NGC Championship: Deceptress v Nemesis

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5 years ago

Loved this video. As always, love the Deceptress but the fight was very good as well. Villain was a bit bland but I get the reason for that. While I know showing all 50 KO’s would not be possible, I’d have loved a montage scene of KO after KO, like a punch and she goes down, then a headbutt, then a knee to the face, then a body slam, then a back breaker, etc. Each one after the other. Also, loved the end with Erica begging to not be taken. Hope we see something like when Bluebird (speaking of whom,… Read more »

5 years ago

These heroines have to unionize against the championship, now the villains even get to carry them somewhere after the matches for some target practice! I enjoyed the video although midway through it i was worried for some lack of variety on ways to KO Erica, but there’s only so many things you can do in a ring with little to no props. Fights in alleyways or rooms get to use walls and furniture for example. Saying that i really liked the last brutal KO and Erica’s frustration, although i would have loved her being more vocal about it while punching… Read more »

5 years ago

Great carry of a helpless Deceptress at the end! Looking forward to Nemesis scooping up other girls in the future.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

I really liked this. Hot actress. One sided annihilations. Knockouts galore. Solid action with good fight sequences. Certainly had all the recipes for an enjoyable NGC Friday video and it most certainly was the case here. This fight is a montage of Erica getting knocked out again and again and again…..And again…….And again!…..And again!! But even though she’s knocked out multiple times, the manner and the poses she ends up being knocked out over varies throughout the fight. So while Erica gets crushed repeatedly, the overall fight itself didn’t really feel repetitive. In between the knockouts she gets punched in… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

One other thing I forgot to mention: Photosets. Most photosets for me are nice to haves but for some reason, the photoset that accompanied the members emails today was really well done. It’s an action set so the pummeling of Erica continues but Erica is really photogenic and I found her extremely hot in these stills. I encourage all to give them a shot…..Well, members at least anyway.

AlyAdmirer avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Thank you, Darkwrath, for this review. You’ve managed to pique my already high interest in this video… but you’ve also raised a potential personal red flag for me, and I need to ask for more info. (I’ll preface this by saying I’m not casting any aspersions on Andrew’s work, if he did make this artistic choice. He’s often noted his videos can’t possibly appeal to everybody, and I’m sure if he went down this road with this video, another one soon down the line will work better for me. It’s just that this is, for my personal tastes, very much… Read more »

HotelCalifornia avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  AlyAdmirer

It’s a montage but it’s not in slow motion. You get to see several different ko’s acted out in real time.

BigZee avatar
5 years ago

Are you Don Henley, Timothy B Schmidt, Joe Walsh or Deacon Frye? Which one?
We need Joe Walsh running for president again, the only sane choice?

HotelCalifornia avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Joe is always the most fun.

BigZee avatar
5 years ago

I will be at the New York show on Feb18.

HotelCalifornia avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Nice. Enjoy!

5 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

whats happening in NY on Feb 18 ?

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  AlyAdmirer

AlyAdmirer as HotelCalifornia points out, it’s not a Crisis Moment but rather a series of fights done in real time with each of them ending up with the Deceptress knocked out. Funny enough, I originally pointed that out in the review and then deleted it since I felt it was too long already.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

Doesn’t top my favorite Deceptress videos, but still pretty good. I like the 50 knockout format. As with much of anything I write here, I feel that there’s always a lot of missed potential. I feel that a couple knockouts could have been/should have been reshot, especially the knockout that has Deceptress ending up being supported by the ropes. I’m a bit dissapointed you guys didn’t bring back Deceptress’s best pose of all time, her spread legged knockout by the Dominator. And the lighting is kinda rough in some shots too; it got kinda dark. Two points of missed potential… Read more »

TheEscapist316 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Very valid arguments. I’ve seen so much wasted potential in a lot of NGC films over the last year or two and that’s why I always get so frustrated. You said that Deceptress should’ve shown the damage done over a period of time and I think that would’ve been a great idea! A DIFFERENT IDEA! Unfortunately, I honestly don’t think the producer thinks or cares about that stuff. You said you saw moves that look like they needed to be reshot. I’ve seen loads of scenes where I watch and think “was that really the best take?” Im not saying… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  theEscapist

Why does it always have to go “the producer doesn’t think or care about…”? That goes a long way to NOT making your reviews seem objective.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  theEscapist

I feel you man. Honestly, I feel like I’m starting (just starting) to grow tired of this hobby in general. Dunno if it’s because I’m feeling some quarter life crises blues or if it’s because I’m feeling buyer’s remorse looking at my giant collection of heroine films. Fact is, I’ve reduced my consumption of heroine films overall. Maybe because I’m growing bored of this genre, that I’m one of the more critical commenters on this website. Like our buddy here, theEscapist. Hell, maybe the producers are growing bored too. (Not bored enough to not get excited when I see an… Read more »

TheEscapist316 avatar
5 years ago

Thank you for the honesty. Sincerely. That’s what I was eluding to in my statement above and of course it got taken out of context again. I made sure to point out that I don’t think you’re lazy. You obviously put out these films weekly year round and I respect that. Maybe it was blunt, but when I said you didn’t care, I didn’t mean you didn’t want to care. I meant you can’t afford to care. So just wanted to clarify. Also, I know we’ve had our spats on here, but I’ve said from the get go that I… Read more »

HotelCalifornia avatar
5 years ago

If you love the Deceptress and you love ko’s, then this one is for you. Instant purchase for me and I loved every minute. My only question is if there will be a continuation of this based off of the ending? I know these Championship vids are one-offs usually, but if you did a follow-up where Nemesis continues his destruction of Deceptress, I know that I would buy that and I think others would too.

majcvd49 avatar
5 years ago

It looks like she’s carried away conscious at the end. Does she pass out again in his arms or something to close out the video or does she remain conscious?

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Remains conscious.

5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Honestly, I thought it was the best part of the vid.

TimCaine avatar
5 years ago

I just watched this and all I can say is “WOW!” … THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! NGC read my mind and created a video from it. Loved it. Loved Erica. Loved the Villain. Loved the premise. Loved every minute of this one. If I had to offer anything constructive. It would only be very minor things. I guess it would be this. I would love to see this again with Deceptress in her old outfit. I just loved that jumpsuit. I would have loved to see an alternate ending where Nemesis puts Erica out of her misery with by snapping her… Read more »

5 years ago

That’s nice to hear and get some insight into. I liked more the bodysuit on her (but not a bodysuit only kind of guy, i love Athena’s and Spectrum costumes) but i get that after the kidnapping and all for story reasons it would make sense for her to change the costume. And once a costume is changed, with every new vid people will be torn between the old and the new one, saying if this or that would have been better. But at least you kept both costumes and have brought it back sometimes. Maybe an origin story could… Read more »

5 years ago

Yes. This girl is Gorgeous!

Enduro avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  LordSnot

Indeed as a fan of pro style ring wrestling this lady is perfect for her sell of the holds and moves. Her close ups are great..superb acting ability..Up there with Amanda Santella..

TheEscapist316 avatar
5 years ago

All I have to say about Deceptress is:
My god those thighs…

5 years ago
Reply to  theEscapist

Id be up for seeing her calves a bit more as well tbh…