NGC Championship: Erica v KO Queen

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9 years ago

Anyone else see the rat run across the wall at the 4:36 mark? Anyways another good installment. KO Queen is the best at kicking ass. Erica is great at making facial expressions.

shmarbles avatar
9 years ago

I really liked the first one erika vs the dominator, but this one was nice as well. I personally prefer low blows, So the first one caught my attention. With the brutal repetitive stomps to poor erika’s crotch, as well as her writhing in the corner was great in the first one, having her face bashed in over and over. I definitely Like the one sided beat downs she recieves. Both videos are great in my opinion but for my personal taste erika vs the dominator is a must if you like low blows.

9 years ago

I liked this video although i felt it was a little bland compared to the previous vid, and the bearhug didn’t look like one (i like to see the girl being lifted while hugged, maybe just personal taste)
Nevertheless good vid and keep them coming!

9 years ago

@GManLovesJobbers @NGC I could possibly get on board with a group athena custom if there were a few of us….

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
9 years ago

Would love to do Customs galore , but not the exactly teaming with extra cash , or pounds in your case , but would love to do one or multiple ones one day , Athena will put me in the Poor House 🙂

Maar13 avatar
9 years ago

That was very cool and I loved both endings, Erica is great and the KO Queen know how to fmget the job done! Another great video from NGC!

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
9 years ago

Red Glory is coming …. Nice , Time to show why The Dominator is called so , would love to see her slaughter Red Glory & perhaps Red Glory & Athena at the same time to really show why she is the Dominator , or maybe your 1st tag match Red Glory & Athena vs any combo of The Dominator , KO Queen , or Miss Suppression .. academic double pin ending would be awesome

Enduro avatar
9 years ago

Erica (Ashleigh) is definitely a star. Her sell and flexibility are top notch. This one is probably a bit less to my taste than her first match as there are fewer complex submission moves but obviously this is because the KO Queen actress has less wrestling experience than the Dominator. I hope Erica can be persuaded to enter the ring again soon…though of course this should end with her once more defeated..

9 years ago

not quite as good as erica vs the dominator, but very good non the less. like daredevil16, im looking forward to a long movie with erica. maybe include some ots carries chlorforming etc….

Jimm avatar
9 years ago

Great stuff. I await the next Erica appearance with baited breath. Preferably in an hour long special with Virtue!

Oh, and the slimy announcer is most entertaining. Hope you keep using him NGC.

9 years ago

NGC is consistently THE best in the business IMO. Beautiful actresses, excellent choreography, non-convoluted storytelling, the right understanding of peril, and the price point I desire. Keep up the phenomenal work!

9 years ago

I liked this at least as much as the last Erica vid. She’s a treat, and this vid is worth every penny. (Even every Canadian penny!)

9 years ago

Hey NGC, you don’t have to spoil it, but what are the perils for this video?

9 years ago

Very well done. Glad to see Erica get in some good shots.

9 years ago

Bought it I liked it! not as one sided or as as good as the first NGC Championship match but still a good one. Can’t wait for what ever super long Erica film we can expect in the future

9 years ago

@NGC You don’t have to spoil who wins or loses, but I was curious about the voting percentages winner vs loser…

swampy170 avatar
9 years ago

@NGC – It’s not that I don’t like your stuff. It’s that I did in the past, and that I saw promise in your first season – that I feel you’ve squandered.

Isn’t this supposed to be filmmaking? Sleep is for the weak!

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

Enduro avatar
9 years ago

The Erica match previously is a favorite owing to her great selling and flexibility. Personally enjoy the wrestling scenario and love the submissions. Hope to see more of Erica in peril and this addition looks a must-see. The more spine bending the better…..

9 years ago

This is a sure buy for me!!
If you ever make the super long Erica vid, please make her face multiple opponents at the same time with no cloning powers.

9 years ago

Gotta say NGC has some of the best lighted videos. Rye has had too many videos in dark rooms which really stinks since I like to see the action so nice to see other producers who know how to light a video.

swampy170 avatar
9 years ago

– so maybe I am just picking up the wrong episodes? Although I did see Bluebird 2020.

Maar13 avatar
9 years ago

What is funny to me is someone calling the whole thing “the same movie” since stop watching 2 seasons ago, While having similarities there is no more training room and the whole series has seen really good twist on characters and motivations for them to continue to fight or go rogue. Location is not really a problem when you can diversify the scenarios, and outside of this series of NGC Championship, the other episodes have had a good variety of scenarios and have definitely not being the “same movie”. There is a huge difference between something like Fail Safe Sisters… Read more »

swampy170 avatar
9 years ago

@Bert – same topic.

Shooting in London is limiting, since everything costs more. Well, in my experience at least.

Variety is often the key to creativity. There’s no guarantee of course, but hiring 2 places for the cost of one at least guarantees you a change of scenery.

9 years ago

Or better yet, shoot on top of a volcano! Come on NGC! That would be creative!

9 years ago

More typical Swampy. Prove him wrong and he changes the topic. Now the problem is shooting in London. Cuz that’s what I’ve always thought watching NGC vids – to damn much London. Or was it Cleveland? So hard to tell with all those interior locations. And let’s pay the actresses for four extra hours work while we drive into the country to shoot our vids. Good grief.

swampy170 avatar
9 years ago

Fair play, perhaps a little harsh – why I clearly marked the rant out as a rant though! Spaced from the main post and everything! “occasionally dip back in” refers to around 3-4 times per series, and that doesn’t count any side missions- although admittedly rarely find those of interest. I get a good overview of what’s going on – but really don’t see (what I see as) the innovation of the first season. Perhaps I’m just picking the wrong episodes? Anyway though, break it up and move it about. From what I’ve seen the lack thereof is what holds… Read more »

9 years ago

I’d love to see Erica stomped again, maybe showing some more skin in the process. Some bruising would be cool too if it could be done makeup wise.

9 years ago

“around that time I was hoping to help you out with some NGC films – hopefully help you avoid going further down the cul-de-sac, but you did anyway.”

Same old Swampy. It must be tough being so brilliant and never having it recognized.

If anyone wants a little insight into the character of this dude, check out the last two or three pages of the “Porn vs. Peril” thread on another popular forum. Swampy speaks with great certainty and authority, no matter how wrong he is.

swampy170 avatar
9 years ago

@NGC + @Bert – With strangulation – I’m assuming you’re referring to my working with Bluestone? I think their last film I helped out with was at the end of 2014/early 2015. Indeed, around that time I was hoping to help you out with some NGC films – hopefully help you avoid going further down the cul-de-sac, but you did anyway. I’ve been working with Rye-UK, and GoatMajor, a fair amount since then – and on my own stuff of course. There’s a fair amount of variety, but even then some formulaic work. It’s an easy trap to fall into,… Read more »

9 years ago

It’s been quite a while since Swampy last went into full dick mode. I thought he’d grown out of it. Attacking HIP’s best storyteller for lacking creativity is pretty rich though. Anyway, I liked your reply, NGC. The strangulation comment was a nice touch! Brilliant!

9 years ago

I hope Erica loses again,shes great when defeated.

Would love to see Carmen Black return, she is missed along with Powerstar

9 years ago

Luckily for NGC there are enough of us loyal customers whose standards aren’t nearly as high as Swampy’s.

9 years ago

@NGC – thanks! I’ll get that one on your recommendation. It’ll be my first Erica vid 😉

Since someone mentioned it above – I would also welcome the return of shadowstar.

And more Athena…

swampy170 avatar
9 years ago

Looks like yet another identical vid…. I don’t understand the need to talk canon at all? Why not just make these videos pure content? – The storyline is totally irrelevant. I disagree totally with several posters above – checklists make for awful, formulaic, and boring SHiP films. I emplore producers to not listen to feedback with is essentially “didn’t have that, not buying it” – it’s poor feedback at best anyway. Why not be constructive? . . . . *******Rant******* **You might as well skip over if you disagree with the above** I’m assuming it’s not just me in this,… Read more »

9 years ago

For me, there’s a simple check system I employ to arrive at the conclusion of purchase or no purchase, and that is ‘Is it an NGC release’!

9 years ago

Ok, I figured as much, but wanted to make sure. Thanks for the quick reply.

And I would definitely be all in on a Virtue/Erica vid.

By the way, what about some of the old FSS characters? Shadowstar, DD, Carmen Black, Lucy, etc?

I am assuming that some of the actresses have unfortunately moved on to other things, huh?

9 years ago

A super long Erica video? I am so down for anything that has Erica on the side of a brutal yet awesome defeat!

9 years ago

Which is the best Erica movie for a punching fan? Any help?

9 years ago

@NGC, Believe me I am buying this, this weekend, Erica is the BEST! But, if you’re going to make a long “super-long” Erica video, could it be a non-ring video??? 🙂

Jimm avatar
9 years ago

I’d love to see Erica go up against Virtue. Any chance NGC?

9 years ago

Hey NGC, I am assuming that both endings are filmed, so are we going to get the alt ending as well?

While I voted for Erica to lose, I wouldn’t mind seeing both, lol. I thought that the KO Queen actress actually sold her defeat pretty well in the old FSS 9 vid vs Lucy Zillion.

The more the merrier. Either way, looking forward to it.