SHL – Fall Updates

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1 year ago

Hey Damien loving your productions definitely the best in the industry. Is the lo-fi content more like forced masturbation, groping etc.?

1 year ago

I hope that in the short time you can shoot a hardcore film again. btw your material its hot as fuck

blackjebus avatar
1 year ago

Just saw post on Instagram from what looks like the SHL set… Can we expect return to the superheroine genre soon?

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Who dat (the actress) ?

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thanks ! The Supergirl costume looks great !

1 year ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I like this, what else you got!

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Looking forward to the LoFi video. Any sense of when it’s coming out?

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Great-looking costume!

1 year ago

Is that canary film coming soon?

1 year ago

will the black canary film still be softcore?

1 year ago

Really hyped about those badass costumes you mentioned and seeing how much you care about properly casting an actress!

Hope you can share some hints about them, specially seeing you are one of the few not doing only Supergirl/WW content!

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Just got Common Enemy and thought it was terrific. Best bj scene ever.

Any plans for a next installment of Red Vision?

Dr G avatar
2 years ago

McKenzie looks great as Black Canary ! Should be a great film !

2 years ago

I think SH-Lofi is a great idea, especially if it’s done like The End of SHL (My personal favourite in the entire genre). I think shaky cam can really add realism to the aesthetic, and you could potentially have OC characters (I’m thinking like the criminals in “Tape 56” of the first V/H/S film).

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Makes sense. I admire your passion and dedication to the craft, keep rocking!

DCapri92 avatar
2 years ago

I’ve been fantasizing it for awhile, but since Melody Marks finally opened the seal on Black IR, bring her back as Supergirl, and have Jax Slayher as Darkseid.
I feel like he has the perfect facial features of Darkseid.
He abducts her, and fucks her to the point of brainwash. She resists at first, but slowly starts enjoying it as it goes on, thus starting the Dark Supergirl storyline.

2 years ago
Reply to  DCapri

So after Leo dumps his 25 yr old gfs he likes to come to this site for some SHIP fantasies? Love it

joyito avatar
2 years ago

simply great !!!, every time I see this last movie (spider gwen vs punisher) I am more convinced that it is not necessary to see real penetration, I already mentioned it before so I am not going to repeat myself, I also see that you added dialogues during the sex scene and that is a fundamental part to achieve immersion in the fiction and that it does not end up being a cosplay porn video, I also really liked that she stayed in slippers while they forced her sexually (barefoot fetishism is not what I like) As always the “rat… Read more »

2 years ago

Would love to see and purchase the Lo-Fi content, so that’s a vote for it here at least.

yu avatar
2 years ago

We can always believe Damien Woods,because he always surprises us. By the way, are you going to release another Wonder Woman movie this year?

yu avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Is that a new story? Or is it a continuation of the previous story?

yu avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

All right, we’re sure you’ll bring us more great movies just like you used to.

Heroines in Movies
Heroines in Movies
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

If so please choose a sexier costume.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Will it be hardcore or softcore movie?

Gog1000 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Somebody call me?

Heroines in Movies
Heroines in Movies
2 years ago

Iris is a she and a they? That confuses the hell out of me! She’s all woman. I just see her as a hot girl I’d love to fuck. Thumbs up if you agree.

Does she do anything outside of the SH genre?

el goodo avatar
1 year ago

this comment is so ignorant. “that confuses the hell out of me” – how? you just explained it yourself, mackenzie’s pronouns are she/they. not even a little bit hard to comprehend. you went out of your way to disrespect a performers gender identity for virtually no reason and you claim to be a fan of this person. you could have and should have said nothing instead.

Heroines in Movies
Heroines in Movies
1 year ago
Reply to  el goodo

She’s a girl. And a hot girl. Period. They is a made up concept.

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago

You talk like a child not yet old enough to understand that it’s perspective on the world does not define the world and that other people have feelings and views of their own: “I don’t want this to be, so it cannot be.” But other people do not exist to please you. And their feelings are not made up because you do not like them and do not understand them. If your own identity is so fragile that you cannot deal with the fact that you find someone desirable who does not conform with your simpleminded world view, then that… Read more »

Heroines in Movies
Heroines in Movies
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

She’s a girl. A hot, sexy, slightly chunky, lesbian girl who likes girls and guys apparently. She’s got a beautiful looking pussy and great tits. That’s a girl.

You complicate things for no reason other than to argue.

foolkiller84 avatar
1 year ago

nah, they’re respecting someone else’s wishes, and not being fragile, like you are. also “The Oxford English Dictionary traces singular they back to 1375, where it appears in the medieval romance William and the Werewolf.” 1375, older than america, everything is a made up concept in language, I go by age and precedent. transphobia is much newer.

Trong Nhan
Trong Nhan
2 years ago

Love Batgirl so much❤

2 years ago

Black Canary looks so hot. And we’ll finally get that Batgirl movie who is expected to be amazing.
Any plan about a Supergirl movie in 2023 ? It’s been a while.

Toxic Janitor
Toxic Janitor
2 years ago

A while back on twitter, I saw a pic of Claire Irons in one of your Supergirl costumes with you tagged in the post. Are we ever going to get to see whatever that was?

Toxic Janitor
Toxic Janitor
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I vote for release!
*slaps $30 on the table*

2 years ago
Reply to  Toxic Janitor

I’ll throw in tree fiddy

Toxic Janitor
Toxic Janitor
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Who wouldn’t want to see whatever this movie is?

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

Have you ever considered giving a film a sequel? Not saying they don’t have a good ending though. An example would be like in Wonder Woman the harvest with Alina could’ve been cool to see the alien’s world and Alina either going to terms with it or trying to escape only to be unable

2 years ago

Will RECON INTERRUPTED be on sale again? I have been waiting for that to happen for a while. But it seems it’s been kept at $60.

2 years ago

In all honesty I just love reading the comments lmao

phlfan avatar
2 years ago

I’ve been meaning to write for some time, but since you seem to be following this board closely, I thought I’d join in. There are some things you do I find quite praiseworthy. Top of the list: the sheer quality of your work: staging, costumes. Truly top of the line. Congratulations. The fact that you’re on the few in this genre that does hardcore. The other remarkable thing you do is your interaction with customers, via this board. Nobody engages the way you do. Thank you. Now for thing I have problems with. These are solely my opinions. What I like is to see the heroine overpowered, and… Read more »

Jokey123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

The Heroine “succumbing” to the point she begins to enjoy it is very hot.

SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

For what it’s worth, I LOVE your movies where the heroine resists and cries. Ashley and Abbie are incredible in those films. For every person who hates them, there’s another weirdo like me who absolutely loves them.

phlfan avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thanks so much for the complex reply, for taking my comments seriously..

You mentioned: films where the heroine is love poitioned into becoming consumed by the sex, I’ve had films where heroines have orgasms and don’t mean to enjoy themselves but do…

Which ones are these o I can order them?

Ericheroine35 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

That’s really truly and I do like that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ericheroine35
Ericheroine35 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

I Like it too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ericheroine35
2 years ago

Thanks for giving us this production update.
When there’s a Buy button for Mackenzie Black Canary, I’ll push it.
Lofi… the only insight I can offer that might not be worthless is this: as a genre fan I am way pickier about basic productions than elaborate ones.

2 years ago

Can’t wait to see the new video. I know you have done softcore before but the Spider-Gwen video in your more hardcore style was phenomenal. I hope we get to see a video with Coco before either of you retire and I have to say in my almost 25 years of being into SHIP……Batgirl the prison is my all time favorite video. I am almost glad Ashley retired because that was an Oscar performance. Not sure how you top it. Anyway Can’t wait to see who you cast and just keep turning out these amazing videos!

Jokey123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

You’re probably too good

They get jealous

2 years ago

I love the lo fi stuff. It reminds me of the first Uninvited, which is still my favorite.

Honestly, just set up a separate brand for the lofi stuff and release as much of it as you’d like if you’re worried about your brand.

2 years ago

Or or OR… you could release it sooner. Like next week.

senordescartes avatar
2 years ago

whoah. Mackenzie has never looked better. And personally I’m happy with soft core content as long as the acting & peril are strong… and that’s usually the case when it’s F/F. Better villain/heroine chemistry that way…

Steve Jeff
Steve Jeff
2 years ago

would definitely buy the lo-fi release since i don’t have too much disposable income but would still like to support because i think our taste aligns as consumer/producer

2 years ago

I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging with you over a few comments earlier this year, not a customer thus far, as I stated I’m a F/F hardcore soft-core fan, and I can’t wait to see what you will bring to the table when you eventually try it out… That being said, I hope you do it on your own term with a story line you are comfortable with and that you enjoy making, should it feel like a chore or an unsatisfying process, I hope you will pull the plug and focus on what makes YOU happy as a film… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by jools
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I understand your first point, and I don’t mean to throw shades at positive criticism and people just expressing their opinion, indeed, you are right, if everybody agrees with you, you are doing something wrong, I just got a bit amazed at some comments who are just preposterous, or troll-ish. They know who they are, and yes, that guy is a perfect example…. That being said, it is the way you handle comments that is slowly convincing me to give a shot at one of your videos (the Black canary photos looks awesome to be fair). I understand your point… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

And yes, it is Gordon Ramsey, indeed!

2 years ago

The way i see it, if you have a favorite performer making back to back videos, that for me is a plus and a dream come true.
I’ll never understand the concept of customer fatigue in regard to a favorite girl performer. Maybe it’s just me but i really don’t get it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Seriously?? Some people!! This is why some people can’t have good tbhings, if you know what i mean.
I feel sorry for the girls who were subject to that kind of abuse by petty childish fanboys.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carlos

Such complaints seem more often (1) some people not liking the performer in the first place, and (2) other people having very specific requirements for specific heroines, e.g. SG must be a petite blonde but WW must be taller and more busty and dark-haired.

2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

That’s some serious pettyiness from those people. What kind of people are they?

2 years ago
Reply to  Carlos

I would say they successfully stay focused on their personal interests.

2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Far too much, if you ask me. I bet they are all very alienated, lonely people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carlos

The hunt for specific dopamine triggers can make every product release (or unit of time) that *isn’t* such a trigger feel like opportunity lost.

Apply “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and here we are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I fear you are right. Speaking for myself, what i really want in a F/F video is for the presence of lots of facepunching (lots of course being relative to each persons tastes) and for the pretty (prettiest) girl with the longest hair to lose the fight (bonusif it’s a one-sided beatdown). Give me those two elements and i’ll be happy as a clam, everything else is just individual details that make each video it’s own thing with it’s own identity. I love how and when each producer have their own style and their own “quirks” and when they have… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Carlos
Pepe avatar
2 years ago

Mackenzie? Please release now, or release a trailer

2 years ago

Mackenzie. Release. Now!

TommyCrazyGuN92 avatar
2 years ago

I’d like the Mackenzie film sooner than November or December I’d be down to preorder it now if it came out sooner. Either way I’ll preorder it but would like it sooner.

2 years ago

Noo, again Mackenzie nooo. The only good thing is that I save my money for other movies.

Don1987 avatar
2 years ago

Id like the Mckenzie one out asap, but i also want you to do whats best for you.

Jokey123 avatar
2 years ago

Oh boy that Mackenzie as Black Canary I’m with release sooner than November.

As far as LoFi content goes I love the idea but I’d much rather see that be hardcore. I saw you mention it was softcore earlier and that is a bit of a disappointment. BUT if it’s anything like your recent softcore videos with Mackenzie then it could definitely work.

I don’t see it muddying the waters either. There could be a LoFi releases in-between your big movies.

tofu1985 avatar
2 years ago

Release the mckenzie black canary video sooner then November plz

heroinehunter1212 avatar
2 years ago

In my very biased opinion, one comment from me is equal to one from 10 people 😀 please release the Mackenzie film sooner than November! 🙂

ME92 avatar
2 years ago

Are you still considering doing a F/F film at some point as discussed back in January(?)? Asking for a friend (xD)

ME92 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I see. Hopefully one day ; )

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

You need help creating stories?

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

You are your own one man studio?

Last edited 2 years ago by Vaca
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

You ARE a one man studio. Very impressive. My respects to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vaca
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

A bit of a perfectionist, are you not? I bet if you have a specific and personal vision, it’sm hard to find in others that can match and thus, delegating. I think i know what you mean.

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago

Given that Mackenzie doesn’t do hardcore, it’s a certainty that the Black Canary film won’t be for me. That being the case, I’d like to see at least one of the LoFi films be released in the near future, since I will otherwise likely have to wait until year’s end or sometime next year to see more hardcore SHIP action which suits my tastes. I understand that these LoFi films will be very different in content, presentation, and production value, but I’d still be willing to take a chance on one. And if I like that one, I’ll take a… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Okay. In that case, I’ll pass. I’ll just go on record as being willing to give LoFi productions a chance, if they’re hardcore. I’ll also keep my fingers crossed that there will be at least one more hardcore release before the end of 2022.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheLecher
James W.
James W.
2 years ago

I love Mackenzie!!! Thank you Damien all the hard work.
Also, is the Instagram address is accurate…
when I click link is broken…
I hope Ashley Lane returns to batgirl, she was fit for the roll, but I hope she is okay…
I’m 100% agree with you Damien all the quality work takes time.
Take it slow do not rush it.

SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
  1. Who is the actress in that LoFi shot?
  2. I am all for LoFi so long as they come in at a lower price point. Agent Eve and How to Destroy a Heroine were the two movies that drew me into the genre and they’re both as LoFi as they get!
SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Yeeesh, just reiterating that that’s an important factor for me.

SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

It was more a statement of importance/probing question about HOW much cheaper if you were willing to divulge, without being so grabby as to ask directly in case you hadn’t done the math yet or weren’t otherwise willing to go into detail.
Your work is pretty great, and I like how you portray distress and anguish! Not tryna start beef! But at the same time, it helps to rub a bit more friendliness on comments sometimes. It’s easy to misread in text.

Elevete avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

Unfortunately he hates the people who buy his films

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I’m not sure that a per-minute pricing structure would be the best way to go. You don’t do that with your higher production value films. “Batgirl: Double Crossed” and “Batgirl: The Prison” had the same price, but one was fifteen minutes longer than the other. And I didn’t have any complaint about that. I was satisfied with both purchases. A reduction in cost for the LoFi films would certainly be expected by most buyers, and I think it’s probably justified, because of the drop in production value, but I don’t think that I would tie it directly to running time,… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by TheLecher
2 years ago

release that canary film yesterday

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  KilBane

Yea I’m ok with a little repetitiveness of actress. 2 in a row isn’t bad at all.

Damien For your Lo-fi test shoots are those actually complete products you’ve done or just as per there name tests?

Is the image for lo-fi a new actress? Don’t recognise her (unless that just an image from uninvited 2)…

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

mind sharing name?

2 years ago

I hope the batgirl film will cast a caucasian actress and still have her in the black and gold full body suit. That one is my absolute favorite. And please consider including more bondage elements this time. Gags/blindfolds etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by greenmachine
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Ok, that is fine. I’m just letting you know my preferences. Hopefully you will include those elements in more future BG films. I notice you don’t seem to be a big bondage fan, that’s a pity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Just so you know, I am also one of your customers. I’ve purchased several of your films and I do enjoy them. They are made for a specific audience and they work in the context of who they are made for. But as I have alluded to, I have certain tastes that simply aren’t ever going to be satisfied with your films and your post makes that crystal clear. I liked a lot of the videos by GIGA and the old ZFX guys who incorporated bondage/torture elements into their videos. It doesn’t sound like that is your style. No worries.… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I wasn’t being dramatic, sorry you felt that way. That is the trouble with messaging, something always gets lost in interpretation. I think the core difference is that as you said yourself “I fast forward through most of [GIGA] products. It’s hard for me to imagine anyone who doesn’t. Because tying someone up for 40 minutes isn’t exciting.” Perhaps not to you, but the world is a big place and some of us find that style exciting. My fetish is also super heroines. Always has been, but I like bondage as well. To each his own. Good luck the rest… Read more »

Mnite83 avatar
2 years ago

Is Zatanna with Alex Coal a new film or is that the same one released before just with the new voice over?

Mnite83 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Shame. That was my favorite of all SHL movies. Thank you for the clarification.

Mnite83 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

It’ll be nice to see you making another Zatanna film. I just think that you really used the character of Zatanna and her powers well, especially when Zatanna desperately attempts to use her power to revert her friend back.