“Nick vs Jessica’s sisters” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includeskicks, punches, knee kick, headbutt, elbow, trows, neck holds, knife, baseball bat, gun, bearhug, camel clutch, backbreaker, lift and carry, neck snaps and knockouts.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 14 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Story line:
Nick is a strong, invulnerable and very harsh hero. Jessica and her sisters (clones) want to destroy Nick, as he is their sworn enemy. Nick does not spare his enemies, he destroys everyone who challenges him. Each hit from Nick deals massive damage to Jessica. There are no repetitive blows in this film. The film consists of 5 scenes. In every scene, Jessica is in a new outfit. Every scene ends with a knockout. Almost every blow from Nick knocks Jessica to the floor. Jessica suffers greatly and shows pain from every blow.
1 scene:
– uppercut to the stomach
– uppercut to the head
– Nick holds Jessica by the neck, her legs dangling in the air
– elbow to head
– knee to head
– neck snap (repeat this element from different angles)
– Nick drags Jessica by the arms across the floor
2 scene:
– Jessica stabs Nick (he pretends to hurt)
– punch to the ribs
– punch to the face
– Jessica crawls on all fours
– Nick lifts Jessica by her hair
– Nick stabs Jessica in the chest
– сarried over shoulder
3 scene:
– Jessica jumps on Nick’s back, Nick crashes her into the wall
– Nick throws Jessica on the couch
– hammerfist (both hands together) in the stomach, Jessica on her back
– headbutt in the face
– bearhug
– kick to the ribs, Jessica on all fours
– stomp kick in the stomach, Jessica on her back
– right and left side punches to the face, Jessica on her back
– Jessica begs for mercy
– final straight punch to the head, Jessica on her back
– Nick drags Jessica by the arms across the floor
4 scene:
– Jessica shoots Nick with a gun (he pretends to be knocked out)
– punch in the stomach, both on their knees, Nick holds Jessica by her neck
– side punch to the head, both kneeling
– camel clutch
– Jessica begs for mercy
– neck snap, during camel clutch
– Nick pushes Jessica with his foot, turning her from her stomach to her back
– Nick drags Jessica by the arms across the floor
5 scene:
– Jessica hits Nick with a baseball bat, Nick is not damaged by her blows
– direct punch to the face
– hit with a baseball bat in the stomach
– hit with a baseball bat in the face
– Nick puts his knee on Jessica’s neck, she is on her back
– Nick punches Jessica in the stomach, his knee on her neck
– Nick punches Jessica in the face, his knee on her neck
– Nick picks up Jessica, she asks for mercy, he doesn’t let her finish, punches her in the stomach
– bacbreaker, quick crunch of broken bones, knockout
– cradle carry
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