“Oni Part 1” from Lucia Films

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Wrecker avatar
6 years ago

I’m a little late to the party, but I loved this video! Beautiful girl in a costume that fits her like a glove. This might be my second favorite Supergirl costume ever (I’m in the minority that prefers the two-piece costume). This girl sells the peril amazingly, especially the choking with stomach punches on the floor. I Absolutely loved the AoH kidney punches as well there near the end. Can’t wait for part two! It’ll be an instant purchase! Kudos to all involved and keep up the amazing work!

Wrecker avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Also, I forgot to mention, the use of blood here was really well done. There is a fine line between effective and totally overstated and you stayed well on the right side of that line. I gotta commend the actress again as well. Amazing job. All of your regulars are great, but I’ll take as much of this actress and Aubrey Sinclair as you care to give us!

6 years ago

My complaint is no nudity……and is that clear diamond suppose to be the green kryptonite?

I personally would have gone with a taller person like Nicole Shea or Ava Koxxx, and I also would have first have the villain try to beat Supergirl without the kryptonite, out of cockiness, and then after Supergirl beats the crap out of the taller villainess, maybe have Supergirl use a strap-on dildo to screw the villain, so when the tables turn, the villain after doing everything else to Supergirl via thanks to finally accepting having to use kryptonite, uses Supergirl’s own Strapon against her.

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago

Well…Supergirl, Kryptonite and a beat down…some of my favourite things. The only thing that would make this perfect is if I find out it’s in Lucia’s dark universe. If that’s the case, I know what’s coming next…

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-


6 years ago

So how do i prefund,
no details on netcode for online transactions for top ups, just an address

It shouldn’t be this drawn out for online trans

Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kayley


You have to send them a cheque or a money order….In my case, I took the other alternative….I signed up for Paypal.

6 years ago

Hi Lucia,

I know you said her suit gets torn in part 2 but will she be topless? Funds are tight so saving the coins for part 2, but gotta let you know “Venture no more” was my favorite video of 2018. Hope to see another one like that at some point! Your work is phenomenal!

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Um hi I like gritty ☺️

6 years ago

Any chance of there being a cradle carry in the second part?

6 years ago

Lucia is a welcome addition to the roster of HIP producers. Many of the vids are darker than my taste runs, but this producer emphasizes mood better than anyone else in the game today. This release has a new to the genre actress, a good Supergirl suit, a large and powerful villain, and a plucky but overmatched Supergirl who tries and fights despite the lopsided scenario. The camerawork is clever and inventive, the editing is consistently interesting and the action is engrossing and often original. This video is a strong entry, particularly for fans who complain about the “sameness” of… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

good argument and excellent supergirl uniform

SupermanSexy avatar
6 years ago

So when the second part o Supergirl is going to come

6 years ago

Does SG get into the sex? How is the voice-over during the sexual scenes? Any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for anyone who can give some details on that aspect of the video.

HeroineFall avatar
6 years ago

Well, I typed a long ass comment then my page randomly refreshed. So here is the short: Lucia good, film style dark but I likey, better contrast with less crushed blacks for the win. In my sexual peril I enjoy rough, body shaking, ass jiggling, poundings. Since everything is subjective, here are some examples of films I felt got it right (though it can ALWAYS be rougher): Rye’s The Avenger, Rye’s Hands of Man (BJ only), Rye’s Specter Aftermath, and TBFE Destroyed (BJ mostly). Those are what come to mind, anyway, but I’m always hoping to add more to the… Read more »

HeroineFall avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thanks Lucia! I always appreciate when a producer answers questions on their content. 😀

HeroineFall avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Well, I’m going for part 2. So, delayed funds. 😛

6 years ago

Lucia does this model appear nude in the sequel any previews of upcoming releases would b nice ???, this looks good instant buy!

kuja9428 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

bear hug in part 2?

Richard Decker
Richard Decker
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

So there is another video coming between the next Oni, is it going to be the same actress?

Richard Decker
Richard Decker
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Any hint or preview of the actress?

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

I don’t know. Something about this isn’t quite grabbing me. That said, I’ve been impressed with Lucia’s stuff and I’m willing to give this a shot and see what it’s all about.

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

How can I buy this in the UK??

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thanks, downloaded and just watched, was not not disappointed!! This movie is amazing, the actress plays Supergirl to perfection, all sweet and innocent and having never been in trouble before. Seeing her weakened and then totally beaten is so hot and she acts the peril elements out perfectly!! The costume is incredible and fits her like a glove! Supergirl is my favourite heroine and kryptonite peril has always been the best type of peril for me, cannot recommend this video enough if you like the above! Looking forward to part 2 and hope you can do more vids in the… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

I like Lucia’s style and take on things, and would love to see more SG material (as well as a WW take with a high quality WW outfit along the lines of what we saw in Rye’s “Eye of the Beholder”). This video seems to have a lot of the elements I want to see in a SG video, so I am definitely intrigued. Any chance of doing something similar with Alexis Monroe or Aubrey? Those two make an amazing SG! It would be something to see with a Krystonite slime being seductively rubbed all over SG to make her… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I actually bought those two the day they came out. Loved those and have been hoping for more of Aubrey as SG. She is simply perfect in that role!! Please consider using her again soon! 🙂

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I should be thanking you! Love your work and hope to buy a lot more from you in the future.
Since you mention a script for Aubrey, does that mean you would be interested in possibly having a script emailed to you? I can’t set aside the money for a commission at the moment, but I would be more than happy to create a script for you to use. And if this is something you would be interested in, where should I email it?

mongey avatar
6 years ago

when is out? there’s no link on the site.

aria manea
aria manea
6 years ago

This looks perfect! The actress looks really beautiful, and the production value looks very interesting.
I have no problem with the Green Rock in a Box thing, but that’s because I have a thing for heroines being weakened by Kryptonite. I always found that very erotic.

6 years ago

This looks incredible, love the actress, love kryptonite peril, cannot wait to buy!!! Great work!!!

6 years ago

Was this a custom order?

Some people might complain about certain elements being “played out” but I am grateful, especially when someone can put their own twist on things. Looks absolutely amazing and will definitely be a day one purchase for me!

Lucia Films team keeps out doing themselves with each production! Wasn’t this filmed just a couple of weekends ago? If so then major kudos for the speedy timely release!

6 years ago

not really my cup of tea. but the girl’s got legs.

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago

Ooof… the kryptonite thing is definitely played out, but this looks super hot anyway. It’s like… you might have a type, but if you see a girl who is not your type but is super fine, she’s still super fine! Gotta judge everything on its own merits.

RobertLoblaw avatar
6 years ago

Damn, this looks good!

What’s the actresses name? She makes a great Supergirl (“Supragirl”, whatever).

RobertLoblaw avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Haha, interesting name! Thanks!

saxman314 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Robert Loblaw

Loblaw, speaking of interesting names, do you by chance run a law blog? ROFL

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

I don’t think anyone is here to talk nonsense to Bob Loblaw.

Depo Man
Depo Man
6 years ago

It looks amazing, but… the green space rock trap is virtually a non starter for me.

I’m still tempted bc how great it looks otherwise but for me the best part of SHIP is how the heroine is defeated. And this trick/trap is played out.

Will wait and see the reviews I guess

kuja9428 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

you’re films are awesome glad to see more of my favorite super heroine in bear hug with both arms pinned being squeezed hot

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Hello mate, hope you are well.

Go you have any plans for Wonder Woman type vids in the future?

I don’t know if you know Gigi Allens but she is long overdue another bout in the star spangled pants.

I will pick this one up looks good.

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Nice look forward to them.

I didn’t know that about Gigi…bugger.

Thanks man.

6 years ago

First legit superheroine video of the new year and hopefully the first of many!

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Can’t wait

6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

cannot come soon enough! (oh yeah, and the same goes for the film release 😉