NGC Championship: “Lady Victory v The Dominator”
A new episode of NGC Championship is now available. Check out more information below.
Lady Victory must arrest her losing streak, unfortunately her opponent is The Dominator, whose previous battle saw her utterly destroy Erica. Lady Victory is determined though, and unlike Erica manages to lay some moves on The Dominator early on, with the mean villainess having to resort to darker tactics to get control. Can Lady Victory win at last? Or will it be another embarrassment?
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The incomparable Lady Victory has blessed us with her presence again. Since the actress lives half a world away, any appearance is an instant buy for me. I think she is the only performer I have supported in every release. She is in top notch form here. Best money I’ve spent all month!
So I enjoyed this one for the lose ending. Loved the way the Dominator decided to finish Lady Victory off with a final neckscissor choke out.
My only gripe would be the win ending. I wish there would have been something a little more substantial than a simple uppercut to finish The Dominator off. I really like that actress and want to see her get a chance to sell some moves and KOs.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a Dominator vs Harbinger fight where both women take turns destroying each other. Not sure if I am alone in that, though…
Regarding the win ending, this has been my biggest complaint with NGC for a while now and why I’ve passed on several of their recent videos. Don’t get me wrong, I think NGC has great production value and their actresses are some of the best in the genre. Even their story telling is pretty great most of the time. I just don’t like how a lot of their films end. Most of the time, it just feels very anti climactic to me and leaves me with a “thats it?” feeling. They normally do such a good job building up a… Read more »
Just got this video and watched it and found it pleasantly good. If you’re a fan of lady victory then you should get this video for sure (didn’t know until this video that she was hot when defeated). It’s not quite a one sided squash (disappointingly) as Lady Victory does get in her shots–she actually was kicking ass in the beginning–but things descend pretty quickly for our heroine. She also suffers a knockout with her ending up under the dominator’s boot and then gets chocked out between the dominators legs.
Looks good, I’ll probably pick this up. I’ve slowed down on my NGC purchases quite a bit recently, but the Dominator is just …freakin’ awesome. To NGC: Just my personal opinion … the announcer, the dude with the slicked-back hair? I just don’t feel like he adds anything. He’s kinda weird and creepy, but usually that needs to be paired with another quality. Like, weird in a comedic way, to give things a bit of dark humor. Or weird in a foreboding way, to make things seem a little more threatening for the heroine. This guy is JUST weird. To… Read more »
I love the announcer bloke myself.
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Thank you!
i can’t wait to see Lady Victory get her ass whooped again. She needs to be humiliated at the extreme. Take her skirt off and shove that over her head to just humiliate her. Stuff her panties in her mouth just to shut her up too!!
I’m with Nathan!
That is so hot what you just described. Nothing better than a humiliated heroine. Except maybe for a humiliated heroine with her skirt removed
Have the Dominator’s abs gotten more toned since her last appearance? Or am I imagining things?
I’d say they are about the same.
Oh well. Must’ve been an optical illusion.
I really need to dig up the external hard drive where I have her previous appearence stored… for research purposes.
Can we start a campaign to “save Lady Victory?”
It would be nice to see Lady Victory get a win for once but I love seeing The Dominator tear into her opponents
Love me some Lady V.
Is Athena ever going to be back in the ring ?