“Kevin holds Jessica in a bearhug” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes bearhug, ankle lock and white handkerchief scene.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 14 minutes
Language: English with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
Jessica meet a big guy and he loves her boots and admires them, she tells him not to touch her but he disregards her.
Scene 1 he grabs her from behind and bearhugs her as she tries to wriggle free and push him to try to free herself but she can’t as she growls and grunt in pain and stomp one foot on the ground many times at once to show frustration, she says noooo let me gooo, stop holding meeee
Scene 2 he lets her go as she falls to the floor holding her ribs in pain , he grabs her right ankle and leg and performs and ankle lock , she tried to ger free and get up but she can’t, as she pounds the ground with her first growling and grunting in pain, saying let me gooo, noooooo
Scene 3 he lets her go and she holds her right ankle and leg in pain, he brings her to her feet, he grabs her in to a bearhug again from behind but tries to chloroform her mouth but she keep fighting and grunting and trying to get free, she says let me goooo, stop it, get off meeee
Scene 4 she struggles in figure leg lock instead and she will struggle and say let me go and grunting
Scene 5 He lets her go and he bearhugs her again while facing her and her feet steady on ground, standing with one foot in front of the other stomping with front foot many times in pain because of the pain trying to wriggle free as she says noooo let men gooo, get off meeee, come on stop!!
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Now, what happened to Jessica, who keeps knocking down villains in every video? Is she so powerful just losing to a villain? What happened to her power?