NGC Championship: “Deceptress v Sister Fate”

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7 years ago

I will forever miss her old costume, but anything starring Erica is still an insta-buy for me. Gorgeous and better acting every time we see her.
Can really recommend this one


it’s only a shame the canon ending is not the other one. As fun as seeing our heroines being pummeled, i would like them to win from time to time, specially when Erica used her clone powers in a “dirty” and creative way

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  F L

@ F L – I agree with you about Erica’s costume. But totally disagree about the endings. I thought the bonus ending was really well done. However, I always, Always, ALWAYS prefer to see the heroine take the loss. Having said that, I have re-edited about a dozen or more of the NGC and NGCC videos to put the bonus ending in. You could do the same if you want to. Your computer probably comes with an app that will allow you to edit video. … it’s not difficult. NGC always seems to make it pretty easy to see where… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Gotta provide the dissenting opinion on Erica’s old costume. Her new costume is by far better than the the previous one in my opinion. Granted I’m biased against catsuits in general, Erica’s leotard costume just really accentuates her curves in a way that I felt the old one just couldn’t do. And I don’t quite know why, but to me Erica’s costume is one of the best in all of NGC behind Virtue and probably Celestia (and maybe Athena).

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I agree with Darkwrath about Erica’s new costume (vs. the old). I’ve tended to like the newer costumes on the heroines, among those who have replaced (Erica, Celestia, Virtue, Miss F) which I think has as much to do with improvements in the tailoring as it does with design, but that’s speculation on my part. As for the endings, it is pretty easy to stitch the alternative ending to the body of the episode, if that’s your inclination, but I share F L’s sentiments about the heroines losing all the time in the (canon) Championship. It’s a function of allowing… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  DrMabuse

I always thought that whenever the heroines were carried away that they were always being whisked away to a dungeon for endless torment and humiliation. Are you trying to say that doesn’t happen? :p That said I do agree with DrMabuse about the championship though. To an extent. Here’s the thing. I love seeing the heroines lose. Can’t get enough of it. Up to a point. What makes the genre work–for me at least–and what’s great about it is that it flips the usual scenario on its head. Super heroine comes in, she’s supposedly strong or well trained and she’s… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Hey, the defeat scenario I sketched before was just a random example, not at all how I imagine each and every story proceeding after the lights go down on a vanquished heroine… I get what you’re saying, Darkwrath. Part of the enjoyment from a story comes from the expectations you come into it with (and how those are handled.) People differ, of course, in their taste for having their expectations defied. Moreover, as you suggest, there comes a point where defying expectations creates its own expectation. And, as you say, after a ton of losses, a “mighty heroine” starts to… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  DrMabuse

Lol: “After the lights go out on a *vanquished heroine*”. There’s something about that which makes it seem as though the villains were the ones defeating evil and not the other way around. Either way I like the sound of it. I look forward to more *vanquishing* of heroines.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Everyone is the hero of their own story…

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

@Tim Caine thanks for the comment and the rest too, it sparkled some interesting discussion. Of Course i have edited many NGC videos with the alternate endings :D!! i was just saying it was a shame for me personally because i want to see Erica go up in the championship standings, but of course people will vote to see the heroine loose, that´s the point of this genre, i expected as much when i voted for Erica to win. After seeing the fight i liked how Erica used her clones, it was creative writting by NGC. And the costume is… Read more »

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago

It’s been a while since I’ve chimed in on a NGC post. I’ve been critical of them in the past because I hate the “Shaky Camera” thing. Having said that, I really think this is one of the better NGC championship episodes they’ve done. Erica is so hot. She’s gorgeous in defeat. I love the way NGC incorporates the extra defeats of her clone. It was clever and added to the beat down. I thought both ladies worked well together. I think NGC is getting really good at tossing their heroines around. I loved all the body slams Erica took… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

So this is a pretty good episode/championship match and quite arguable the best Erica episode I’ve seen. I’ll also place it in the top quintile of championship matches I’ve seen and I own them all. There’s a lot to like in here as it’s action packed with Erica suffering quite a beating to be honest. Not the likes of say Deceptress destroyed though I think this championship match is better than the Destryoed episode anyway. Despite the massive beating though Erica actually holds her own initially against Sister Fate and does kinda sorta mount a comeback but it all goes… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

It’s funny, Darkwrath, the sounds she makes are actually one of the main reasons I liked this one, lol. But like I said below, I am only really anal about the choke type moves and I thought both women sold those well with their vocals.

I am not as critical of other type of moves so you may be right that the vocal reactions for those may be repetitive.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  OldBear

So this is a topic of conversation OldBear that I’ve been chopping at the bit to talk about for a while and that is ‘selling of being choked’. It’s something that I’ve found lacking across the board in the genre and tends to be in my opinion (can’t stress that enough) the weakest part of most actresses ability. What I tend to hear a lot when a heroine is being choked is a lot of excessive and distinct sounds, a lot of it some variation of a gargling type sounds. The thing is though, when you’re being choked your larynx… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Yeah, unfortunately, we are definitely looking for different things when it comes to selling chokes. Not really a surprise since I know I have very specific tastes when it comes to this stuff and many won’t agree. I am not an expert on what a person sounds like when actually being choked. However, I think the “gargling” sounds that you mentioned are being made exactly because the larynx is being crushed. But whether it’s realistic or not isn’t important, I just like those types of sounds and if the actress simply gasps or coughs or stays silent, I might actually… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

When you’re being choked out, unless you’re trained, you struggle for the first 4-5 seconds, panic for the last 2-3 seconds, and then you’re out. Pretty much no heroine peril vid has ever sold a choke well, and one of the most common ideas I see is to “nearly” choke her out and then leave her gasping and helpless (after the first second, she’ll have so much adrenaline, she’d be up and raising hell), then transitioning to chloroform which is always administered via a rag beforehand (somehow without evaporating), then takes longer than a choke to knock her out. This… Read more »

7 years ago

**SPOILERS** Really enjoyed this one. Personally, this was probably my favorite performance from Erica since her debut video, actually. I really enjoyed her debut back in Season 2, as it really utilized her cloning ability. For this video, she also utilizes her clones, but Sister Fate pretty much dominates her regardless. It basically becomes a squash match mid way through. I am completely ok with that, lol. As a big KO fan, I appreciate when an actress knows how to play limp after a KO. The Erica actress, Ashleigh, is very good at this. She gets laid out multiple times… Read more »

7 years ago

Loved this one. Erica is just gorgeous and sells peril well. I do hope we get to see where she is taken to in next vid for her insolence. Sounds unpleasant.

chris494 avatar
7 years ago

Always nice to see the lovely Erica being beaten, squeezed, stretched, choked & slammed….
She’s gorgeous & sells it well.

7 years ago

As much as I loved seeing the Deceptress under Myana’s mind control (and would pay for more and more!), I’m excited to see her putting up a proper fight again. This will be awesome.

Not to mention those Miss Freedom shots, too. Jesus.

7 years ago

Deceptress peril is always welcomed. So getting this one.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Big fan of The Deceptress so needless to say I’m really looking forward to this one. Previews so far seem to be ticking all the right boxes for me so definitely a Friday morning purchase.

7 years ago

I miss the debootings. #sorrynotsorry

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaghtastic

(@ no one in particular)
Look, I get that almost everything is a fetish, but why is debooting so prominent on this site?? That’s one that I just don’t get. 😉

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Rover

I think there are two general reason why this is the case 1) People have a foot fetish (in addition to the SHIP fetish). 2) It falls under costume destruction The first one is easy to explain. People just like seeing a woman’s feet. I don’t think I have a foot fetish when it comes to SHIP films but then Punch Drunk featured a debooted Erica and I found that highly erotic for some reason. Still, I probably wouldn’t consider myself having a foot fetish. The second one is a bit more complicated only because I think it can be… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Hi Darkwraith, foot aficionado here! Just to bring a few points in to the mix: I do love feet but it depends on which way there are presented. In regular life i find them to be erotic but only as long as they are not literally front and center. For the SHIP genre I believe what comes to account is seeing a heroine in her civvies surprised at home by a villain or assailant. The contrast between a fully armored fully suited villain against the heroine in her civvies and barefoot is what I find exciting. I don’t really enjoy… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

The unfortunate thing is that one of the main reasons I gravitate towards the Superheroine genre are their costumes, specifically their boots. Boots and KOs are my thing and so when I see a debooting, it kind of upsets me. It seems like 90% or more of KO vids feature actresses with bare feet. Pretty sure that is because foot fetish is the most popular fetish in the world so most people buying customs at ‘catfighting’ sites also have a foot fetish. So Superheroine vids are like my refuge from seeing bare feet in every video, lol. That being said,… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  OldBear

I feel the same in regard to the boots and sentiments. And well said.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

@Rizo I agree i might find a debooting sexy because you take “protection” away from the heroine making her look more vulnerable against the imposing villain (i believe we rarely have villains stomping over the barefoot heroine feet to make her suffer or opening her defenses for a follow up move) I think it also looks better when the heroine legs are exposed (leotards) in contrast to catsuits, that’s why i wasn’t a fan of the first debooting of Erica in her old costume against the Dominator. Overall i’m not really a foot fetish guy, i think is difficult for… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaghtastic

which Deceptress episodes feature debooting? I don’t remember

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  mip

Deceptress Destroyed (NGC championship match) and Punch Drunk from season 4.