Kelly’s Initiation
Clip includes punches, camel clutches, full nelson, chicken wing holds, pedigrees holds.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 12 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
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– Kelly enters and wants to give thanks for the opportunity at the studio and is proud to be part of it. She finds a note that tells her to welcome to her initiation into the family. First she must survive or win against someone handpicked by Jack. He chooses Kevin to enter. Kevin asks Kelly are you ready. Kelly tells him not only am I gonna survive I’m gonna win.
– Kelly runs at Kevin and immediately Kevin grabs and spinebusters her to the mat. Kevin sets Kelly up for a pedigree. He gets her arms hooked but not for long as she drops to her knees fights her arms free and low blows Kevin. Kevin drops to his knees as Kelly starts punching him grabbing his hair and punch after punch until Tim attacks Kelly from behind. Drops her on her stomach and pins her arms to her back as she struggles Kevin recovers and tells her this is 2 on 1 now.
– Tim picks her up into a full nelson swinging and ragdolling her around and Kevin gets some belly punches in as Kelly moans. This goes on for 30 seconds until Tim throws her to Kevin who chicken wings her arms behind her vack as Tim belly punches her for a good minute. Moans and groans from Kelly.
– After Tim stops punching her Kevin uses his size and strength to lift Kelly up into a chicken wing submission hearing Kelly scream and moan as she’s up there for 30 seconds refusing to give until Kevin throws her to the floor.
– Kevin sits on her back and puts Kelly in a tight camel clutch for one minute. Pulling her back hard Kelly screams and moans. Kevin with a smile Tim asks her if she gives she tells them both no. After the minute Kevin releases the hold.
– Kevin tells Tim to get her up. Tim picks up and grabs Kelly pinning her arms to her back with one hand and pulling on her hair with the other. Bending her over Tim asks are you ready. Kevin signals Tim to give her Kelly however Kelly putting up a fight struggling to get free. Tim pulls harder telling her to come on already. Kelly shakes her head no let me go. Tim is finally able to get control of Kelly and throw her in between Kevin’s legs.
– Kevin signals her end he goes to hook her arms but Kelly immediately drops to her knees and goes to low blow Kevin again but this time Kevin anticipates it and grabs her arm and knees her in the face Kelly drops. Tim picks up Kelly to her knees pulling both her arms straight back. Now Kelly staring at Kevin. Kevin grabs and squeezes her cheeks together. Kevin looks into her eyes and tells her welcome to Jack jay studios. Tim still holding Kelly’s arms Kevin bends her head to the floor and then curb stomps her face into the floor. Tim jumps on Kelly for a quick camel clutch as Kelly moans about to lose consciousness. Kevin tells Tim to release. He still needs her awake for this. Tim agrees and let’s go Kelly drops forward flat on her stomach face down.
– Finally Kevin grabs her by the hair with both hands and pulls her up standing. Then with a smile and a laugh Kevin finally hooks Kelly in the dreaded pedigree. Grabbing bothe her arms squeezing clamping his hands together Kelly has no escape. Kelly moans and begs. Kelly in this hold for one minute. We get a quick look up close at her face. As she moans and groans before camera pulls back out. Kevin having fun after the minutes up Kevin throws Kelly at him who then grabs her arms behind her back so Kevin can get some hard belly punches on Kelly as she moans more.
– Kelly drops to the floor after enduring all the pain. But she’s not out of the woods just yet. Kevin wants to get her in one more pedigree. Kevin pulls her up and sets her for one more pedigree. Kelly moaning loud as she is trapped and defenseless. Kevin at one point squeezes his thighs into Kelly’s head as she starts screaming. She tries to break the hold but she is too damaged and weak and just takes what’s left of her punishment. One minute of her in the pedigree and Kevin finally let’s go Kelly dropping to the floor as Kevin and Tim make there exit. The camera looks once more at Kelly welcome to the family indeed.
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The new girl looks cool and very pretty and capable. I think it would be fun to see her fight Jessica in a future video, with both punching each other silly.