SHLoFi – First Look

I decided to move forward with Claire Irons as Supergirl for my first LoFi release. The general vibe of this first LoFi film is – Supergirl looks for bad guy in his hotel room, he is waiting and is using cameras to film himself humiliating her. There isn’t any simulated sex (outside of an implied sex ending). There isn’t a choreographed fight scene (she takes a couple punches to the gut but from the get-go is met with kryptonite).
So, who is this for? I would say its for the crowd to likes to see a heroine forced to cum herself multiple times, whom is helpless and slowly being undressed by a bad guy. He takes off her boots, shows off her feet to the camera, holds her in his lap while using a vibrator on her, that kind of stuff.
My goal with these LoFi projects I think is to go more for like a ‘normal fan boy who has a camera and catches a heroine’ kind of thing. Ironically, doing things like filming shots of the film on an iPhone was the whole point of this project and its also why I have Vaulted the project for so long as well. It is hard for me to work purposely against my more splashy looking films.
I think I have decided that all LoFi films only make sense to me if they have a standard pricing of $20 USD. They all universally should have a longer runtime as – longer takes of a dude molesting a super heroine is a lot easier to shoot than massive set pieces in one of my more choreographed and story driven projects. This film specifically currently has a runtime of over 40 minutes.
Pending my editing stamina I might be able to release the Sage Pillar Supergirl LoFi project this month as well. The Claire LoFi film was further along in the editing process and thought it be a more suitable introduction into these LoFi films.
I have roughly 3-4 LoFi projects already shot (this being one of them). Wether or not I continue to make these projects on the side mostly depends on you guys and wether or not this kind of content is something you’d like to see more of from me. I will make those decisions via sales information.
And in case it needs to be stated cause I have an odd feeling it does: LoFi films are secondary to my primary releases. They will never take precedent over my bigger films, I will only shoot them when its convenient and release them n edit them when I am unable to film bigger projects in LA.
I expect to release this film before Christmas
Estimated Runtime: Over 40 Minutes
- No simulated sex
- Forced orgasms via vibrator
- No choreographed fighting
- Pantyhose on actress
- Breast are exposed towards end of film
- Pantyhose are destroyed
- Purposely shot to look lofi in nature

Excluding my last release 2022 films will be on sale until New Years Day
So if you are looking for discounted films… nows the time baby
2022 Film Sale
Dough Nation
If you are feeling generous and have the holiday spirit – there are a couple pieces of gear I need to replace for filmmaking and financially I am all tied up for the next three months. I added a donation button below if you can spare the change, please don’t use it if you don’t have the extra spending money! Things will continue on without it, but it be nice to buy the items while they are on sale this year.

Sometimes I get emails from customers like “Yo I didn’t know you released this 5 months ago!” So for the sake of me making a post here’s a reminder… I just dropped this Black Canary film! Check it out!
Black Canary Release Information
There will not be any more hardcore releases from me this year. There was an outbreak of infection in the hardcore industry (treatable and curable thankfully) so there was a 10 day stoppage on all adult productions. The only chance I would have had to shoot to release another hardcore film before the end of the year was within the window of when things went into shutdown. I am currently scheduling work and shoots to take place in January, pending everyones availability.
If you read to this point… thank you… sorry I make such long post!
Damien (lil baby) Woods
When’s the next SHLoFi? Hope just as sexy hot as this one. Clair in hose and being dominated is my kind of liking. Granted not everyone agrees but shouldnt stop me from saying…
Right now my time is %100 percent dedicated to editing the Killing Joke. If I do work with Claire again, anything I should repeat from this film? What else would you like to see in another Claire LoFi product?
Thanks so much for the trailer.
You write above “Mo simulated sex”
But at the very end of the trailer it sounds like she’s cumming.
So which is it?
You can make a woman cum without putting a dick inside her.
Does that answer your question?
Merry Christmas everybody
Took the day off editing to send it with family
Hope all of you are having a good holiday
You deserve it, bro
Merry Christmas.
Plz cast sasha cane as wonderwoman!!
I can’t speak for Damien. But I’ve looked into her along with some of the other UK girls. It would be an uphill battle, to say the least. This content, even if it’s simulated, is significantly darker and more intense than anything she or any of the other girls have done with producers over there. Add on top of that, I’m relatively sure Sasha does G/G only. Then, even if they agree, the costs of bringing someone in from the UK would increase the cost of the film by a very significant margin.
That. and Sasha’s in a totally different situation life-wise from when she worked on Porn projects.
Unlikely feasible indeed, as she doesn’t really do that kind of work anymore.
Other current UK pornstars could be considered – but the flights are going to add a zero or 2 to the price of any custom, yep.
You are correct. I’ll be honest, I’ve wanted to work with Natasha Anastasia since she came on the scene. But even if she said yes to my kind of content, which is the longest of long shots, the flights, hotel, and coordination would be incredibly pricey. I’m tempted to still try at some point, but it’d likely be a moot point.
Didn’t Natasha retire from superheroine films cause of creepy fans?
I still see her do stuff with Bluestone here and there. I know one of his previous “Supernovas” did, though. I personally think Natasha is stellar, but I’d never count on getting her over on our side of the pond for this content.
Never mind, read the name wrong somehow :-/
I think that happened to Melanie Dunne unfortunately. She was great !
Yes, she was. I’d love to see her in the kind of videos on this site.
I want to see Melanie Dunne here
I’d love to see vids with Melanie Dunne.
What character does she play on Bluestone?
Natasha renamed herself Jenny Cherry for Bluestone films. She currently plays Dark Bat and does some Scotland Yard cold case films for Bluestone.
I don’t know anything about Sasha but if she does G/G only that’s not happening
When the pre-order period for the LoFi movie will be over? Is the price during the pre-order period lower than the price after that? Are there any extras included with the pre-order?
Looking forward to the trailer.
Lofi, super heroines, sexy women, knockouts and pantyhose!! Perfect combination!! I’m in!!
These are just waste movies dude
Supergirl I want your pantyhose!!!
Looking forward to the more LoFi films and who you are able to star in them. Incredibly sorry to hear there is an outbreak going around the hardcore end of things but I am glad it is treatable.
This seems exciting enough to enjoy. We are all genetically predisposed to liking naked women.
I presume ‘molest’ is defined here as touching only the thighs & feet prior to a machine experiencing the rest of the fun with her. A pity but still a good overall concept for this sub-genre.
“We are all” what? Speak for yourself sir
I am a Superheroine fetishist. Naked women don’t turn me on… superheroines do
That’s what it means to have a fetish
I agree with you about everyone having their own interest.
Speaking for myself I don’t care for nudity or hardcore scenes. We all have things that interest us. Mine happens to be low blows and forced orgasms via device/powers. The only time I like the outfit coming off would be in the case where the heroines outfit is tied to her powers and they are drained, reducing her to her bra and panties, but that’s as far as I like it to go.
Prefer costume on tbh instead of naked. Naked is so boring just watch some random porno of a tube website.
This sounds like something I’ll defiantly pickup! Superheroine forced to cum, must have for me. Not hardcore is also a plus, only time I accept it is if its a small part at the end and I simply don’t watch it. I could watch a million different versions of a heroine forced to cum by device and I would love it all provided the performance was good. Something else I always love but I know isn’t always popular is inner thought dialog. I love to her a heroines thoughts as she starts to lose control of herself all while struggling… Read more »
Unfortunately when this first video was created I wasn’t really heavily invested in the inner thought dialog stuff. I can definitely incorporate more if I continue to produce the LoFi films.
Just preordered, and I’d also love to have some “inner dialogue” incorporated in future releases.
Can you do a supergirl video that has the boy short/brief panties with the Supergirl logo underneath the skirt? Maybe do it in a Lofi film so she cums in the panties? I think that would be absolute Fire and would get a shit ton of buys. Thank y’all and keep making greats!
LOVE this idea
This is a great idea! Have you had a chance to look into Brick Danger btw?
I’m not a fan of people repeating themselves in the comment section. I DMed him on Twitter with no response
That’s the porn business nowadays, no one is interested in being hired
Ah damn I’m sorry he did not respond. That’s a shame. Thanks for trying tho! Do you have any other male stars you are working with atm besides Greg? Ik that’s kinda a loaded question, but any names we could see in future content?
Excited about the Lo-Fi, preordered and can’t wait to see it. Right in the budget wheelhouse as well.
Lofi, super heroines, sexy women, knockouts and pantyhose!! Perfect combination!! I’m in!!
trailer anytime soon?
Probably, the edit is close to finished.
Love the intimate vibe of this genre, gives me the “live” feeling. Will look forward to purchase.
Will there be any footage of motel security knocking on the door yelling ‘ What the heck is going on in there ?!?’ 🙂
I’ll be honest, it gets kind of squirrelly sometimes for real
Plz cast Layla Rylan as superheroine
Find her and I will
i like this idea – gives it a raunchier feel, sometimes when these videos are “over produced” it loses some of the magic.
as an example, those old school Rye videos had a certain grit to them that we don’t see much anymore – but this looks like it might capture that feel
I agree. There are some producers, and I don’t say this to be insulting but what other way is there to say it, who still have that more ‘home grown’ feel to their work and I always find it charming.
That’s kind of why I made this, I buy and watch that more home grown product from others often – while watching it I always think “maybe I’m doing too much” so, I decided to try and explore that a little more
100% agree, does that mean you can release more lofi vids in a shorter time span compared to your usual vids
I also came here to bring up this same point. I mean no offense though some is likely to be felt (and I apologize in advance), but personally I sometimes find the overly polished aspects of more modern superheroine fetish videos can be a distraction of sorts. I can’t explain exactly why, but for me it seems to break the immersion of the video somehow. Like it starts to feel like I’m watching a big budget Marvel movie which starts to take on a different feel to me. And I get that that’s the point in a way, and I… Read more »
This looks great! I’ll admit, I don’t buy many (hardly any, really) of your releases anymore, but this one looks much more up my alley.
Glad you find it promising. My other content has definitely gone down a rabbit hole you either like or don’t. I think this could be a cool way to diversify
rabbit holes straight to awesome! its the reason we all hover around here waiting,,,,,,,,,paypal on the ready! This is new but kind of cool, you say lofi I say simple and fun to watch.
Looks like a great idea. Can’t wait to watch.