Spider-Woman in “Dream Weaver, Episode 2!” from Sleepy Superheroines

When last we left Spider-Woman, she was defeated and unmasked by the fiendish Trickster. Trickster continues his humiliation of Spider-Woman by adding a ball gag and some bondage while continuing to knock her out with various methods including chloroform and blackjack. Fan favorite LilMizzUnique looks gorgeous in this video as the unmasked Spider-Woman! Can she bring the Trickster to justice? Find out in the conclusion of Dream Weaver!
This video features male/female fighting, multiple chloroform KOs, blackjack KOs, mind control, ball-gag, bondage, over the shoulder carries, fireman carry, cradle carries, butt spankings, ragdolling, and limp play.
Available Now/Watch Trailer: https://sleepysuperheroines.com/spiderwoman-dream-weaver-episode-2/
Not a fan of the ball/gag. But the second half of the vid was great.Like lilmizz unmasked and the costume was fitting better than in the first video. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Laundry. Glad you enjoyed it.
We need the Terra Mizu Wonder Woman video you just filmed. Is that next?
Yes it is.