“Sonica v Commander Curse” from NGC Championship

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6 years ago

I must say that i really enjoyed this video, first by the mostly one-sidedness with ocassional bursts of fighting spirit from Sonica, nut i must specially commend the actress, she was top notch and sold the peril, pain a desperation really well, specially considering she is a newcomer! Loved how she rolled on the floor moaning too, her reactions were great while being hit and after it too. The costume and mask were a really nice surprise and complemented her shape perfectly. Also i mentioned this on the site but the sweat marks and messier hair as the fight progressed… Read more »

6 years ago

Any low blows in this video?

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago

I enjoyed this. Sonica has the right blend of cockiness and vulnerability that a super heroine needs; I enjoyed the way she gasped ‘a man!’ when Curse appeared and then threw a bit of shade at him. She’s got some good moves; I particularly liked her ‘double kick’ and her two handed, overhead punch. I liked her scream too, it’s got a blend of organic and industrial sounds that makes me wonder if her power is bio-mechnical in nature. For a first outing for a character this was very good. It’s always a bit strange to see a character go… Read more »

6 years ago

Enjoyed the action in this one quite a bit. The new battle arena seemed to raise the bar , with the vaguely Orwellian epigrams surrounding the combatants. Sonica, talented and pretty , did a great job for her first time out, and the dialog and fight choreography were at the high standards we’ve come to expect from an NGC production. Hope we get to see more of Curse as well…think the series could use a malevolent male combatant..and he does a fine job verbally adding to poor Sonica’s misery.
Fine job all around !

6 years ago

I Loved This release. Sonica is the superheroine we’ve all been waiting for and the outfit & mask were PERFECT! I enjoyed this video alot! Maybe the best NGC Championship match I’ve seen to-date. I like the new battle arena and I enjoyed the new combatant entrance. The new actress was lovely and she sold her punishment & humiliation very well throughout the vid. Her scream special move was cool. I like how it makes the opponent disoriented and allows her to go to work. Both endings were top notch! and I liked the twist of the alternate ending. I… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

This was good. This was very good. Highly recommend everyone give this new girl a try because if I can like this I think a lot of people should like it as well. The caveat in that previous sentence comes from the fact that I don’t particularly like catsuits but even more important than that: I really do not like masks on heroines. I just think it takes away from the actresses’ facial expressions but to each their own as I know there’s a lot of people who like them. I’ve got a plethora of NGC heroines dressed the way… Read more »

Wrecker avatar
6 years ago

This might be my favorite NGC Championship fight to date. I second what the producer said about seeming to be a more action packed episode. I also agree with Darkwrath that the fights where it’s villain vs heroine do seem to be more brutal, where the heroine vs heroine fights seem like they hold back a bit. Sonica looks great in her costume, especially that strategic zipper placement and the way you can actually see that she’s sweating. Her performance was exceptional for a first time and I definitely hope to see her again. Curse looks yummy and intimidating all… Read more »

chris494 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Wrecker

At the risk of sounding like a pervert, I’d be remiss if i didn’t say that i loved the outfit and liked that you could see her sweating in it, as it showed some kind of ‘authenticity’.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

This is pretty funny because when I wrote my review above I was thinking the exact same thing. I wanted to say something about Sonica’s costume, the sweat and how you could see her underwear printed out as a result and then I said “well that’s pretty perverted. Can’t say that!” But then you think about it and you realize the irony where we’re all taking enjoyment from watching a female superhero get her ass handed to her. Yet somehow we’re uncomfortable talking about sweat and underwear despite those two things being way more mainstream to talk about than SHIP… Read more »

PunchJonny avatar
6 years ago

Just purchased, great vid, hope to see more of this actress and outfit!!

6 years ago

A new heroine with a form-fitting full bodysuit that perfectly hugs her curves? Sign me in!!!
Also the mask is a nice touch as somebody said earlier. It adds more variety and gives that comic book and secret identity vibe (like Catherine Marks back in season 2)

chris494 avatar
6 years ago

Fantastic outfit,really sexy and she fills it out so well.
Looking forward to it.

6 years ago

Is that an over the knee spanking I see

6 years ago

It’s not easy to convince me to like full body heroine suits but man, you guys hit it out of the park here. That suit hugs her curves perfectly. She is a gorgeous girl as well. Glad she’s now a part of the NGC family.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

My take on that is most championship matches tend to be heroine v heroine battles so whether by accident or design, once a particularly heroine gains the upper hand, they are generally just looking to pick up the win and normally do so in quick-ish fashion. On the other hand, in heroine v villain(ness) battles, once the baddie gains the advantage, they are looking to put a pounding on the hapless heroine, humiliating her over and over again. Point examples being Spectrum v Sister fate or Erica v Sister Fate or Dominator v anyone really.

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Bluebird vs K.O Queen was another one like that.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

I’m always thrilled to see a new heroine in the NGC lineup, and this one looks great so far. I’m also excited at the prospect of a new Deja Vu adventure in the future (see the NGC blog for details.)

Sure, it can be tough to wait for something you’re looking forward to, but I genuinely enjoy the anticipation. The more teasers/previews/etc. , the better, IMO.

Also, can I say “YAY!” to *unseen material from KO Queen’s humiliating destruction of Miss Freedom*? If not, too bad, I already said it.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Ah Ha! So someone else enjoys the anticipation as well. I thought I was the only one. Granted, I may bitch and moan about it for videos and actresses I really want to see but it’s all done in good fun. In some strange (masochistic?) way, I love being teased with trailers and images. Add on the fact that you know EXACTLY when an NGC video is coming out once previews are shown and the anticipation can sometimes be down right overwhelming.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I’ve definitely typed “Friday can’t come soon enough” but I really enjoy imagining what a video is going be like based on a few images and a clip. One more thing–glad to see a new heroine with a mask! Not sure about the range of opinions on masked heroines, but I like them. Sure, lots of heroines look great without a mask, but it seems that there are surprisingly few heroines in this genre that wear them. The popularity of Wonder Woman and Supergirl as models for many heroines probably accounts for a lot of this. I know some people… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Oh wow! That trailer showed some fantastic fight scenes and some great reactions from this newly minted heroine. Rare is a championship preview video that gets me really excited but this one certainly did. The one downside: It’s only Monday. NGC’s got to stop this practice of awesome previews and leave us with four days to salivate :p