“Low blows: Jessica destroys Stacy” and “Low blows: Stacy destroys Jessica” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, chops, eye poke and low blows.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 11 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Story line:
Jessica is a secret agent who is sent on a mission to arrest Stacy. This is an alternative continuation of this clip: Low blows: Jessica destroys Stacy. Stacy finds Jessica’s weak spot and manages to fight back. Stacy delivers a huge ammount of low blows. Jessica doesn’t stand a chance against Stacy. As a result, Jessica fails her mission, Stacy runs out of the room, leaving Jessica lying on the floor and suffering from pain.
Purchase this video at FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, chops, eye poke and low blows: knees, kicks, punches.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 11 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Story line:
Jessica is a secret agent who is sent on a mission to arrest Stacy. This is an alternative continuation of this clip: Low blows: Jessica destroys Stacy. Stacy finds Jessica’s weak spot and manages to fight back. Stacy delivers a huge ammount of low blows. Jessica doesn’t stand a chance against Stacy. As a result, Jessica fails her mission, Stacy runs out of the room, leaving Jessica lying on the floor and suffering from pain.
Purchase this video at FemaleKicks.com
I bought the one where Jessica lost the fight. Not because i enjoy watching low blows fights – i find them to be the kind of fight kink i don’t appreciate – but because i prefer F/F fights where Jessica loses. Jessica still suffers some very well placed facepunches, the two girls choreography was amazing.
Love this Definitely need more low blow vids