“Slayer: Part 1 & 2” – a Luciafilms Custom Film

When the Slayer (Alicia Moon) encounters a mysterious new foe while out on a seemingly routine slaying mission against a demon, she consults her allies to discover nothing good is afloat. Something wicked this way comes, by way of a sadistic sorceress (Lucy Westenra) with a serious bone to pick and a terrifying spell enacted.
What results is an hour and a half of salacious power struggles when Slayer attempts to raid her foe’s hideout across two wicked episodes that will leave our heroine struggling with her mind, body, and soul.
Editor’s Note: This is one of the best Femme/Femme thing we’ve filmed. Do not miss. Originally we were going to edit these one at a time and release them seperately when it suited the line up, but the story is so good as a whole we just hunkered down and made them both all at once! We’ll even be putting up a pack for a lil’ bit where you can buy them both at a discount! Sink your teeth into them asap!

Features List For Part One:
Monster Fight
Bear Hug
Hair Pulling
Witty Dialogue/Heroine
Throat Lift
Passing Out
Outfit Destruction
Goosebumps (It was cold!)
Nipple Licking
AOH Simsex
Forced Orgasm

Features List For Part Two:
Hair Pulling
Ass Kissing/LickingWitty Dialogue/Heroine
Forced Costume
Forced Stretching
Thigh Choking
Forced Orgasms
Lust Magic
Harness Simsex
Willing Orgasms
Harness Oral
Boot Worship/Licking
Get this film and many more at-
Producer Update!
As some have noticed, we’ve been a little quiet. Holidays and ice storms aside, the reasons are largely good ones! We have a LOAD of fantastic films both in our lineup and currently being edited. Some fantastic things on the way. Including but not limited to:
-Bad Medicine: 2!
-Starshame 2!
-A Starwave film with a new talent!
-A Space Princess Vs Aliens film with a new talent!
-Something secret!
-Probably something I’ve forgotten! It’s 6am and I am still awake from the night previous getting this all prepped for you guys! ♥ Enjoy!
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Man, Lucy not only has the prettiest smile, but that body just doesn’t stop! It’s like she really is a superhero (er, I guess villian, in this case).
Love any video she’s in.
Very much appreciate truth.
I always love see myself in these superheroines videos and doing some fight cinematography filming but it’s not so easy to start with.
I think Alicia and Lucy are fantastic as talented actors and wonderful people.
I don’t know who the new talent is for the future project… But i’m hoping, praying, begging for it to be Kira Fox!
SHE IS THE REAL DEAL! I predict huge things for her in 2024 with this genre
Lucia films rarely disappoint looks like a good watch
Could you please do a sequel to imperiled, which shows the life of starwave after she admits to be the sex slave..
Alicia Moon doesn’t look as sexy as in her old videos, maybe because she’s a little thinner. Otherwise it may be due to reduced fitness. Really miss the old Alicia. Also, when she’s fighting as a villain, her strength seems to be diminished. But I like Alicia a lot.
OH COME ON! She’s pretty much not changed an inch since she started back in 2021, Hot & Beautiful then… Hot & Beautiful now… Probably Hot & Beautiful in 30 yeas time too 🙂
I believe it she is really beautiful and awesome woman.
In part one, Is alicias jeans removed on camera or is this implied?
It happens off-screen.
thank you
What are People’s Top 7 LuciaFilms productions? they’ve done over 70 films so I know it’s pretty difficult for people to view their top 7 (I did it with TBFE) Love to hear people Top 7 too .1. Imperiled (Alicia C. Moon) – This was my First Alicia video i watched and fell in love with her for it. A perfect physical and sexual peril, a breakdown of mind and body into the perfect sex slave .2. Pretty Bird 1 & 2 (Alicia & Mckenzie) – kind of cheating to put these two together but they are a same universe… Read more »
I’ll give it a try and I also don’t want to repeat any on your list — even though probably Imperiled and Prisoner would probably make the list — and I’ll try to spread out different actresses as well. There is no particular order here, I like all of these enough to rewatch them regularly.
I was very close to putting Lady Athena in at 6 or 7… As i love Mckenzie’s artwork and a great Lesbian fight 🙂
1. Guardians 2. Slayers 3. The job 4. Wonder girl in captivity 5.sundown
Lady Athena is definetely on my list (for the same reasons, and it introduced me to Ariana). I was a bit disappointed that it ended so quickly after the submission.
What else? Pretty Bird, Doctress, Prisoner. Digital Obsession was the first film from Lucia I ever watched, but that one didn’t completely convince me (though it has its moments).
And I have to mention S.I.F.T. It doesn’t fit the pattern, but it was unique and fun.
.1. Wonderous Woman In Captivity (McKenzie) – just such a great production. Loved the bathtub scene, and her attempted escape. McKenzie as WW is always a buy for me as WW is prolly my fave and McKenzie is definitely in my top 5 all time performers in this genre. .2. Vayne: Breaking Point (Ariana) – she wears a cheesecake costume, is dominated start to finish and that body… my god. Incredible. .3. The Job (McKenzie) – pretty sure this was McKenzie’s debut in the genre and for that alone this deserves a spot on this list. Doing so much inside… Read more »
Nice analysis. I myself liked Endurance, Bad Medicine, and The Prisoner.
My Review of Part 1 So this is my review of part 1, SORRY ITS A LONGG ONE! I have bought both parts and watched but I wanted to really delve into the first part first. Going into this I didn’t really realise it was going to be so Buffy heavy, I thought it would be more like sundown which was very much its own thing. so I was shocked and wonderfully delighted that it was pretty much set in that universe completely… mentions of Giles, Xander Willow, Dawn and Faith throughout was a really lovely touch. #BringbackBuffy#CastAlicia Also what… Read more »
No need to apologize. I appreciate that you took the time to write a long review (I think we could use more of that on this forum in general). Obviously I agree with all your praise for Lucia’s and the actresses’ work. You pointed out some good examples (I really like that upside down shot as well). And I’m glad that there are people who enjoy the references to the show, and that the humor worked for you. It was such an important part of the show that I had to try my best to transport some of that into… Read more »
I’ll try and get the review up for part 2 tomorrow
Also seen Alice in these superheroine costumes are looking good.
Agreed. Though honestly the only part of the script that rang a little false to me (as much as that is possible in this niche!) is when Buffy was dressed as Supergirl.
It certainly doesn’t detract significantly from the whole package, which is amazing.
I seen that very much.
I believe Alicia and Lucy are fantastic actors.
Are they lesbo lovers IRL?
Not sure if that are.
will be a part 3 of that video
What the hell man, you can’t change the formula now! :p “what will happen to her next”
When I started working on the script for this film almost four years ago, I had no idea what a long and bumpy road lay ahead. For a long time it seemed as if this movie would never come into existence. I initially asked TBFE, who had done “The Collector” for me, if they would produce this one as well, but they turned it down. Allen said that he liked the script, but he thought the movie wouldn’t be marketable. I don’t blame him for it. He knows his business, and it is totally understandable that he didn’t want to… Read more »
I had a funny feeling this was one of your customs, it reminded me of guardians of justice in parts. Excellent film, in fact my favourite to date. Have you got any other customs in the pipeline?
If only you hadn’t insisted on the granny panties this would have been a lot better.
If you consider those granny panties then please touch grass
You should have said this was yours . I’ll add it to my collection this weekend. Case closed , pie is baked
I’m going to give my full massively long review of the film tomorrow. (watch out for that) I hope enjoy my insightful comments 🙂
You put in incredible effort and kudos for TBFE to put it out, it’s one of the best out there glad i purchased and for me The Collector will always be the best ever G/G Heroine movie.
Sorry D_Hoffryn if this has been asked before but what is your catalog of custom(s)? As a BTVS/Angel fan this just hits. Thanks!!
By Lucia: Guardians of Justice (and now this one of course).
By TBFE: The Collector Alara, Liberation, Betrayed.
Fu*k me, I was considering sitting out on this one due to tighter budget these days, but I don’t think I’ve missed a single custom of yours so far and neither been disappointed in any of them. Like Nic said, guess I have to fork it xP
Oh. Now I feel some pressure. I do hope you won’t be disappointed then. And if you don’t want to spend that kind of money right now… the movie is not going anywhere. (The combo pack Lucia offers is a pretty good deal though, I think, when you look at how much movie you get for your money, compared to a lot of other releases.)
I assume that’s where “D_Hoffryn” comes from? (Also a fan.)
Correct. Certainly a name which not everyone would recognize. But it’s one of the great minor characters.
Yes, more horror themed videos please.
What’s with the granny underwear? Moon needs to take a cock in the ass from Lucy.
The underwear was the best part m
This looks great and I’ll be picking it up once my next paycheck hits. Any chance of seeing a sequel/prequel to Imperiled (particularly a backstory for the Voltage character) as that “secret project”? You all do great work and one of these days I hope to be able to scrape together enough to order a custom from you.
“a backstory for the Voltage character”
…….. ^_~
Been trying to reach you for a custom. Request you to have a look
Sent u a mail titled ‘enquiry for custom for reference
This looks great! Alicia is probably my favourite heroine actress recently, her acting is really convincing I think it might be the look in her eyes? And Lucy is equally convincing as my favourite villain actress. Combine that with something slightly different in the slayer world, which I’ve been missing since Alex Bettingers Slayer Paris series which also had a decent story. And then both girls look stunning in the variety of costumes, lingerie and panties! Wow! A small shame is that I do wish there were some low blows considering its a F vs F and there are two… Read more »
Thanks Kevlar!
Everyone on set were massive vampire fans, especially 90’s vampires, haha. So any project like this is a massive treat to work on! Glad it came through.
Great film. Alicia made a good slayer and the plot was actually decent, definitely not a repeat of the same old thing. IMO you need to get both parts though.
We agree! So much that we pressed through and edited the whole thing in one go!
Excuse the indelicate question but is all the sex simulated? I know there was some actual dildo insertion in prior films. That kind of thing is super hot to me. The second part mentions cunnilingus. Any real mouth contact there? Or any real G/G fingering?
Everyone has different tastes, but for me anytime it strays slightly into the realm of authentic sex, it’s an instant buy from me. Even a real hitachi vibrator against a clothed crotch is super sexy. Thanks in advance.
I don’t know about this film, I’ll let you know by Saturday as i’m buying it tomorrow. But Lucia’s previous scene “The Prisoner” with Alicia… did have real sex, real hitachi Vibrator orgasms etc. I highly recommend that 🙂
Of course I would love another scene with Alicia having real orgasms and real sex. but it’s not a deal breaker if it doesn’t happen because the performance and effort is so capable and realistic.
Its astonishing work whether it’s real or not more than 99% of actual penetration porn, which doesn’t even come close to this type of production.
I completely agree. I have zero interest in porn. These films are 1000x more erotic and exciting.
Thanks for recommending the Prisoner. Sounds amazing, I’ll buy that today! Let me know about this one after you purchase.
This one is strictly softcore. I’m sorry if that’s disappointing.
It’s okay I just purchased the Prisoner and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. God damn Alicia is the best!! Please make more like that one!!! 🙂
Hey there Harper! We’ll always put (at least on this page) notices to let people know the film is Hardcore. We know the language around that can be a little confusing at time, but trust that when it happens, we’ll pointing it out in all caps! Haha.
Looking forward to more of that soon. ^_~
Luciafilms have knocked it out of the park with this one, it’s probably my new favourite SHIP film to date, it was that good. Lucy and alison were so hot in this film (they’re hot in any film they are paired up in). I’ve got a thing for silk pants, so seeing alison wear some in this film was an amazing bonus (please Lucia, could we see them pop up again in future films haha) the sub/dom content was amazing, alison begging to kiss lucys ass reluctantly as lucy belittled her and the whole mirror scene were the highlights for… Read more »
With the announced on Starshame 2… having watched the first one there’s definitely some unfinished business between Alicia and Lucy’s respective characters, it certainly wouldn’t surprise me if that follows a F/F narrative on the whole.
can you spoil the end? is slayer corrupted or does she win? like 2 know the ending before spending a lot of money lol (the + button below the text box will make the spoiler covered)
Ahh thanks for that, i didn’t know how to do spoiler tags on here lol but yeah, what clearscreen put, is what happens.
Thanks Ferrari! We really had fun with this one, and got to explore a few atypical elements to the genre, while still keeping the overall feel and theme squarely SHIP. A joy.
We’ll certainly be doing more if we can!
I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! I had a few customs done in the past years, so (costs aside) I’m a bit worried things might get a bit repetitive if I do more. I do have one or two other story ideas i like though… We’ll see what happens.
Sounds good, don’t worry about them getting repetitive, you certainly have a knack for these kind of movies.
This one looks awesome! A bit expensive for me, but I do think the price will be justified, especially compared to other films in this genre. Might just have to wait for a future sale if I want both parts.
Totally understandable! It is very much two films in one, and is priced that way. We hope you get a chance to watch it! You won’t be disappointed!
Well done Alicia, Lucy and the Team for creating another Masterpiece
I don’t know how you do it! – well I do, with a lot of incredibly talented and creative and hard-working individuals coming together
also I do second that with another thumbs up for seeing Alicia play a villain in a future film. hopefully fucking and beating Mckenzie
Big thanks! This one was honestly a blessing to work on. Many times did we stop through the day/night to fan ourselves. Whew. Hot.
based on the pictures, it looks like the Slayer turns things around in the end and defeats the sorceress. would it be possible to get the type of ending in spoiler tags? never like buying these vids without knowing if its a win for the heroine or corruption
Thanks ClearScreen!
Nowadays heroines seem to wear napkins as capes.
The cape length/size/shape is and will always be one of those funny things in the SHIP genre that is an unwinnable battle. Too little, and cape fans are sad, too much and people get upset about obscured heroines.
Not as contentious as the “Pantyhose Battle” but certainly up there. =P
I think you’re right haha. Maybe longer cape for one of your next releases 😉
Since the costume in this case is actually used to humiliate the heroine, it makes sense that it is less “heroiny”.
It reminds me of the time I filmed vampires kiss , but not Renfield. I hated that movie. Can someone tell me if this a mind control movie or hypnosis one .
Vampire’s kiss is so wildly quotable I couldn’t even pick one to respond with. 10/10, you’re a Vampire.
If you have a dvd copy I’ll sign it for you
One question Lucia, the Instagram images are from another video, right? because they don’t come out in this one
It is promoting this film… The Images might be from the film or set up to promote using creative images that express the feeling of the film. Which is what happens here
Ben has the right of it! We usually take and post those promo pictures before we start filming for the day (and the costumes get messy!)
Sometimes it does lead to inconsistencies though, as filming can be pretty unpredictable at times. For instance on this one, the Demon’s horns proved unable to handle the combat choreo and ended up getting scrapped, sadly. They were hand painted for this!
On this subject, i was wondering if this is a film or just an experimental photoshoot for promotion of another scene, Cos i can’t find the film of it… And i would love to watch it
And Just a word on Upcoming Project news. I did call this to myself at Christmas, That 2024 would be the year for New talent (from a superheroine stand point)… I do think there still will be a few films with Alicia C. Moon (as she is the best in the business along with Mckenzie)… Though McKenzie has Started to shift into the Villain role which has been great (Also she will be a villain in a Big Upcoming Project with TBFE) We See LeeCarl promoting new Talent in his upcoming Project (Batgirl one) SHL with a new talent for… Read more »
“P.S – I would love to see Alicia C. Moon in a villain role at some point,” We were literally just talking about that!
Thats nice to hear (Great mind think alike) I mean she’s just incredible as a superheroine and doing all that sexual and physical peril But Seeing Mckenzie in that brilliant Villain role in “The Prisoner” I mean so much power in just a single fingertip (So Hot) it made me wonder what Alicia would do with a role like that, being a villain especially a villain with so much power and control 🙂 Would be incredible HOT! And would be something very different for Alicia to get her teeth into She loves this genre so much, finding a different Avenue… Read more »
“P.S – I would love to see Alicia C. Moon in a villain role at some point”
Me too! I actually did consider to cast her as the villain in this one, but she seemed to be the best choice for Buffy, so I couldn’t do it in the end.
WOW! I’ve only been into Superheroine content for a few months, But Lucia is the best in the business. I will be buying this tomorrow, as i’m off work then. I’m so glad Alicia C. Moon is making great Content for Lucia over the last over or so. (I know she did an incredible one in 2021 too) obviously she’s made a lot of content for Rye over the last few years, but for me, the filmmaking for Rye is just not to my taste at all. I’m a filmmaker myself and I just don’t understand how you can film… Read more »
Thank you kindly! We’ll keep doing our best! ♥
The movie is very good, but I expected a little more action, the fights are somewhat poor compared to others from Lucia Films, it is more erotic than action.
What I like is Alicia’s outfit, they should make more movies with the heroines in casual clothes
This was a custom, so we have to put as much or little of combat into them as the clients want. Thankfully we’ve a load of really kinetic films in our roster, and certainly many more on the way!
I see what you mean. More intense fight scenes would certainly be cool. But you have to keep in mind that filming fight scenes takes a lot of time, and there are four fights in this movie, which also has as a lot of dialogue (or as Lucia put it in their assessment of the script: “a LOT of dialogue”), which also takes time to film. So they had to make some compromise, I guess. That the Slayer’s first fight with Kyra is already very erotically charged is actually their interpretation, that was not in the script. But it fits… Read more »