OUT NOW! Sonica v Malicia from NGC Championship

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RobHinx avatar
6 years ago

So many great comments and thoughts here. I’m tempted to just put ‘yeah, I agree’ but there’s a few things I’d like to comment on. Sonica; I like her, I like her a lot. She’s a fine actress and she sells everything very well. I especially liked her sobs and moans when Malicia had the upper hand. I also thought she did the self punching and choking very well. One thing I really loved about her performance here was when she delivered her final, knock scream. Her body language and facial expressions were perfect; it was a if she was… Read more »

6 years ago

Bravo NGC team! SONICA is amazing! I really enjoyed this video and I like her belt the way it is. It compliments her figure very nicely! Please keep the costume the same because it really works well on her! The actress does a terrific job selling each hit and I particularly enjoy watching the eye rolling knockouts. As far as her fighting goes I noticed that she seems to know her way around the ring very well. I was impressed. Last video was slightly lopsided so we couldn’t see her in action as much. The NGC Champ series is a… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

I repeat: Sonica is a FINE woman. And a good actress. And a great heroine in peril. And when she’s pushed around, stretched, and beaten by the malevolent Malacia Divine….well that’s something I enjoyed a lot. This film is also another great addition to the near perfect run of form the Championship has been on for the last year. Delivering quality SHIP film material that’s sure to excite people in much the same way it did for me. Performance wise, I think Sonica is even better in this one than she was in her match-up against Curse. And there was… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

So, this one was really great! In only her second appearance, Sonica has vaulted into my second tier of current NGC heroines. (I can’t ordinally rank them all, because I like practically everybody that’s presently making videos with NGC, so I’ve got tiers. Starshot is in Tier 1 by herself. Tier 2 has a lot of heroines.) Sonica is really beautiful, but Malicia’s a dish as well, and she tears into this episode with gusto. I also love the way the Announcer sucks up to her. She’s absolutely spectacular as a catty, confident cutthroat, but she’s also really excellent on… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

I agree with you on so many points here! Definitely agree with you about the whole Tier thing. I like virtually all the heroines in NGC and I too think of them as being in Tiers. Performance wise, as a heroine in peril, Starshot is practically in a whole other universe as far as I’m concern. And like you Tier 2 has a bunch of heroines closely knit together with Sonica, after this match performance, deserving of being in that tier. Interestingly though, when it comes to who’s my favorite, the Tiers get all scrambled and I’m not quite sure… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

My tier 2 is composed of all the heroines that I might consider my second favorite (after Starshot) in terms of “who I’d most like to see in the next video.” I could talk myself into about 4 or 5 different heroines being in that second spot, thinking about different aspects of their performances. Anyway, I’d put Sonica in that tier after this one. Novelty is certainly a factor in Sonica’s favor. Since we don’t know much about her at all, there’s a lot left to see. I’d also absolutely *love* to see a video where a villain takes off… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

I love the idea of Sonica’s belt being removed and used to restrain her, although I do think that, being as it has a buckle, it could be difficult to do and keep the pace of a fight going. Of course if she was stunned or semi-conscious it could really work well. I think using part of a heroine’s costume against her adds a nice element of humiliation, I made a light-hearted comment on the NGC blog a while back about Virtue’s suspenders being twanged mercilessly against her behind. It wouldn’t do her much harm, but she’d be mortified if… Read more »

TimCaine avatar
6 years ago

I just watched this. Malicia is indeed an awesome villainess. Sonica like Erica looks so incredible in defeat. Her and Erica are my favorites on the active roster right now. The more one-sided their defeat the better. They both shine when it comes to taking one-sided beatdowns. Loved this episode. One of the better NGC Championship matches. BTW – Will you guys ever complete the trilogy of defeat for Erica vs The Dominator? I would absolutely love one more total defeat of Erica at the hands of the Dominator… perhaps even in her old style outfit? Anyway, great job on… Read more »

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago

I’ve just watched this. If there’s a better villainess than the actress who plays Malicia in the entire genre then I’ve yet to see her!

6 years ago

SONICA looks amazing! can’t wait to see how she matches up with Malicia.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Sonica is such a fine woman. Particularly when sprawled out on the mat, KOed and crushed under Malacia’s heel.

Friday can’t come soon enough.

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago

, she sure was beautiful, I always want the villains to win, but I do like to see a good unmasking when the opportunity presents itself.

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago

There’s no way Malicia can lose to this new upstart! I’ll be voting for a Malicia win and looking forward to seeing her gloat over Sonica!

Heroineburgh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Goon4hire

Agreed. Both of their costumes are great, both are expressive actresses, and I would love to see them exerting themselves as long as possible in a knockdown drag-out match, but ultimately, Sonica would look best splayed out on the floor in abject defeat.

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Heroineburgh

Absolutely! I’d also like to see Sonica unmasked, but I guess it’s a bit too early in her NGC career so it probably won’t happen for a while.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Goon4hire

I don’t know… NGC used to have a masked heroine named “Catherine Marks” and she was unmasked in her first appearance.

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Good point…I remember her, but it seems like a few years since she was last seen. I wonder if she’ll ever be back? She was seriously hot!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

: Yeah, she hasn’t been around for awhile. I mention her whenever I get a chance, though, because I liked her. The actress was beautiful, the costume was great, and the character concept was fantastic.

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Catherine was a great. I thought her unmasking had a nice twist; they unmasked her but didn’t know who she was!

Wrecker avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

I try to bring her up from time to time as well in hopes that NGC will come up with something for her to be doing while all the supers are doing what they do. Her fight with the Heroinekiller is still my favorite episode ever, in spite of the fight being kinda short. I’d love to see her have to go up against Alaric.

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Speaking of Catherine Marks, I also loved the villainess Georgina Shred. They shared an episode together and both have great acting chops.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

@RyonaKing yeah, Georgina Shred was great! NGC has had so many spectacular villainesses (who don’t get nearly enough shine, IMO) it’s hard to pick a favorite. I wrote up a list of my favorite NGC videos by heroine on the Winter Sale post, and in my brief bit on Catherine Marks, I mentioned Georgina explicitly, because their video was one of the only chances to see Georgina. I got the distinct impression that more was planned for both characters, but the actresses became unavailable, or something. @Rob_Hinx I remember that too. It was a little ironic, since they worked for… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

there’s no reply button again but this deserves a reply-
“It was a little ironic, since they worked for the same organization!”
That was James and John Roman and their ‘water tight compartment’ ethos. If they’ve had a more open working environment it could have been so different!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

: exactly! I enjoyed the fact that they didn’t know who Catherine was because it revealed how siloed/secretive Red Mist was.

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

-whispers- I think someone is listening in here!- 😉

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

Decisions, decisions…

Ordinarily, I vote for the combatant who has the worse record, which is Sonica here. However, I’m not sure how I feel about Malicia losing to someone who is not Starshot. After all the abuse SS has taken from Malicia, I feel like she should be the one to hand Malicia her first loss.

What to do…?

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

There’s only one thing to do….fiiiiiiiiggght!
Oh, they are already 🙂

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

With a bit of luck they’ll be 2 endings.

Goon4hire avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Goon4hire

*there’ll be

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Goon4hire

We usually do get both endings, which is why my preference for the outcome is based on who I want to score the win, rather than who I want to see defeated. Because I totally want to see Sonica defeated.