NGC Championship: “RedGlory Vs Wonderstrike”

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Captain Kirk
Captain Kirk
7 years ago

Okay, so Wonderstrike is now 5 and 0; The KO queen is now 5 and 0. You should have the dominator beat up somebody hot like Angel and make her 5 and 0. Then you could have a 3 way battle of some kind between the 3 fighters who are all 5 and 0. That would be cool. Plus, I think we’d all love seeing Angel get beaten up again.

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Captain Kirk

Now THAT is a great idea!

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Yes, Please!

Captain Kirk
Captain Kirk
7 years ago

Understandable. The last couple videos have been really good. This one and of course the NGC Deja-Vu part 2 everyone’s raving about. I’m probably not alone in missing Angel. I know she was popular for you guys. Would love to see Angel get pummeled in the ring again. I also did prefer her latest outfit to her original one. Cheers

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago

Well, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Firstly, thank you NGC for not putting shaky camera in this episode. Secondly, Red Glory is climbing the ranks as another great actress when it comes to selling a beatdown. It doesn’t hurt that her body is simply phenomenal. I will also add that I actually prefer Wonderstrike in the heel role, as apposed to the face. Her evil sneer is not only evil but quite sexy. I’d love to see Wonderstrike beat the bejesus out of somebody like Angel or Erica Lynn (Deceptress). If anyone is on the fence… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Yeaaah!! The right girl won. We have a new queen! Full review tomorrow. Heads up: Actually way better than I thought it would be going in.

7 years ago

I’m a fan of these ‘new sponsors’.

Brad avatar
7 years ago

I vote for Wonderstrike to win. I couldn’t find the spot at the NGC Championship page. Am I too late?

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago

Love these two together! Championship matches where the combatants have some kind of history (as rivals or compatriots) tend to be the best, IMO.

7 years ago

Red Glory is beautiful, and no one sells a good pounding better than her, the actress is excellent at selling the shots she takes in combat.

7 years ago

Take my money now? That short preview has already shown so many things I’ve wanted to see in a championship video.