OUT NOW! Kandy Crisis #15: Extraction

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RobHinx avatar
6 years ago

I’m starting to love this series, the cool ’70’s style ‘Cop Shows’ music sets up the atmosphere wonderfully and I like the cross over Kandy Crises logo too. This picks up pretty much where KC 14 ended (although Eden has had time to change costume…then again if James Bond can change his suit in-between the end of Casino Royale & the start of Quantum of Solace then I guess anything goes!), Eden is under suspicion of aiding Vixen’s get a away and she’s going to be questioned. ‘Questioned’ in New Dawn speak must mean ‘beaten to a pulp’ because Serpent… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

* Later on Cain states that they had no intention of questioning Eden; they’re going to say ‘things got out of hand’ and they were ‘forced’ to kill her.

6 years ago

please spoilers
New Dawn wins the match or not?

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  lamo

There are both win and lose endings.

6 years ago

Loved it! First time i watched a video with Eden and she is a total badass and so gorgeous. Hope to see more of her in Kandy Crisis. Sienna and the new villain ( at least for me) was great too!!! ( Alaric is always awesome)

6 years ago

Sierra is the most delicious femme fatale to come out of the Kandy-verse. I want her to be bionic!!!!!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

I don’t think I’ve commented much on the Kandy Crisis series, but just wanted to add my voice to those praising this release. I wasn’t sold on the series at first glance, but after sampling a few of them I got the vibe and have enjoyed most so far. IMO, it’s really taken a step up in the last few episodes. I especially like how the series has evolved from a series of grudge matches into an operation to bring down a clandestine fighting ring, then into a war between two rival spy/warrior agencies. It’s been a bit campy or… Read more »

6 years ago

Not bad at all! 8/10

Chloro, sleeperholds and a good old fashioned cosh to the back of the head with a close up on the face gets you a 10!!

6 years ago

Kandy Crisis 15 is just superb. We are accustomed to seeing the Kandy Girls decimating their opponents left and right. That girl power aspect of these characters really adds to the drama when we see Eden confronted with two large members of New Dawn. She’s one hell of a fighter, but these guys aren’t normal thugs and Eden finds herself pushed to the limit. While I wouldn’t mind slightly more verbal reaction from her (that’s an extremely mild complain – what she did was great, I’d just prefer a bit more), the actress playing Eden is really something. She handles… Read more »

Ken320 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Can’t agree more on the idea that the girl power aspect could add to the peril. That’s why I always argue the heroines should take the upper hand for a while in the movies. Otherwise, they are no different than some helpless little girl in a heroine costume. NGC videos usually have a good balance and this one is no exception.

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Totally agree with you on the girl power aspect. One of the things that kept me away from this genre for so long was the ‘super heroines’ who weren’t super at all; no powers or skills, just porn/fetish actresses (I use that word in the loosest possible terms) in fancy dress costumes, standing with their hands on their hips waiting to be molested. No drama, no story values…meh. NGC changed all that for me. Talking of ‘girl power’ the Kandy Girls are liked super-charged Spice Girls; Vixen’s Scary, Silver is Posh, Eden’s Ginger and I guess Sienna is Baby…who would… Read more »

88joblo avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Agree on everything here. Seconded also that Eden did great but her vocal reactions to the blows are lacking. Address that and we surely have a peril star here.

6 years ago

Eden looks so dam sexy in catsuits.

6 years ago

Eden is so stunning had to pick this up. hope to see a lot more of her in the near future!

pulphead avatar
6 years ago

It is one of your best work !!!!!! It has excellent pace of action, excellent peril, excellent girl power. A PERFECT mix.
Please keep Kandy Crisis coming. For some (me 🙂 ) the super-spy/charlie angels theme is much more interesting than the superpower one. Plz consider mixing the outfits a bit, crop tops look hot on those girls


Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago

Eden and Sienna…there’s a Dynamic Duo, if I ever saw one!
Would love to see (MUCH) more of those two in the future.

Ken320 avatar
6 years ago

Is it possible for Eden to perform in some future NGC releases? She looks amazing

PunchJonny avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Totally agree!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Ken

That’s an instant buy

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago

The still picture alone makes it worth buying!

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

It really does.

TimCaine avatar
6 years ago

Wow, who’s the lady in black???
She looks sensational.
Has she been in other Kandy productions?

6 years ago

I’m crying!
why WHY again a mixed fight???
Kandy Crisis lost her soul
I am disappointed but you did a good job
waiting for the next

6 years ago

I know heroine peril isn’t really part of what KAK brings to the table and it is what it is. That being said, with a few strategic low blows and ensuing reactions, I would most certainly pick up every single film rather than just the occasional one. In any event, this may be one of the latter! Great job!

Jacques avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Ugh

Hi, if you are looking for some back and forth combat, consider purchasing ‘Nuclear Kickass. It is an oldie but a goodie.

pulphead avatar
6 years ago

I will buy this 1000000000000%
thank you
keep up the good work 🙂