“Low blow fight: Jessica can’t escape Spider-Stacy” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, knees, two knockouts and MANY low blows: knees, kicks, punches.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 17 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
- The Setup
Jessica is a thief on-the-run. She just did robbery and thinks she has gotten away, but Spider-Stacy has tracked her down. Desperate to escape, Jessica plans to fight her way out but she’s NO MATCH for Spider-Stacy. This results in a completely one-sided low blow beatdown and Stacy dominates Jessica.
Theme: One-sided Low Blow fight
Low Blow Attacks: Groin kicks (from the front & behind), Groin Knees, Groin punches, Crotch grabs
Other Attacks: Face punches, Face kicks, Throat punches, and stomach punches
Important: Please include camera angles of the victim’s butt, crotch, and facial expression while they’re being lowblowed (especially for groin kicks, knees, and grabs).
- Round 1
Jessica charges at Stacy and attacks with punches and kicks, but Stacy easily blocks and dodges Jessica’s attacks. Jessica throws a punch at Stacy’s face, but Stacy catches her fist and twists her arm, making Jessica spasm in pain. From there, Stacy gives Jessica a swift kick to the crotch (Like this sequence, but with a crotch kick instead of a stomach punch). She then gives Jessica a hard punch to the face that makes Jessica stagger backward.
Stacy then taunts Jessica, saying “Is that the best you can do? I think I’ll have a little fun and take my time kicking your ass.” This makes Jessica mad and she charges at Stacy again. Jessica tries again to hit Stacy with multiple punches and kicks, but Stacy is too fast.
At one point Jessica tries to punch Stacy, but Stacy again catches her fist and gives her a flurry of face punches – making Jessica’s head snap back with each punch. After many punches, Stacy then gives Jessica a quick throat punch. As Jessica chokes and holds her throat, Stacy then gives her a kick to the groin. This makes Jessica’s hands jump down to hold her crotch as she moans in pain. Stacy then playfully gives her another punch to throat, then another kick to groin, then a punch to the throat, then a kick to groin (making Jessica’s hands move back and forth between holding her throat and groin in agony). This goes on for a few more turns, ending on a groin kick that leaves Jessica holding her groin. From there, Stacy gives Jessica a big kick to the face that knocks her out cold.
- Round 2
When Jessica wakes up, Stacy is waiting for her. “Oh good, you’re up. I wasn’t done playing with you. Get up so I can kick your ass some more.”
Desperate to escape, Jessica groggily makes it back up to her feet and charges at Stacy. She tries a high kick aimed at Stacy’s head. However Stacy ducks down, catches Jessica’s leg and gives her a big uppercut punch to the groin (like this scene: https://youtu.be/be3eyTVO5eg?t=225). Feeling the huge surge of pain, Jessica’s eyes bulge out and her knees come together as she bends over holding her crotch and trying to catch her breath. “Oh my pussy!” Jessica moans in agony.
Stacy responds, “Don’t worry there’s more” and gives Jessica a knee to face to stand her back up straight. Stacy then slaps Jessica’s head back and forth with multiple backhand slaps. After many slaps, Stacy finally stops and Jessica is just hovering there. As Jessica hovers groggily, Stacy grabs her by the wrists and kicks her in the groin repeatedly (please include some camera angles of Jessica’s butt, groin, and facial reaction as she gets kicked in the groin). Stacy kicks Jessica so much that Jessica slowly starts to fade and passes out while standing. Stacy then releases her and let’s her fall to the ground.
- Round 3
After a while, Jessica wakes up again but Stacy is nowhere in sight. However, Stacy is having a little fun and hiding from Jessica. As Jessica groggily stands up, Stacy suddenly appears behind her and gives her a swift kick to groin from behind.
Jessica moans as she nauseously holds herself in pain, “Oooo, stop hitting my pussy! I think I’m going to throw up.” Stacy playfully responds “But I’m having too much fun. You’re going to have to make me stop”
Jessica then charges at Stacy, but Stacy steps aside and uses Jessica’s momentum against her – making Jessica run face-first into the wall. This dazes Jessica and she’s very groggy at this point. As Jessica groggily steps forward with her fists up to fight, Stacy says “alright, time to beat you silly.”
Stacy then pummels Jessica with a variety of groin attacks (Can this be shot as a montage? Like this scene but serious and with crotch attacks)
- Stacy holds Jessica’s arms behind her back and gives her multiple kicks to the crotch from behind.
- Stacy holds Jessica by the shoulders and repeatedly knees her in the groin (please include some camera angles of Jessica’s butt, groin, and facial reaction as she gets kicked in the groin).
- Stacy bobbles Jessica’s head with face punches
- Stacy stands in front of Jessica, holds her wrists, and gives her multiple kicks to the groin from the front (please include some camera angles of Jessica’s butt, groin, and facial reaction as she gets kicked in the groin).
- Stacy bends down and gives Jessica speedbag punches to the groin, making Jessica go cross-eyed(like this scene, but no bite at the end: https://youtu.be/WQBc8yxjdSs?t=13).
- Facing her, Stacy wraps her arms around Jessica’s waist in a hug and grabs her butt, then repeatedly knees her in the groin
After this massive onslaught to her groin, Jessica is completely dazed and hovering. Stacy then playfully says, “Well, that was fun. Are you ready to go to jail now?” Unable to speak words, Jessica just groggily nods yes. Stacy then says, “Alright, lets go”
She then grabs and squeezes Jessica by the crotch and walks her out of the room (please include camera angles of Jessica’s butt, crotch, and facial expression when her crotch gets grabbed and squeezed).
Purchase this video at FemaleKicks.com
I wonder what happened to jane. I liked her
Everything is fine with Jane, a new film will be released with her soon;)
THE NEXT MOVIE POLLMAIN ACTRESS: JESSICA Dear customers, we’ve decided to make “the next movie poll”. This poll is intended to make it easier to shoot the next branded clip more relevant to your desires. This is a test survey, at the end of which we will shoot a 10-minute video and will analyze the effectiveness and results of such an initiative. Poll starts on March 23 and ends on April 1. It will be divided into three stages. Each stage will take three days. The first stage is choosing a genre. The second stage will consist of several questions, with the help… Read more »
The first stage is over. With a slight advantage, CATFIGHT won. Please, take part in the second stage:
The second stage is over. Results:
1. Jessica’s outfit: White panties, black mini skirt, white short top, barefoot
2. Jessica’s opponent: Jane
3. Type of fight: Back and forth fight
4. Key elements of the film: low blows, face punches
5. Jessica’s hairstyle: Loose
Please, take part in the third stage:
The majority of the video is great. Jessica has great CB reactions to the low blows and there is some great variety of low blows. The issue for me is the repetitiveness, mostly in the last part of the video where there are multiple sequences where Jessica receives multiple busts in a row, and can only moan in pain. Sometimes it’s because Stacy is restraining her arms, sometimes she is just groggy, but I prefer when each low blow has a big effect/reaction and the girl holds her pussy in pain like she does for most of the earlier busts.… Read more »
One improvement I suggest to FK is more outfits. I feel in a lot of the videos the girls are wearing the same clothes.
I know most videos are customs, so sometimes customers are requesting the same thing, but maybe FK need to increase their wardrobe to give customers more choices?
I’d like to see some more bikini, underwear or fights in skirts too. They’ve done a couple in the past with Jessica, but very rarely. Maybe it’s because of increase cost, but nice to see more of this variety of outfit.
Thank you so much for such a detailed analysis of the film, I really appreciate it. I think that for many users who are interested in buying CB clips, this review will be very useful. In terms of wardrobe, I actually have a lot of different clothes, including skirts, bikinis, bodysuits, and so on. Some of these things have never been used. Sometimes I make a film for the sake of one new thing, so that people can see that I have something new. For example, this video was filmed just for this swimsuit: https://fekistudio.com/product/jessica-challenges-the-master/ In the end, it was… Read more »
TY for the reply, it’s great when producers respond to feedback. There are several European mixed/female fight sites that I won’t mention here in your thread, but you are one of the best for real-looking, hard hits, camera angles and producers of CB videos. https://fekistudio.com/product/test-of-janes-weak-spot/ This video is a great example. Although it was too repetitive for me (again requested by the customer), it had very good camera angles & the super tight pants showed the good hard connection of the CB against her pussy wonderfully. You mention you made a video just for that new swimsuit, I like that.… Read more »
Thank you very much, I am very glad that you noticed that we are doing really strong and realistic hits in CB clips. I know that in many things I lose to other producers. The main thing I’m focused on is making sure all the hits in my films look realistic and hard. If the script allows it, of course. So I’m flattered that you brought this fact to your attention. Yes, it’s a good idea, and it’s much easier to do than making a whole video for one swimsuit 😀 I’ll try to make such a page soon! I… Read more »
This is good to know. I typically order customs based off of outfits I’ve seen on a producer’s site, but I’ve occasionally ordered specific clothing and sent them for the custom.
One suggestion I might make is to have some sort of list of available outfits on the site. I’ve seen a few producers do that, but not many.
I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this earlier. I think that instead of denim shorts, I could offer you something else. In any case, as I wrote above, I will try to make such a page as soon as possible!
No worries at all! I was very satisfied with the outfits in my video 🙂
I just thought I’d mention it because I’ve ordered several customs from different producers over the years and noticed this is something a lot of them don’t do that might give you an advantage…. especially since you already do an AMAZING job with the scripts and fight choreography
Okay, I am glad to hear that, thank you very much! 🙂
The crotch on those shorts must be worn pretty thin by now
Amazing video! I loved the variety of low blows and other fight moves. The camera angles are also awesome!