Sony Pictures’ “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter”

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8 years ago

One poster mentioned the peril as being uninteresting. Is that the general consensus?

8 years ago

Also, does the ending really have finality, or is there wiggle room for another sequel?

8 years ago

Does Milla have superpowers in this movie, or is she a normal human?

8 years ago

I’d sure like to hear more opinions on RE: The Final Chapter.

MisterAnthony avatar
8 years ago

I watched it in the theatre…and I was bored. Milla doesn’t have any good costumes, the peril and action sequences aren’t that interesting, and there’s too much time spent in dark rooms/corridors/night waving a light around. The supporting characters aren’t that interesting either. Quite a letdown after the last movie.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

That’s disappointing.

8 years ago

They should have made this one be like the avengers of resident evil. Bring in all the main resident evil characters including Chris redfield, Jill valentine, Leon Kennedy, along with Claire and sure, Alice. Instead it feels like just another RE movie that we have seen the last 3-4 times.

8 years ago

Never liked RE. And I see Hollywood is dispirit so they dream this one up. Each movie in the series got worse and worse. There was a reason why they stopped making these. No one cared. I can see this losing a lot of money. It wasn’t interesting then. And it’s not interesting now. Hot girls can carry bad movies. Think Kate in the Underworld movies. This one doesn’t have one. So…………….

8 years ago
Reply to  Greatness

While I can appreciate that these are times when ONE speaks for EVERYBODY… but if nobody cares or goes to see these movies, why would they make them and so many of them? And Hollywood is not “dispirit”, they care for making money. This got made because their market research told them it will make a certain amount of money, enough to make on more. This feels like the comments you can read on the sites that give the new TV show “Riverdale” (based on Archie comics and written by arguably the best writer in comics at the moment –… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Sorry to interrupt the thread, but has anybody seen The Man in the High Castle, season 2?
Did a binge last night and have to say WOW.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Yes. WOW. Did you catch that they are eating “Wheat Flakes” for breakfast? And am I the only one who thinks Joe’s new love interest is super hot? And Rufus Sewell is the MAN. His Face / eyes in that last scene in front of that crowd. THAT is outstanding acting.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

I missed the Wheat Flakes bit. Yes Rufus is the MAN. He is absolutely phenomenal as a vicious and ruthless Nazi but at the same time we feel sympathy for his situation. I have to admit that at times I got confused; I had to re watch the last three episodes. The producers did a fantastic job in tying the parallel universes together. The lessons from the Cuban missile crisis were the key to saving both worlds. What happens next now that Frank Spotnitz has left the series. The TV version is far superior and satisfying than the novel.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Rumor has it that Frank Spotnitz was more involved in some of the storylines they closed this season i.e. Frank. I thought the different dimensions lined up pretty well. And the tests in the Pacific were real. I recommend the documentary “Radio Bikini”. Shocking stuff. A lot of the GIs they had on those boats got cancer from the radiation they were exposed to. They were told to check out the boats with the “test animals” on them which had been placed near ground zero. The guys did so in short navy shorts. Man! History is a bitch! I find… Read more »

8 years ago

BTW, off topic, but even some years ago I always thought that Rufus Sewell would make a perfect Reed Richards in an FF movie. Think about it. I don’t care who will make the next FF movie (Marvel or Fox), but more than ever he would be perfect.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

We are already off topic and so you must mean off off topic. Yes that would work. If I remember correctly the last FF was awful, actually they may have all been awful.

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

Couldn’t agree more with HorseWithNoName. Clearly the studio looked closely at their business model and realized that it would make enough of a profit to make it worth their time and effort. So perhaps it doesn’t sell enough to make 100 million. If it cost say 5 million to make, and it makes 10 million at the box office and another 5 million in dvd sales a year from now, then that’s a great rate of return on your investment. The problem is that we’ve been so primed to think almost exclusively in huge numbers and blockbuster films that a… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

So I just went over to Wikipedia and was able to find out that the 5 films in the series collectively had a budget of 250 million which works out to be 50 million a pop. Collectively the series has made just shy of a billion dollars at 915 million or 185 million a movie, including the one that hasn’t come out as yet. I mean, at those figures, the question really isn’t why they’re making another one of these ‘bad’ movies. The question should be why are they stopping?

8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Thanks for checking the numbers. See, kids, it all makes sense. And if it bombs: the good news is, it is not your money and you don’t want to see it anyway (@ Greatness that is). And if does better than expected, be sure, they will make one more (nobody wants to see either). And speaking of money: remember M. Night Shyamalan? The guy put up a lot of his own money (together with they always clever and always successful Jason Blum) to more or less self-finance his latest movie “Split”. That thing made over 40 million at the North… Read more »

8 years ago

Is there no Ada Wong in this one?

She looked hot in the last movie.

8 years ago

Hard to believe this movie franchise has been around for almost 15 years. I actually stopped watching after Resident Evil Extinction. The actual video game had numerous characters and storylines. I wish they would have explored those stories, than just focusing on Alice battling zombie after zombie.

8 years ago

Sucks the main characters are two 40 + year old females. Resident evil always had hot 20s females in the lead roles back in the day.

8 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I’d say that Milla looks better than a lot of 20 somethings. But taste, heh…

8 years ago
Reply to  Chris

RE1: 50% male/female
RE2: 50% male/female
RE3: one female.
RE4: one male, only.
RE5: 50% male/female
RE6: 66% male, 33% female, with one more female unlockable later, which means it’s still mostly male.

8 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Are you saying Milla isn’t attractive because she’s 40+? Really?

8 years ago


How about this one instead:

HM avatar
8 years ago
8 years ago
Reply to  HM

What was THAT? I cannot not unsee this 🙂