Star Nine – Common Enemy – OUT NOW

Common Enemy
Star Nine reprises her role as ‘Sky’ having defeated her ex-bestfriend Red Vision (portrayed by Ashley Lane in Uninvited 8) she has decided she wants to go legit… stepping into the Red Vision name and costume. She seeks to become a part of the United Heroes, a group of heroes who much like the ‘Justice League’ are the do-gooders of town… but there is a snag to her plan.
Sky still has the previously mind controlled Brutal Jack unlawfully as her prisoner. She has decided not to kill him as a means to prove to herself that she can be the hero and not the villain but Jack isn’t convinced. Jack knows all about Sky and what she did to Red Vision. Jack is ready to tell the United Heroes the truth, so Sky can’t let him leave…
But of course… Jack will break free from his cage, vengeful of the woman who stole his freedom!
- If you preorder ‘Untitled Star Nine Film’ you will receive a free download of Uninvited 8, in case you haven’t seen it or would like context to enjoy the narrative. The preorder will also include a BTS video when the film is released. That way I get to continue a narrative without leaving anyone out. The free download of Uninvited 8 is immediate.
- Pantyhose featured throughout film
- Would not advise anyone to preorder who loves long winded action scenes… this one aint for you (there’s action, it just isn’t prolonged, time breakdown below)
- Ending: Lose ending, no death
The Story / The Setup: 6 Minutes
Attack: 6 Minutes
- Light strangling
- Hand to hand combat
- Multiple crotch shots
- Failed attempt at mind control
- Multiple strikes to disable leg
Torture: 8 minutes
- Injuried leg torture
- Debooting one boot
- Bearhug into KO
- Over shoulder shot after KO
- Electrocution in chair
Sex scene: 30 Minutes
- Multiple Oral scenes
- Hardcore Sex
- 2nd boot comes off at 32 minute marker
- KO After sex
- Tone of sex scene: She resists but you can tell she is enjoying herself
- Release Date: OUT NOW
- Standard Price: $60
- Star Nine’s First Hardcore Film
I will note this one more time…
Sale Ending
By Monday I will change back the pricing on the sale I threw in October. I have left it up since cause I have been too busy to spend an afternoon changing prices. So if you are on the fence about previous titles, nows the time to save some money!
Click on the embedded links below to learn more about the sales.
General Updates
I hope to release one more film to close out 2021, though it may not happen until it’s a buzzer beater situation. Been working hard on new material to hopefully make 2022 more exciting than what I manage to pull off in 2021. Over the weekend I will be more active on the forums before I end up drowning in preproduction work again. So, keep me busy in the comment section while I am in the throws of a new release.
<3 love y’all
Updated link for Order Page:
Loved this. Star Nine’s inner dialogue was handled well. Wish we could get more of Liv Revamped. She was amazing in Uninvited 3 and I would love to see her get manhandled and creampied again.
Yes! Her inner dialogues were so on point and made me believe that’s what she went through 100%
It is a better idea to dirty the pantyhose feet!
For the bat movie, is the story gonna be similar to the killing joke comic?
It’s going to be batgirl instead of Batman, it’s going to be a fetish film not a Hollywood production
Would love to see late-70s era Ms. Marvel next from SHL. It’s on my wishlist, at least. 😀
If it’s the black unisuit, put me down for that video!
Photo of the costume you are referencing?
Not sure if this is Hypnomancer’s, but here’s my thought:
I’ve always liked that costume better than the other costumes for the female versions of Captain Marvel.
Here’s a full body shot, showing the boots:
And here are the boots with more traditional heels:
I’d be in for a production with this costume
The Rye had one film with the costume… no mask though.
My all time favorite Rye movie! The outfit is without a doubt my favorite, and I love lexi belle and the story that they went along with.
Let me know if everyone is correct or not in answering the question I asked you
Time to Captain Marvel?
Only Brie Larson!!!
Have you ever considered making a Lara croft movie?
Probably never going to happen, I don’t see anyone buying it enough to even break even
Damn, I totally would have bought that!
I would also go for a lara croft movie. And I love the idea of the black unisuit of captain marvel too. Honestly one of my favorite outfits. I’m in to the shiney black latex/leather look. But that’s just my opinion. Honestly everything I’ve seen of Damien’s works have been excellent anyway so I’m happy either way. Just wanted to say I love those two ideas.
Well that’s 3 people who’d buy it. $150 bucks guaranteed in sales :-/
Tack on another $50 for a Lara Croft film! It would be a day 1 preorder for sure, and there’s no one I would rather see more than Ms.Croft in one of your Uninvited films. We can dream!
Amazing work man. More oral sex on the heroine please, i miss It in your movies.I pre ordered The Killing Joke, it would be awesome If all the man get a taste of batgirl s body before having fun with her.
I’ll see if I can work it in
It’s interesting how much preferences differ from person to person. I’m cool with cunnilingus in vanilla porn or lesbian rape scene, but I dislike it in hetero rape scenes. Different strokes for different folks.
I think the longer this genre goes on the more divided taste will be.
Member the old days? Membership sites that released 4 minutes of footage a week? Took like 6 months to see one film?
Those wereeeeee the dayyyyyysssssss (I was in high school!)
Dude, my membership to Superheroine Central was probably the most frustrating membership to a porn site that I ever had. Over the course of three years, I probably got about a year and a half’s worth of content, about half of which actually appealed to my tastes. But I kept the membership going anyway, because back then it was probably the best option for SHIP content.
I was always curious where he got that massive flight hanger looking place to shoot his films. There was some pretty creative stuff over there, but yeah the monthly subscription stuff, it’s wild to think about that now as the previous standard
I still have a membership with The visual quality of the clips is not as good as today’s clips/vids but I’m hoping to collect all of the Trophy Hunter movies as they’re great ! 🙂
But It ruins the film for you? It just a small and natural part of a rape scene.
I don’t consider it to be a natural part of a rape scene. I see it more as the reverse – unnatural and unrealistic. And that’s why I dislike it in boy/girl rape scenes, because it breaks my belief in the plausability of the scene. But again, different people like different things. Different people find different things more or less believable. To each their own.
habra posibilidad ver a Alina lopez de batgirl/supergirl?
Alina is not currently hireable
Wow this is simply a masterpiece. Star Nine gave such a committed performance. The development of the plot is deliberate and mesmerizing!
Thank you for the kind words
Great quality work so far from this site. There is only a few things I would like to see. First, I think having a well-known heroine and a model that actually looks like that heroine really helps the fantasy. Second, if the girl is wearing a mask I like to see it taken off a little earlier so we can see the expressions of the girl. Third, when they shoot in dark settings it seems to look lower quality or just hard to see the beautiful girls. Just my worthless 2 cents but overall I love the work and for… Read more »
Do you not consider Alina Lopez as Wonder Woman a “well-known heroine and a model that actually looks like that heroine“?
(And on that note, here’s a push for more Alina in the future, though I believe you mentioned she wasn’t doing superheroine videos anymore.)
As of now she’s exclusively working for herself on OF
So there be another one movie this year?
A big thank you already for the great work this year. Now to the film Common Enemy, I think the film is a success and it shows again the great art of Damien Woods. There is something for everyone, the individual fetishes, the action / fight scenes or the pure hardcore factor. The Star Nine factor was only partially a reason for me to buy the film, I generally buy all of Damien’s films. Nowadays there are only a few studios left that regularly release films that include all of these elements. However, personally I found the film to be… Read more »
Any updates on the killing joke
Couldn’t line up everyone’s schedules for early December so reattempting a shoot late December. But considering Christmas that might be a fools errand. Even after I shoot it though, editing will probably take a decent amount of time and effort
We already know that Ashley Lane is playing Batgirl. Are you willing to announce who you’ve cast as the home invasion victim, or is that top secret for now?
It’s a 50/50 thing. I def have someone in mind but because of COVID there have been a couple times where I have to recast last minute cause someone tests positive. Knowing how people are, if they hear who it might be and then that changes: it might become an issue. So it’s easier for me to keep things under wraps until it actually happens. I can’t beat someone’s imagination and expectations
That’s fair.
do you have planned something in future something with liv revamped?
Would love to see that.
A potential two releases in one month! Any hints on what this last possible could be?
It features Abbie Maley
Will there be a pre-order page up soon Damien?
Huge fan of Star Nine and her custom clips. I’m beyond excited she decided to dip her toes in hardcore, even if it ends up being a one-off. I remember watching U8 and was quite impressed with her performance, but always wished she could’ve been more involved in the sex scene. Not only do I get my wish here, but it’s an entire film devoted to her. Instant pre-order for me, can’t wait.
Hope you enjoy the film
Story wise, I think it’s great… the only one thing I am a bit troubled is Star Nine’s Tattoo… but nothing is perfect, so it’s okay I guess.
So the film is available this Saturday?
Four purchases and my first pre-order. Will I receive another email when video is available? This is one of my few fetishes I have in my porn. I have loved it since I first saw Axel Braun’s Batman parody. I just want to thank SHL for making these movies, they hit the spot, so to speak! Thanks.
You will receive a new download email when its released. I think you are talking about the ‘superheroine’ genre as a fetish correct?
Yes. Is that not correct?
That would be the overall genre, but SHL films tend to more specifically be in the “superheroine in peril” genre, or SHIP. That would be the fetish that most users on this site lean towards, much moreso than Axel Braun films for example, which are closer to normal porn except in costume.
Thank you for the clarification. Then, I am a fan of SHIP. I am old enough to being aroused by Wilma Deering on Buck Rogers and her shiny outfits.
I am more so just understanding the comment, some people on here have pantyhose fetishes or foot fetishes. Despite this being a heroine website, you’d be surprised by the diversity of taste here.
Looks really good. Can’t wait to watch it!
Thank you
This was a pre-order for me from the description, and the SHL track record. Hopefully the generous trailer will help knock a few more sitters off the fence. 😉
And Damien threw in Uninvited 8 for free, no less. Nice bonus!
As always, the trailer looks very promising. I have to say that Star Nine is already a legend in this fetish area, over 20 years of experience. However, I had wished for a little more nudity with regard to the scenes shown. I know that Star Nine doesn’t have the feminine curves compared to Alina Lopez or Ashley Lane. The fact that the boots are removed is a start for all foot fetish and nylon fetish lovers. However, I would think to see a complete humiliation including completely undressing, that would definitely have more effect and impact. In the end… Read more »
There is more nudity in the film, but trailers are complicated to fit as much as you can within a couple minutes
Hi Damien thanks for the response. As already written, I will definitely buy this film just to support you. In these times the future and this fetish area is more and more dying out. Many of my favorite actors or producers are no longer producing or have switched to their old job. Of course, this is not only due to Corona, but also to Internet piracy, if I see some custom films in various forums after 2 weeks, I can only shake my head. I’m already looking forward to this film and when there is more nudity, the more joy… Read more »
Pirating definitely makes this almost impossible. My pre-order system of offering extra content and discounts to guarantee I make back the production cost before the film can be download I think is the only thing keeping this boat above water
Sorry to hear about piracy but glad your sales approach is working. Think the fact that you offer 4k is another win as most pirate streaming sites are pretty bad quality.
Glad your always pushing the technical boundaries.
Its alright, Hollywood can’t avoid it so neither can I. I wouldn’t mind having a wall garden, like website that’s only accessible to the diehard fans and say fuck it to the internet at large, eventually in the future it may come to that,
Fun fact: all my films since 2019 were shot in 6k and all have uncompressed 6k master versions. But the data on a 6k Master is like… 400GBs of data
So for now, 4K HEVC is the only option that I think most people can handle, if they can even handle that to be honest
6k or not, Damien you should look into some noise reduction plug ins. Though your footage looks sharp, the noise definitely worsens the perceived sharpness.
Noise reduction software usually blurs and softens images. Most 6k cameras don’t have the low light ISO range that something like a pro-sumer SLR 4k camera would. I personally rather have the dynamic range and color correction ability a 6k RAW image affords me, than shooting on a 4k camera with good low light ability that doesn’t offer RAW abilities. Cameras like Canons R5 overheat when filming RAW video footage, to the degree that people have made cooling systems to attach to the camera: I am not interested in that kind of workflow. I can assure you this: Ever technical… Read more »
I don’t know if you have superpowers or if you’re a vampire and you glamoured her, but whatever the reason, I’m glad that you were able to get Star Nine to do what she did, so we can all enjoy this momentous occasion. I’m sure we all have several names that we’d like to offer up so that you can work your magic on them as well. Kudos! As usual, great looking product. Oh! I don’t think Bronson gets enough credit for his role in all of this. He’s exceptional and really gets behind his characters. Many people concentrate on… Read more »
I’m not in the business of edging people out of their comfort zones, in this situation it just worked out. Hope you enjoy the film
Oh I didn’t mean to imply that you do that. It just seems that you bring out the best in these artists. I don’t know if Star Nine was thinking of doing a B/G scene at all. But for her first to be in a genre I love and with a very respectable producer, that’s saying a lot about you.
It’s alright, just wanted to clarify that I don’t see there being more non-hardcore talent suddenly doing hardcore scenes in my films.
this looks amazing. Cant believe star 9 is doing hardcore. Is there any internal dialogue? she is very good at that in her fetish films
There is a sprinkle of it in the film, but it’s not heavy handed.
As Excellent as usual, hope the weekend come more faster
Any update on the Zatanna Alex Coal voice over?
This one isn’t my personal taste but have bought all you other stuff. Keen to see what else is in the pipeline!
No update. Was planning on recording the audio when I am in LA for the Batgirl film, and as I haven’t shot that yet, haven’t been able to get the audio recorded
Any chance of more melody marks superheroine stuff?
Not as of now, no. But I’m always open to be swayed that way
I like the girl in the blue costume at the start of the trailer, she looks latina, which would be a refreshing change of pace. Would like to see her KO’d and stripped down (debooted) too.
Here yah go
Cool. I can only wonder if she’s KO’d and totally naked by the end of the movie
To this day, Uninvited 3 is one of my favorites from SHL. Absolutely worth it. A bit underrated from my perspective.
It’s nice to see Star Nine finally doing hardcore. The trailer looks good. I’m looking forward to the release.
Its, as far as I am aware and have been told by her, not going to become a regular thing. But she generously offered to this production, which I am grateful for.
Amazing trailer! Can’t wait for the movie. Great job as always!