Rye & Punished Heroines Summer Sale

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Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Great to hear about the upcoming release news. And in the meantime, feel free to post more preview pics šŸ™‚ If I may ask, any major works of the caliber of 1984 or Doomsday in the works? Also, are you thinking about doing a major Wonder Woman or Batgirl video a la 1984/Doomsday epic style? I would love to see a Rye treatment of both of those characters. You have the eye for detail and you have brought us some truly amazing women. I’m hoping you might be interested in doing that for those two characters. (And I have to… Read more »

tltan123 avatar
8 years ago

Rye, I’ve been following you since time began and i’ve never seen any of your films slashed almost half price after only a month after release. Public Disgrace was release end of May for 39.95 and a month later its 23.95… Don’t get me wrong, i think it’s worth every penny but dude… half price in a month ?… I’m sure many would rejoice and i’m sure you have your reasons but it’s hard on your ardent followers. Also, ever since Paris and Ashley, there has yet to be anything as strong or as risque. The current films are good… Read more »

8 years ago

The best thing to come from all of this, all kidding aside. Blair Williams’ grand entrance into bondage and hardcore porn. She’s not the greatest but she’s coming along nicely. I am sure they won’t put her in a DP scene until she has honed her skills a bit more.

8 years ago

[ADMIN NOTE: Don’t do that. Also, don’t respond to this comment. Thank you.]

BARON2027 avatar
8 years ago

thanks for letting me know that

8 years ago

What is the name of the movie in this advertising?

BARON2027 avatar
8 years ago

i agree i bought amazing nightmare and i enjoyed it a lot the actress did a excellent job i especially loved the final scene.

8 years ago

haha sorry upon further review I meant to say Alexis not Nicole!!

MAV avatar
8 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised by Amazing Girl vs. the Machine. “Kaycee”‘s peril reactions have gotten better over time and her “girls” look amazing throughout this video. After the 15-minute beatdown, the 10-minute AOH destruction scene did it for me even though I prefer a belly-revealing costume

8 years ago

Yeah i dont get the no comment thing. I want to read a review on the new amazing girl to see if its my cup of tea. I thought thats what this website was about. Since back when it was just a blog spot. Are comments really hurting reviews that bad?

Thanks for the response Tom. Ive actually seen those already! Also not huge fan of nudity in these films. Has anyone seen Avenger vs Galaxsis? I would love a review.

8 years ago

So we can “comment” on a sale from rye but not a new release from him…..

8 years ago
Reply to  Ambassador

We can. And I did post a review for one of his most recent releases. Only we can’t when a particular actress is starring (who got a lot of heat, so I fully understand Rye’s perspective).

8 years ago

Not very democratic, but such is life these days. I bought it, liked it. And think that Rye’s ‘have-it-both-ways’ in respect of releases with this actress is far from commendable.

8 years ago
Reply to  bogie

Stop whining. The decision isn’t a democracy. He’s not doing it to be sketchy or to prevent people from knowing if the video is any good. He’s doing it to protect the actress from creepy degenerate losers who have previously used the comment sections on certain videos to be creepy and scummy. “Have it both ways” has nothing to do with anything. He’s looking out for the best interest of his business partners. Don’t turn this into a bigger thing than it is. As a community, we lost our commenting privileges on certain videos. Lets learn a lesson from that,… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks


8 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I think you missed the point. I bought the video and liked it and would have given it, and Kacey, the thumbs up, had I been given the opportunity. I think people have gradually changed their negative attitudes to Kacey’s acting, and there is a distinct possibility that allowing comments would be a positive for sales.Any chance you could leave emotive words like ‘whinging’ out of future correspondence? Rude is rude, after all..

8 years ago
Reply to  bogie

Glad you liked the video. In the end, that’s all any of us are really here to do.

My point remains. 85% of your comment was a complaint about the lack of comments. I think you’re still misunderstanding why the comments were disabled. I don’t think it was to avoid a drop in sales. I’m under the impression that those videos do extremely well with or without comments.

I apologize for using the word “whining.” I should have said “complaining.”

That’s all I have to say on this topic. Moving on!

8 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks


8 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Why not let the moderator moderate the comments…they ultimately have control over what is and isn’t posted. Looked at latest offering….lot to be desired…not from the actress….

tommy84 avatar
8 years ago

Fabio, I can recommend Spectre and Parolee 2 for low blows and writhing. Amazing Girl vs. The Machine is also good.

8 years ago

If only Amazing Nightmare were part of the sale!! It looks so very good. But i dont think I can drop 30 for a video. I can do the sale prices though..

Can anyone tell me which video would suit me best from the sale list? I like well reacted low blows and hard stomach blows. And long scenes of the heroine writhing from them. I have my eyes set on the avenger vs galaxsis… The heroine looks absolutely stunning in that costume. But Ive been left feeling underwhelmed from her reactions in past videos… decisions, decisions.

8 years ago

Is that a new video with Nicole in the first few pics?

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  starman

I think that’s Alexis being captured in civilian clothes, then she transforms into her superheroine outfit…and is captured again šŸ™‚

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Love what I’m seeing in those preview pics! Thank you, thank you, thank you Rye. Can’t wait to see more.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater


tltan123 avatar
8 years ago

Patience is definitely a virtue… in waiting for new releases as well as purchasing… paid almost double just last week….Can’t wait for the new installments though.