“Skullion: Monsters” from Lucia Films + Custom Videos
Now available from Lucia Films! A Lucia Films Original, Skullion: Monsters

I often hear people say they want to see something new or different. Well. Here you go! A Superheroine love story with tentacle monsters. Or is it a tragedy? You decide!
Time to get weird: Fantastigirl isn’t the strongest Heroine around, but it is well known that she might be the kindest. Renown for her generosity and pure heart, it is no wonder that when an estranged escapee of the dreaded Dr. Skullion saves her life from a wayward thug, she is quick to take care of the tentacled monstrosity. What she first thinks is a roving monster proves to be far more. This bond may prove to be her downfall as Dr. Skullion reappears to take back his pet, setting his evil goggled eyes on Fantastigirl in the process. Using a control device to regain command of his creature, Fantastigirl is in her own words… “…Out of her league…”
Customs Shooting Update!
Foremost, everyone at Lucia Films would like to give a ridiculously heartfelt thanks to everyone who reached out to us with custom ideas and questions. We are trying to keep in contact with everyone and follow up on all of the questions and requests that we can, but I will be the first to admit we are a bit overwhelmed! As such, if you are still waiting on a reply we urge to you reach out to us again, we never mind a reminder or update, and again thank you for your patience while we refine our process for this.
The coming month of August will see us shooting with the incredibly gorgeous and talented Darcie Dolce! As well as the beautiful newcomer Lilly Hawke. Anyone desiring customs with either are welcome to reach out to us, with priority going to those who are already in negotiations with us for shoots.
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I Really want to see sinn sage in a Heroine Scene.
Sinn Sage is on a few superheroine scenes. She plays Wonder Girl at Fighting Heroines, and she is in the first episode of Sexed Up Superheroines.
Just saying this is the hottest heroine film in a while since films like overcum from tbfe, pristine and imperial nightmare from rye and ultra girl succumbs to lust from primal. good job and i know its niche but cant wait for possibly skullion monsters 2 or another flick with maybach against someone like christina diamanti lexi, lana, blair, or darcie or any heroine (but seriously lexi or christina from imperial nightmare would be hot asf)
That is high praise! On behalf of our team, thank you!
If you are excited to see Darcie in a LF film then get ready. We are scheduled to shoot two by month’s end!
Not a “Monsters” movie, but it will definitely be in our general style. We are currently discussing working with Lexi Belle as well soon! So lots of fun stuff on the horizon!
coco looks amazing in her costume! i have loved her in sg and ww costumes too, but i gotta say this new one really accents her figure even better! her performance was also top-notch. i think there’s more material to mine with that whole scenario and its aftermath. here’s to hoping for another chapter in “skullion: monsters”!
Well she said she wants more
We are likewise hoping to pick this up again some day! Thought the kinda niche nature of it (in an already niche community!) means it is something we need to build back up to. Hopefully everyone involved will still be down to continue this down the line. We learned a lot from this video and it would be fun to escalate where possible upon what we’ve learned. And as Ztc said-
“She said she wants more.”
Could you someday remake… how to destroy superiorgirl?
Are there any Layla vids in the works right now, because I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve seen her and I’m very much Coco’d out at this point.
It’s too dark. Literally too dark. I watched it in the dark on a bright monitor and I may as well have closed my eyes at the end. Lovely story, good performances and effects, but if it was a creative choice to keep getting darker and darker until it descended into blackness, it ruined the film for me. I like visually dark moody stuff, but this pushed the envelope until it tore and the mail fell out. Honestly the only other specific thing I remember right now is Toyota because it was funny but also too much bathos. I sincerely… Read more »
Thank you for the input. It absolutely was a creative choice to ‘descend into darkness’ as it were, but I also feel that we might have overdone it a little at the end in the editing. We used a similar lighting setup for Venture No More but the stationary nature of that film made it a lot easier to control. Definitely something learned and definitely something we are going to try to work on in the future if/when we revisit the ‘very dark’ light style. Sorry this pulled the rug out from under your viewing experience! Glad the other elements… Read more »
It bugs me when something so good goes sideways like that. So I pulled up the ending again and started playing with monitor settings on my best display. After a few minutes of experimentation I found lower brightness and contrast settings that brought out more discernible details; there are only a few moments where it’s huge swaths of paint-bucket. It might be better viewed on a really good HDTV with a cinema setting that mimics projected film. So the data is there, but for viewers whose video games and Marvel movies really pop on their displays, they’re going to want… Read more »
OK…..so I bought this mainly because of Coco and was not disappointed with her performance, she is a class act as usual. However, I think this is very much an acquired taste. Its dark, and there is plenty of building up of background in the beginning with Fantastigirl developing a relationship with the Monster and then the re-acquisition of the Monster by Skullion. After that the fun starts. Fatastigirl being overpowered quite fast and we see those tentacles for the first time. Then starts the torture which is quite nicely drawn out. There a simulated pussy pounding, groping, probing and… Read more »
Acquired taste indeed! We knew going into this one it was going to be an odd duck. It is something we had been discussing since we originally started and I’m glad we made it. Not at all surprised that it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Though the majority of our videos aim to hit those sweet spots that appeal to the general audience there is definitely a desire to try some new things here and there for fun.
Thank you for the review!
Love the Luciaverse! And your explanation of Superheroine Peril is excellent – a wonderful representation of the genre’s appeal.
Being a huge nerd, creating a web of continuity is (while maybe unnecessary) deeply fun for me personally. It gives interesting complexity to writing scripts within that spaces and referential material that I find really enjoyable to tie together between films.
Video is in fact live! We thoroughly hope you enjoy this crazy project. Movie Trivia: -At one point during the final scenes our monster had two different girls inside of his massive coat moving tentacles around during a few of the shots. Special shout out to the goo girls behind the scenes that helped wrangle all of the slime and tentacles. -The slime was insanely slippery and resulted in several comedic (but thankfully without injury) slips and slides throughout shooting. -A handful of that slime stretched out over nine feet on a test! -90% of the monster’s dialog are references… Read more »
cant wait to get this!
It is available on SHG-Media. Already downloaded it!
Please start the sale!
Would be great to see a similar slimy storyline with a Supergirl character. Seeing SG defiled in such a way would be really hot.
Can not wait this batch of coco films releasing are some of the best heroine stuff ever.qlso this looks hot as fuck
Holy balls chaps! This looks to hit every spot for me in the genre. Please take my cash, Coco’s stunning and i am very excited to this being released, too excited to write sense!
Will buy, fingers crossed it a love story
Wow! This looks super hot! Can’t wait til release!
So we wont see Coco again in the near future on lucia films? I think one more movie is left right? Really sad if i understand it right…
Not saying that at all! I’ve no doubt she will be in more films. Loads more if I have anything to say about it, we love working with her! Just that this particular huge bundle was because of a really tight and crazy shoot schedule over a short amount of time.
What’s the elements in the film
Love the look of the slime! And the use of low lighting is cool, but perhaps at times it seems a bit too low…? Really intrigued by this–would love to see slime used more frequently, whether it be kryptonite slime or alien slime or some other slime. It’s also nice to have the heroine look sweaty too!
I noticed that in the photos too. But in motion it is a ‘lot’ more readable as you can see in the trailer. The shines on everything make a lot of dramatic highlights which will hopefully be enough to sell what is going on, even though it is a bit dark. Glad you like the slime! It will be a while before we revisit it, haha. It was kind of a nightmare. By the end of the shoot everyone was covered in slime and goo. It was everywhere! I have this great behind the scenes shot of all of the… Read more »
For what it’s worth, I think it’s definifely worth the effort. Love that added detail!
I love the use of this lighting too. Also appears to be one of the best executions of tentacles in a ShiP vid. Lookin’ forward to it!
Well COCO is definitely Raising the Bar when it comes to new and very Tantalizing Sexual Defeats of a Heroine, and she seems to be in everything lately, what is this 8-9-10 releases from various producers using her,
now if she she only had a twin so she could not only portray the heroine but also do the nasty Villain plot and character too now that would be a Video to TOP all Videos, 🙂
Well, for us at least? Coco flew over (she is no longer local to Portland, the saddest face!) and we shot as much as we could with what time we had. I think we shot five movies total in a few weeks, which is.. insanity with all of the props, costumes, sets and scripts. But absolutely worth it. If you look closely you can see her start to accrue little bruises and scratches from weeks of shooting fights and stunts and scenes. I do not know any actress as dedicated as she is to their performance. Just a treat. She… Read more »
Looks amazing! Great stuff!
Glad you like it! I admit we have a bit of trepidation over the project. It was an extremely complicated one and definitely off the trail in terms of traditional offerings. No idea how it will be received but certainly hoping it well be enjoyed!