“Miracle Maiden vs Amazon Smasher” from Action Cosplay
Miracle Maiden vs Amazon Smasher, a new video from Action Cosplay, is now available.
When Diana Duke is alerted to a kidnapping, her sleuthing skills lead her to the abductors hideout. Without fear she enters the villainous lair, safe in the knowledge that with a few spins she can become Miracle Maiden. Unfortunately the kidnapping story is in fact a trap to train the Princess of the Amazons unto the lens of a villain known as ‘The Producer’. His plan; to bring about the defeat of the heroine using a cyborg of his creation known as the ‘Amazon Smasher’.
This demonic creation has only one directive: Smash Miracle Maiden. Once the Amazon finds her strength is not enough, and leaving not an option, she must find a way to win against all odds. She will be crushed in bearhugs and woman handled in ways she won’t believe. Will Miracle Maiden be destroyed?
Purchase this video at Action Cosplay
This is Dominika Van Santen the model/actress, right? https://www.instagram.com/dominikavs/ I see everyone spelling her name without the “n” at the end.
She’s a stunner, and so talented.
Yes, the one and only!…Brilliant move, NGC! Another winner of a video!
She really is the complete package: elegant beauty, jaw-droppingly sexy, talented actress, fierce fighter, with a sense of innate goodness. Perfect pick for a Wonder Woman heroine and this is a perfect showcase for her talents. In a perfect world we would see endless films with Dominika as Miracle Maiden.
I’ll admit, was a little disappointed we had a new MM when the first trailer came out. Plus I was little unexcited by the premise. But I did buy the video since I did want to see more MM. I’m glad I was wrong. The new MM was great, she sold her heroic side well and had some great reactions to being weakened and in peril. She also looked amazing in action and I liked the creativity of the ‘Win’ ending. If I was going to suggest something for improvement I’d say the loose ending could have used work, the… Read more »
It was incredible….. I really hope there will be much more with her!!!!
Hi! Is there going to be a review? Comments here suggest it is worth buying, but I’d like to know more details first. Thanks!
Supernaturally beautiful heroine who exudes confidence. Internet audience. Announcer/tormentor. Unstoppable opponent who gains upper hand against shocked heroine in front of audience of millions. Brilliant surprise ending.
Or, just buy the damned thing. It’s freaking awesome.
Are her reactions in the fight good? How long is the bear hug? Does she admit defeat? What happens in the losing ending? I think no nudity or sexual stuff but is she at least knocked out and carried off? Would just like to know, thanks!
There’s a trailer and photos and a couple dozen glowing comments and it’s not that expensive. Just buy it.
Thanks to all for the positivity, it definitely affects our decision making.
What a fantastic video! Tremendous storyline and action, great fight choreography, wonderfully well-lit setting, daunting opponent and, most importantly, a gorgeous actress in Dominika as Miracle Maiden. I have loved her tremendously as NGC’s Lady Victory, but she is absolutely stunning in the MM attire. Her acting is spot-on, the peril is stupendous…in short, an incredibly worthwhile buy! Fantastic!!
Got it yesterday, just getting a chance to add my voice. Loved it. Great heroine, actress, costume (echoing what others have said), but I also loved the intensity of the fight. Miracle Maiden fought hard, and the fight had a few reversals, but ultimately it becomes clear that she can’t beat her opponent in a straight fight and has to find another way to beat it. Since Richard already alluded to it below, I’ll mention that I really enjoyed the fact that even the victorious ending left the heroine exhausted. I’d like to see MM in a story that spans… Read more »
Agreed, we need to see more endings where the heroine is victorious but still exhausted, physically and mentally, to the point of passing out or worse. Like your idea about a continuing MM story and I’m keen to see more of situations where her strength alone isn’t enough. IMHO peril is way hotter and just plain interesting if the heroine must use her smarts to survive. Then if she loses, it feels like the villain really is superior in every way. That moment of realisation for the heroine is powerful – like when MM was being killed by the robot… Read more »
Just echoing what others have already said, superb film. Smoking hot actress, impressive costume, great fight action, multiple endings. I particularly enjoyed the “bad” end, a little darker than NGC usually put out. But the “good” ending was also good, with a nice sleepy KO. Good work all involved, and I hope we see lots more of this heroine – and the actress – in future!
It was great. One of my favorite NGC releases in a while.
Thanks for the very kind comments. A lot of hard work went into this from our editor who wrote this script and I really hope that people who might be on the fence take the risk on this one. There may be a photo set in the future.
I really hope you consider making one or 2 more videos with her as Miracle Maiden, she was absolutely great on this one, would love to see what happened next on that room or her next adventure at least.
Well you never know…
Please don’t tease, NGC. Can we take this as confirmation of more?
Wow that was freaking good!! Nice little twits at the end! I don’t know what to say, I really loved the ending, won’t spoil it but it was really nice.
Well done NGC!!! My hat is off to you 🙂 … I mean if I had one 😛
I have a hat,and it’s off to NGC. I don’t normally go for Wonderwoman/Supergirl type characters, but the combination of NGC and Dominika van S was too hard to resist.
that was impressive, and felt different and unique. All the elements were like a classic old superhero TV show or comic book. Hope there more of this in the future. And she was amazing as a WW, possibly one the best ive seen in a while along with that Korean actress.
loved it!!!!
Bravo, NGC! Bravo!
Awesome video, Miracle Maiden (Dominika Van Sante) she look excellent like amazon wonder woman, me enjoyed the video ♥ a pity than action cosplay didn’t a photo set too. I expect more videos from her…♥
A plan to capture a heroine executed to perfection.
This really looks like an awesome video !
When is the ETA for release?
Would have been perfect to have Miracle Maiden (Aisling) vs Miracle Maiden (Dominika) to see who the real Miracle Maiden is….probably not enough Maiden costumes?….I will be picking this up when its released!
The actress is gorgeous. It’s great that we can see her again in heels — something I missed in her recent appearances as Lady Victory.
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I think the actress her looks better in this role than Aisling did (and indeed looks better here than she does as Lady V–not that Lady V looks bad… 🙂 ) On the OTHER hand, I can’t help but notice the trailer features the “Crisis Moment” music, which makes me wonder whether or not the FILM will contain a “Crisis Moment”… and there are, sadly, no words currently in the English language that convey how much I hate the “Crisis Moment.”
Decisions, decisions…
Yeah, I dislike the ‘crisis moment’ as well. I’ll have to wait for the review to see if there is one in it.
Looks amazing! What I wouldn’t give for Lady Victory to face a Fausta analogue!
Like when she faced her potential replacement in that NGC special. 🙂

Ooo, looks fun!
Miracle Maiden is back …♥, she’s my favorite heroine in action cosplay…♥, let me guess she is Lady Victory model…? she look so much better like Miracle Maiden.