“Rancor 2” from The Battle for Earth

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5 years ago

Please have tickling in Rancor 3. Would buy it in an instant like the other 2.

Raimundo Nonato da Silva Júnior
Raimundo Nonato da Silva Júnior
5 years ago

I wish so much see Ariel X again as Wonder Woman.

5 years ago

Please more Ariel X as Wonder Woman

5 years ago

Wow. Wait until you see the next TBFE with Goldie Blair. It’s like they took Rancor to the next level. So ….Hot!! Maybe my number 1 film. It hits so many buttons. I thought Rancor couldn’t be topped. I was wrong.

Raimundo Nonato da Silva Júnior
Raimundo Nonato da Silva Júnior
5 years ago

I love this series. Please never end this serie with Ariel X. She is the best wonder woman even. Great movie, please given us rancor 3

5 years ago

Always awesome to see Alex David in a TBFE video.

cratchit avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  uhzoomzip

Alex David?

5 years ago
Reply to  Cratchit

She plays “the best friend.” She’s played Liberty GIrl and others for SHG-Media for more than ten years. She’s one of the best actresses in the SHIP universe! I’m usually not interested in videos with this much pure pain but I’m always interested in videos with Alex!

5 years ago
Reply to  zilch

Imagine if we could get Alex David in a TBFE vid as the lead heroine.. @_@ I’d die

5 years ago
Reply to  uhzoomzip

some of the stuff she has done is just as good or better than TBFE. But I get your point that Alex doing her thing in any forum is hot

5 years ago
Reply to  uhzoomzip

It’s good, but it doesn’t have the same intensity. I’d love to see her run TBFE’s gauntlet as Liberty Girl with TBFE’s camera and production values.

5 years ago

The whole point in having muscular women; is to replace men, so as to not cast any men at all. I hope to one day see a video the gets whole point of casting any muscular woman is to not have any man in the video, some day. The whole point it to be pure woman on woman action. I don’t know why no one in the fetish industry has figured that out yet. Is it so hard to do even one video with a muscular woman without having to cast men in it, I mean there are soo many… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar


5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

This is quite possibly the mind-numbing thing I’ve read here.


RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Looks like you haven’t read any of kaizar’s estrogen themed posts yet.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

I don’t know why Kaizar hasn’t figured out that the whole point of the fetish industry is not just to give Kaizar what Kaizar wants.

But I remain hopeful.

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

But itsvalso not vie-versa either. Its supposed to be all the above, with some videos done obe way, and other videos done another way. I’ve seen the short list of superheroine videos with muscular actresses, including the one with Brandi Mae playing a villainess defeating a skinny Supergirl, but every single one of these videos have gone out of their way to throw in a minimum of 2 guys in them. Is it so hard to also make a girls only of such superheroine videos…..the answer is no, it is not, and you’ll save money on film budget by not… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Order yourself a custom. That way Kaizar can get a video that Kaizar wants.

5 years ago
Reply to  TBob

You’ll catch more flies with honey then vinegar.

5 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Its actually about the majority of us adult film lovers, for you see; the majority of people who watch porn on the internet like lesbian videos more then any other genre. But what ever helps you sleep at night. I’ll stick to my preference of pure lesbian videos thank you very much, especially since they are the most popular superheroine videos 13 to1; anyways.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

What ever helps sleep at night imagineer, whatever helps you sleep at night.

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

I got the 13 to 1 statistic from primal videos. Thats what they said. And the entire news media says lesbian is the most popular genre in porn for the past many years in a row. Theres also such factors as straight guys and lesbian women and bi-women not wanting to see guys in porn, as well as their being guys like me who don’t even notice the guy (men are like an invisible ghost who are not even there, so men like me don’t even notice them). Plus between trusting journalists or trusting Donald Trump, I will always trust… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

The entire news media regurgitates PornHub’s annual digest of their search results. Very different thing.
What specifically did Primal Videos say? I do not take Kaizar’s word that Primal means what Kaizer asserts, nevermind that Primal’s own catalog doesn’t support Kaizar’s case.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Kaizar playing the repeat game, lmao.

5 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Kaizar playing the making-up-figures game, too. Again.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Kaizar actually isn’t wrong on that stat. Quick google search says it’s mostly true, at least on pornhub. Though throwing out stats like that is meaningless and really has nothing to do with niche media. Dunno about heroine movies with all female casts being 1300% more popular than the rest though.

5 years ago
Reply to  TBob

“Pure lesbian videos… are the most popular superheroine videos 13 to 1.”
This claim is unsubstantiated, nevermind of specious relevance to this producer’s current business model.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBob

For all the argument about what version is most popular or best, doesn’t the fact that some women won’t shoot with a male counterpart but are willing to shoot with a female counterpart? Are there many women who won’t shoot with another woman? That might affect the popularity, quality and number of videos favoring female-female over female-male.

5 years ago

The only 2 WWs who do this are Christina Carter and Ariel. That’s why they are the BEST!!!

Orcaman001 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Hmm I woulnd’ go quite that far, There is the Diana Knight who often layed an Evil WW character but did place the Amazon herself, and long before Ariel X did
plus Christina Carter and Diana Made awesome videos of Evil vs Good WW batttles with action Fights and Peril Plus More

JackPuncher avatar
5 years ago

Have now purchased and viewed and for me it lived up to my expectations. Ariel X as WW continues to face ordeals set up by Belle Fatale as Pers to prove that Pers’s intelligence is superior to WW’s Amazon heroine muscle power. Ariel X looks the part and seeing her performance we can imagine how much her muscles are cramping and screaming at her in distress as the ordeals continue. First I want to comment on the yoke restraint device WW was held in. It kept her arms bound at shoulder height such that her body, especially her butt, tits… Read more »

5 years ago

This is fantastic. I hope this series never ends (although it’s been so inventive, I kind of want an alternative, after the credits “death ending” to see how they would finish off WW.)

JackPuncher avatar
5 years ago

I do not usually comment until I have been able to view the film but I cannot help myself here. Rancor 1 was superb with the distress and adversity our brave heroine had to endure. There were only a few occasions when the evil doers displayed unnecessary gentleness. Just looking at the trailer indicates things have only got worse and far more demanding for her. Wonderful!!!!!!!!! Our brave heroines in general should face more of this kind of challenge and distress. Those who have posted before me refer to a Rancor 3 and if Rancor 2 lives up to its… Read more »

5 years ago

Rancor 3????? I don’t think my heart could take it.

5 years ago

Finally here…Hoping for this for a while.

5 years ago

This had everything I’ve ever really wanted in a WW film. I would have paid 500 bucks for this. I don’t care.

5 years ago

This is unreal. Number 1 movie of all time. Sorry others.