“Low blows: May and Jane think their tights are better than Jessica’s” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, chops, eye pokes, balls crush and low blows.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 13 minutes
Language: English with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
JANE and MAY are playing the role of men pretending to be women who are using a women’s locker room. MAY and JANE think that they both look great in there tights and keep boasting about how good they look in them but JANE complains about the tights crushing her balls.
Jessica enters. Jessica knows they are men by the way they walk and also because of the bulge in their tights.
MAY “I like your tights”
JESS “Thanks”
JANE” You don’t look as good as us though” (both girls pose turning round to show off their legs and butts”
JESS”Yeah , but don’t they squash your balls a bit?”
MAY” What did you say bitch?”
JANE”WE don’t have balls”
JESS” Fuck off before you both get a kick in the tights”
Jane grabs Jess and knees her in the groin but Jess just looks at her.
May then steps forward and kicks Jess in the groin but again it has no effect. Both “men” look at each other in shock.
Jessica then kicks jane in the balls and drops her.
JANE” UUUGGHHH my Baaaaallllls!”
Jessica punches May in the thoat and kicks her in the Balls too. (filmed fom behind May)
MAY “OOOF right in the tights”.
Both girls get to their feet.
JANE: “I can’t fight with this skirt on.”
MAY: “Might as well take them off, we’re not fooling her any way”
Both girls take there skirts off and get ready to fight. Jess just mocks them.
The fight can continue like this with both men getting dropped with groin shots and complaing about getting kicked in the tights and their “balls”.
May grabs Jessica from behind and holds her.
MAY” kick her in the fanny again”
Jane kicks Jess in the groin but again it does nothing.
MAY”maybe it’s the skirt, take it off”
Jane pulls down jessicas skirt and knees her in the groin. This time Jessica moans and reacts to the hit. The men laugh and siwtch places with Jane holding her. MAY stokes Jess’s face and pushes up close against her then knees her low. Again Jessica reacts.
May then runs her hands up and down Jessica’s legs and says …….
“Nice legs, but not as nice as mine” and starts to pose. She turns round and bends over to show off her butt.
Jessica kicks out and nails MAY right in the balls while she is posing.
Jessica then reaches behind her and grabs Jane by the balls. then turns to face her. May recovers and tries to choke Jess from behind but Jess does a back-heel kick and hits May low again then turns round(while still holding JANE and grabs MAY by the balls with her other hand. She then squeezes both their balls hard before twisting and pulling.
Both men yell in pain.
Jessica claps her hads over MAY’s ears then kicks her in the balls dropping her. She then hits Jane in throat then groin kicks her. Both men are on their hands and knees. Jessica runs up and kicks them in the balls from behind one after the other. Both men roll onto their backs . Jess kicks their legs apart then gives them both a few quick soccer kicks each (the kicks should be quick….two quick kicks to May then two quick kicks to Jane)
Jessica” Have that…right in the tights.!”
Jessica then crawls on top of May in a mock sexual way and says
“You don’t look so good in your tights now” before driving a knee into mays groin twice and grinding it after the last knee. She then does the same to jane.
Jessica then leaves and the camera films for at least 1 minute while both men roll around in agony. The crawl together and get tangled up as the writhe around in pain and moan (deep voices) about their balls and their tights.
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“Low blows: Jane and May try to eliminate Jessica” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, chops, eye pokes, stab in the balls and low blows.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 11 minutes
Language: English with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
ALL 3 girls are playing the roles of men in this scene. Jane and May are assassins sent to kill Jessica who is a businessman.
Jessica walks in and sees May standing there. Jane comes up behind Jessica and coughs. Jessica turns around and Jane kicks her in the groin. Jessica groans and bend over with her hands on her knees. Both girls laugh. May holds Jess from behind.
MAY:” Don’t kill him yet. Let’s have fun. Kick him in the balls again.”
Jane kicks Jess in the balls and Jess slumps to the floor.
MAY:”Pick him up”
Jane picks up Jess and holds her.
JANE: “Hit him where it hurts. Go low on him”
May knees Jess in the balls twice whice Jane hold her.
May then picks up the knife.
MAY:” I’m going to cut them off.” (both girls laugh)
Jess does a backwards kick between janes legs (filmed from behind Jane) and she releases Jess and stands bent over holding her groin.
MAY tries to stab her but Jesicca grabs her wrist with one hand (May is standing with her legs apart) and then kicks MAY twice in the groin (camera angle from the front then from behind for the second kick)
MAY “OOOOF My Balls!” (falls to the floor)
Jane recovers and grabs Jess by the throat. Jess grabs her butt with both hands and knees her in the groin, chops her in the throat, then kicks her in the groin again. Jane falls onto her back and Jess runs up and soccer kicks her in between the legs… The fight can continue like this with Jess dropping both “men” again and again with different groin kicks.
MAY manages to grab Jess from behind and Jane knees her in the groin.
Jess falls to the floor and lies on her back. Both girls stand over her and mock her then they both give her a soccer kick to the groin one after the other in quick succession . Jane stand over Jessica:
JANE “HAHAHAHA, right in the balls”
Jess kicks her leg up and hits Jane between the legs. Jane staggers back and Jess gets to her feet.
MAY grabs the knife an tries to stab down overhead with both hands. Jess blocks and the stand there struggling. They exchange a few groin kicks but Jess is stronger and then delivers 3 kicks in a row (filmed from behind).
May releases the knife and Jess slashes her face then stabs her in the groin. May falls to the floor. JANE tries to kick Jess, Jess catches her leg and holds it up then stabs Jane in the groin. Jane holds her groin and bends over. Jess runs up behind her and kicks her low, dropping her. Jane is on hands and knees, Jess runs up and groin kicks her from behind. Jane rolls onto back and Jess finishes her with 2 very quick soccer kicks to the groin. Jess then gives MAY 2 quick soccer kicks while she’s down and walks away.
The camera then films for 1 minute as both assassins writh around on the floor, they then crawl towards eachother and are tangled up together, rolling around holding themselves, moaning and complaining about their balls.
Purchase this video at FemaleKicks.com