Sony Pictures’ “Underworld: Blood Wars”
The “Underworld” franchise has never interested me all that much, but fans of mainstream action/sci-fi films with a female lead might enjoy the next installment of the series, Underworld: Blood Wars, starring Kate Beckinsale.
Vampire death dealer, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) fights to end the eternal war between the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her.
The first Underworld was pretty good whereas the others were more or less crapy. That said, I’ve always made sure to see every film that came out as I love Selene as the series protagonist and by extension Kate who plays the role well. Love how Selene is a tough girl who’s all business (most of the time) and kicks some serious ass without pushing forward a SJW agenda or theme. I just wish that there was some serious peril situations that Selene gets into, even if she gets to prevail at the end.
Kate Beckinsale looks gorgeous, can’t wait to see this kick ass action movie!
This movie actually opened here last month.
It was OK if taken in and off itself. But in the context of the series as a whole the continuity is an ungodly mess.
Kate in tight leather looking hot for 2 hours kicking butt? Yes please. They were always well done movies. And she has that something I like.
I think I preferred Kate in ‘Van Helsing’…she looks super hot; fights ferociously, and is in serious peril for a good portion of it. Underrated movie. The Underworld series has never really done much for me; too much like watching a two hour long video game, imho.
Love the costume she is wearing. Would like to see some more of that. The movies I find to be casual entertainment that does not require that much focus while watching. Still enjoyed them.
Underworld movies aside, Kate Beckinsale lost me as a fan. She was suppose to attend Rhode Island Comic Con this past November and no showed thousands of fans at the last minute setting off a firestorm. In the end most everyone who bought a ticket to see her got a partial refund. Go figure. So if Kate couldnt take a few hours to meet and greet fans, I cant see any reason I should take a few hours out of my day to see her movies.
Hopefully you won’t seek revenge at a card game tournament a decade or two from now.
No but you should have seen the Rhode Island Comic con this past November. Aside from the Kate Beckinsale fiasco there was a slew of other issues, which to this day still have not been resolved.
And subsequently become “best buddies”…with Kate of all? I’d be in for it š
Honestly, Kate’s outfit never did anything for me, and her character’s allure is not a motivator for me to watch… I just think the Underworld flicks are badass and fun, especially the first one.
I always enjoyed the Underworld movies for what they were, mindless entertainment. It is actually nice to watch a movie without being preached to or having some political agenda attached to it. I also liked the set designs and gothic atmosphere of the films. Having Kate in that outfit doesn’t hurt either, she still looks amazing in it.
I would tend to agree on the “mindless entertainment” part, I’m frankly fed up to the nines with all the criticism about movies having to have some “meaning”. I mean, if you go watch 10 meters tall killer robots shooting missiler or a vampire in a tight outfit kicking some ass, why would you expect the movie to have some isight on the human condition, where we are headed and the number 42? That said, the Underworld series kind of belongs to the “chaotic dark” category I despise wholeheartedly – where basically you can’t tell what’s going on on the… Read more »
From what I have read and seen in interviews, the majority of Selene’s costume in the first Underworld was a latex catsuit. In the following movies, it was some type of pvc catsuit. If you watch the movies you can tell the difference by the way the light reflects off of it. The boots, corset, and wrist guards were leather in all of the movies. Kate made a joke about the first movie saying she was basically wearing a full body condom…lol.
I enjoy the vampire vs werewolf war that goes mostly unnoticed by humans theme. The movies themselves are somewhat enjoyable with the real highlight being Kate Beckinsale in the suit. It wouldn’t surprise me if the first movie was made simply because someone wanted to see vampire Beckinsale run around in latex. lol