mail.

Alex Bettinger
Alex Bettinger
8 years ago

Loved it, super hot. That is some model! Great costume, great peril-acting, great-looking villain even. But really that model is just so damn sexy, and her acting was just perfect. Pure hotness, this vid.

Dick Schlongerton
Dick Schlongerton
8 years ago

Had to buy new keyboard šŸ˜‰

8 years ago

Best comment EVER šŸ™‚

8 years ago

Pure perfection. Outstanding work all around. Very well directed and very well edited. Indeed, this may very well be one of the best peril movies ever. Have not seen every peril movie to judge that šŸ™‚ but this is the first movie that beats the first Redwing and Rye’s own Spectre. Rye’s best movie in any case and a movie to be studied by other producers to learn from the master of this genre. I do not mean this as a dig on other producers, but as high praise for Rye’s incredible gift to us with this movie. Easily 5… Read more »

8 years ago

Best one i have seen

bicmtw avatar
8 years ago

Is this bad or death ending?

8 years ago
Reply to  Hon

The latter.

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Hats off, dude. This was a fucking fantastic vid. Best I’ve seen in a long time.

8 years ago

The best video I ever saw in the genre, congratulations.

Decendingskulls avatar
8 years ago

This was truly something. You really channeled DanO here, and I loved every second of it. I just love that no-holds-barred objectification of the superheroine, complete with a monster who wants to “consume” the heroine’s sexual energy, and a condescending villain announcer who’s going to give her the play by play to humiliating effect. And one more thing I gotta say, your production quality just keeps getting better. This is crystal clear HD and perfectly lit, it’s glorious.

BARON2027 avatar
8 years ago

downloading it now

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye


8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Nice one was just about to comment asking for an estimate on when its out

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

BTW: I have seen the new X-Men movie now twice. And this is where I disagree with most reviewers: I freakin’ liked it. Not as good as First Class or Days of Furture Past, put still very, very entertaining. And I suspect we will see some peril flicks with Psylocke in the Jim Lee outfit. Olivia Munn in the movie in that costume šŸ™‚ Thought I would never see THAT in a live action movie.

8 years ago

Maybe a few teaser photos, Rye? šŸ™‚

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

I like the idea of the humiliation angle to go with the peril. I am imagining a villain talking while the monster does its thing, taunting the heroine about her costume and her climaxing. Can’t wait for this one to get released. Perhaps even as early as this week…?

BadMilk avatar
8 years ago

You can put me on that ” immediate purchase” list as well. Not only do I find the actress playing Superia to be stunningly attractive, and a perfect fit into that costume, but I’m really impressed with the detail on the villainous creature. His costume is great, As for the subject of go go boots, I’m not really a fan of the super high heels as I imagine they wouldn’t be as functional in hand to hand combat as say, a lower combat boot styled heel or even a boot with a flat soul. I can easily overlook the big… Read more »

8 years ago

Immediate purchase. All hail The Rye.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mell

Will be an immediate purchase for me as well. You had me with the girl and the words Public Disgrace šŸ™‚ The monster is an added bonus.

8 years ago

Ohh, poor Superia…hehehe! Anxiously awaiting this one. And by the way, I LOVE the boots!

8 years ago

Looks great. Eta?

8 years ago

Their kids are gonna be adorable.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Looks even more appealing. Seriously looking forward to this one Rye. Please feel free to drop any details as to the type of sexual peril in this one. I can see some in the trailer; any chance of further elaboration?
Again, impressive looking video Rye. Nicely done.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Looks very good. Very rough and very DanO. Me likes šŸ™‚

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Nice observation Horse. There is a resemblance to some of the early DanO videos. I’m thinking of the one with Ultrawoman where she is in a building chased by two monsters who look somewhat similar to the creature in this one.

8 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoated

That Ultrawoman one was a beauty, Sugar. Brings back memories. Dano had some incredibly good-looking models back then, pity he went off the boil or lost interest.

8 years ago
Reply to  bogie

Yes, he did. And Rye said he was a big fan. So it makes sense to give us a taste from the past so to speak šŸ™‚ I have recently re-discovered his “Doomsday Alpha”, the one with Coco. Liked it when it came out. Really, really like it now. The second half is very strong. So, high hopes for this new release. Hopefully soon.

And: anyone else excited for “Preacher”? Have not read the comic book series, but man, do I like the trailer for the show. Will be watching.

Dangerman1973 avatar
8 years ago

are there any spin transformations? I was thinking, I’d like to suggest spin transformations and spinning drills one your skirtless leotard based heroines like Superia.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Wow. You gotta give us another one after that!

AngelDust avatar
8 years ago

Ha Ha Ha. Rye does the build up anticipation better than anyone. His timing is pretty fucking good too.

8 years ago

No trailer?

8 years ago
Reply to  Lankerman

I know it’s been about 8 days

8 years ago

Ahh can we please get that trailer today Rye?!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Any chance of more pics before the trailer? Can’t wait to see more!

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

All righty then, I’ll start saving up right now!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Fantastic news! Please have her as SG get soaked and muddied up if possible. You could do a combination of the 1984 kryptonite sequence, but maybe have it as a gel placed beneath her unisuit. Then have her sexed up in a weakened state by some average guy (to amuse Nuclearman, as he was previously humiliated by SG and wants to shame her). After that sequence she is dumped in a muddy area where she writhes around in the mud (similar to the scene in the original Supergirl movie). The final sequence could be of someone rescuing her and hosing… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

This actually sounds like gold to me. I wish more producers would utilize water, slime and mud! A few, including Rye have in the past, but I’m talking about a lot more! Hopefully he takes your idea into consideration šŸ™‚

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Any possibility of hint to release date and trailer upload

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Amazing news, she looks to be an incredible find! Is there any “hope” at seeing a full Slater suit with this, or is the biZarro crest a necessity these days? Thanks for sharing!

tltan123 avatar
8 years ago

Rye, the costumes on the heroines and especially the villains have been spot on… and Alexis … what a find, how do you do it ?
I rarely critique but i find the silver panellings distracting and ill placed, i figure it’s probably to lend light to the dungeon but it makes the ‘lair’ look like a studio, can stronger lighting not do the trick?
Can’t wait for the trailer.

mantower avatar
8 years ago

It does look promising but, and sorry to pick on a negative, goddamned gogo boots! As a boot fetishist I have to say they REALLY don’t do anything for me, quite the contrary I am afraid.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mantower

this looks very promising indeed. love the costume, including the boots! i am so glad they don’t go above the knees. i want to see a woman’s legs in all their glory!

8 years ago
Reply to  wwlover

Yes, Love the costume and especially love the boots!! The bare legs and knee high boots are a slam dunk all the way Rye!.

And that is phenominal news about Alexis as Superiorgirl …

One Idea Rye…remember the nails across the neck in Superman IV and how it weakened Superman?
That would look ten times better being done to Superiorgirl by Nuclearman. Have her poisoned with the scratch on the neck and then zapped many times before she is incapacitated.

What a year this is going to be!

8 years ago

What is her name??

tltan123 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Charles

Alexis Monroe

8 years ago

Very nice! Yep, you have our attention!

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Interesting observation. Buy the video and provide a review. Instead if salivating on the actress how about commenting on the other attributes of the film.

Decendingskulls avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Well, in addition to being beautiful, she looks like she can act as well, so you may be jumping to conclusions here. Probably not, but maybe.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

We would, but as it has yet to be released, all we can do is anticipate.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Appears to be a very accurate observation based upon the information available.

Anyway…I know you wear your downvotes like a badge of honor or whatever, but you’re really reaching way out to try to find fault with what Seer wrote here. The ‘war’ is over man. Everybody has moved on except you. Let it go…

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Kingles


8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Don’t you worry. People will buy this – once it IS available and write a review THEN.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Looks like you have a problem with the caps lock on your keyboard. BTW, there are three individuals out there who have the uncanny ability to make judgements and comments without actually seeing the complete film.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Lol, nothing uncanny about typing and hitting post about really liking a preview of pics. And as some of us have bought quite a few Rye videos, we have a track record by which to judge the pics seen, so using some logic and a precedent, I don’t think it’s far-fetched or uncanny to post some approval and excitement at what we see. And is it really necessary to post the obvious point that more will be mentioned once more can be seen? I would think you might figure these points out.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

HM, does the platform you’re using for the forum include a method for users to block messages from members they’d prefer not to see?

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

It’s called scrolling.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

As a final post, you seem to be able to dish it out rather well,but you are unable to take it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Dude, I’ve roasted you on this forum so many times I’ve lost count. I stopped because you’re a straight up troll who gets off on annoying people. If you really are pulling the plug, which I doubt, here’s my last comment. Go fuck yourself.

HM avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

No, I don’t believe an “ignore user” function is available at the moment.

However, there is a “comment flagging” function that, if I understand correctly, would automatically remove comments with a certain number of down-votes.

I’ll be happy to look into this if you guys think it’s worth implementing.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  HM

You shouldn’t have to be concerned about me any longer. Two more posts and that will be it, unless I decide to write positive reviews.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

I never use anything but Apple… hence no problems. Are you now seeing three individuals when looking in the mirror? And for making “judgements” without seeing a film? The internet is full of those. Just enter “trailer reactions” in YouTube. People will also discuss every tiny bit of information for an upcoming film in a forum such as this one. You could even argue – ok, it is a stretch, but really, that a forum is for… discussions. And yes, I did buy a couple of peril vids on the weekend. That I did not write about them does not… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Actually you have written some excellent reviews on mainstream movies. I do consider yours the gold standard so to speak, something to aspire to. I do think that reviews are helpful as there is so much to choose from. If it weren’t for a review, I would not have purchased Alex David’s Limitless which was excellent and had an ending which I prefer. I am not a fan of severe peril and so I am always trying to avoid those films.It is hard to write negative reviews as some films are customs, produced to satisfy the tastes of a paying… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Worry not Troll Zee, there’ll be reviews. But wording your comment like you’re telling me what to do is weird, powerless one. For example, you ‘request’ a review commenting on attributes of a not-released movie, I instead will review and comment on your well-known attributes: Troll Zee is having a pout Rye’s movie announced but not out Monroe so much hotter than his blow-up doll wife Zee’s ego is suff’ring a great deal of strife So a desp’rate vendetta is what Zee grips on to Even Logan would say it’s just sad what Zee’s come to With nothing worth saying… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Seer

I am impressed. I am honoured and privileged that you did this for me. Thanks.
I have one more bone to pick with someone else and I am waiting for my last opportunity.
In the meantime, I wish you all the best. Spar all you want, but it is good bye from me.

saxman314 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Seer

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA You, sir, have WAY too much time on your hands, but I’m glad you do. It’s almost more hilarious that you actually wrote this than what you actually wrote, but that just makes it funny on two levels!

8 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Time isn’t relevant when you’re in the zone, writing verse is just fun when you like doing it. If you actually play sax and you’re good at it, then you must know what it’s like to blow your axe for a bit and afterwards checking the time only to realize way more time went by than you thought, cause you were having too much fun.

8 years ago

Looks good. Bring the trailer!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Seriously, at the risk of overhyping, this new actress looks on par with some of Rye’s best. And kudos to Rye for finding yet another stunner. The man is a damn genius! Thank you yet once again for what looks to be another amazing video.

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Looks great, Rye! Really looking forward to this one!

AngelDust avatar
8 years ago

Finally!!!! It’s been all pg and lame stuff for the longest time.. This looks very promising. New hot actress!!! Topless!!! sexual Peril!!! Please have groping!!! You had me at hello.

8 years ago

Wow Rye!
Just when I was thinking you were about due, you come through every time.
Actress looks amazing and what a costume!

Take my money now!!

Alex Bettinger
Alex Bettinger
8 years ago


kungfuandy1984 avatar
8 years ago

Finally, I haven’t really been too interested in anything that has come out in a while but hopefully this will change that. Looking forward to the trailer.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Damn!! This looks like a stunner!! Can’t wait to see more!