OUT NOW! “Kandy Crisis 14: New Dawn”

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timmy67 avatar
6 years ago

I bought this purely for the FF action, because the KMan has put us on a skimpy diet of FF action lately, and there was just enough of it to make me happy. The girls are of course amazing. Vixen has always been a favourite and Eden is showing great promise. I have to say that I too asked about a KAF custom many months ago. I was advised that they would be filming them soon, but I never heard back either, so I guess we may have to wait for next season. I enjoyed the movie but would have… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago

I’m not all that familiar with the Kandy Crisis series; the only other release I have is Silver vs Hit Woman (highly recommended by the way!). I got this one mostly out of curiosity and I’m glad I did, it’s a solid, high quality release. I liked both Vixen and Eden. Eden could be Virtue’s older, badder sister! Others have commented on the action and I don’t have much to add other than they both sold the combat and the torture beautifully. Eden was especially good in the alternative ending. Serpent was good too, and did a great job when… Read more »

88joblo avatar
6 years ago

I bought this 100 percent for Eden (nothing against Vixen, of course) and for those itching for more info about peril content… ***vague spoilers but not really*** The main portion of the film is the bad dude interrogating Vixen with lots of hits and holds. Eden gets in on the action delivering a few hits too in a brief one-sided fight, but it’s mainly f/m. Eden’s peril comes only in the alternative ending. She takes 3 big punches, a backbreaker and a bearhug. There has been a bit of mixed reviews about her selling abilities. My two cents: physically (body… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I was 100% fine with her selling. It’s not much to go on because it’s so quick, but I liked it. Not remotely over the top. The struggle to get out of the bearhug was solid and believable. She was quieter during the blows/backbreaker, but I liked it. The bad guy wasn’t playing around. He just came in and wrecked her, never letting her out of the gate. Each blow was teetering on a KO, so she merely suffered the blows. Only prob was that is was so quick.

88joblo avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dizzy

@Dizzy – I think most will like her performance and I’m with you for the most part. I’m just saying it’s just my personal preference to have a bit of a yelp/groan when the blows land.

6 years ago

Eden’s booty in that catsuit was worth the purchase. the 6th photo sold me on video lol. god i hope to see her again in your future videos.

pulphead avatar
6 years ago

Eden just won my heart, The alternative ending was one of the best things this Xmas.
Thank you and please continue the great work !!
I am looking forward to the next Crisis episode.

PS: I will buy everything that involves Eden and peril 🙂 I hope we see her in the future (and also see her abs)
PS2: I am not in favor of catsuits but because of Eden I started to see catsuits with a different eye

Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson
6 years ago

Finally a new KC video! Just sucks that there is a dude in it once again, like the last one. I KC was supposed to be F/F? At least that’s how it was advertised an how it started. I really don’t hope videos with dudes don’t start turning into a regular thing. I will pass on this one unfortunately.

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago

This one was okay. Not blowing me away, but I really enjoyed it. Maybe because I’m a big fan of Vixen. This is kind of a step down from Vixen’s previous costumes. Lots of great peril and Vixen gives a satisyfing performance. I could do without the coughing after every belly punch. Choreography-wise, I enjoyed the use of kneeing Vixen in the stomach, while she was hunched over from a previos belly shot. That’s what I’d consider ‘old-school’ stuff, like from 90s movies maybe can’t remember, but I really want to see more of that. Usually that move is implemented… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Iam very interested in Eden to purchase the video.
Can you give some details about how much punishment she receives in this video?
Because it seems that Vixen is the focus here

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Beast

Eden recieves minimal punishment. Recieves less strikes than the fingers on your hand, a backbreaker, a bear hug, and then is knocked out. I can’t emphasize her ass enough and I realize now that it’s feature on picture 6 on this page.

P.S. My god, it’s like her catsuit is painted on!

Absstar avatar
6 years ago

Just purchased this video, and I must say, I most enjoyed it! Actresses are beautiful! As I responded to an earlier comment, I’ve always wondered what’s the girls limitations are! Would they be willing to wear costumes that reveals their belly/stomach? and I mean pants that rode low on their hips and crop top, so as there’s PLENTY of stomach exposure and not just slight exposure of it. Would they also be comfortable to be in a AOH ( arms tide over head ) scene, and viciously interrogated with long belly punching scenes and shown in multiple ways, slow motion,… Read more »

6 years ago

So you’re gonna want to drop whatever you’re doing and immediately pick up Kandy Crisis 14. The Kandygirl roster is brimming with beautiful, talented women, but Vixen is easily the best among them at peril (though Kix is also very good). She outdoes even herself in this video. Her cries and sobs while subjected to the prone wrestling stretch maneuver are devastating. Plus, this vid has the best alternate ending sequence I’ve ever seen. Clearly Vixen’s peril performance inspired the new girl because she is amazing in her fight with the big dude. Worth every shekel.

88joblo avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Does Eden take much of a beating in this?

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Vixen fans rise up!

6 years ago

who wins the fight?

Thevoice avatar
6 years ago

there’s something about that 6th preview picture I really like… can’t quite put my finger on what it is.

toshiki avatar
6 years ago

You guys make so many FM videos with these ladies – couldn’t we at least keep these once-a-year Kandy Crisis videos F/F? Sigh.

toshiki avatar
6 years ago

I see that but I’m wishing that the Kandy Crisis series could be kept majority or, god forbid, 100 percent F/F. Looks like this video has a significant F/M content. There’s plenty of material with these ladies engaging in F/M battles but the F/F contests come along once every six months if that so it’s a little dispiriting to have dudes in those videos too.

toshiki avatar
6 years ago

I’ve been trying to approach him for a custom for ages. Response has been minimal-to-non-existent.

Warning to any F/F fans out there – this is basically an FM video. There’s hardly any FF action.

toshiki avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  toshiki

You say ‘warning people against buying it’ like I said it sucks for everyone and nobody should buy it. I did no such thing. I gave an indication of what is in it for the fans of what used to be a very different kandy crisis series. KC was initially setup as an FF-heavy series. It’s how I became a fan and it’s what I’ve come to expect from the series. This episode wasn’t even half FF. I’m not telling people not to buy it. I’m sure there are people who will love it. I’m telling other FF fans that… Read more »

toshiki avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  toshiki


pulphead avatar
6 years ago

please don’t,
I like the FvM when the male is winning,
Just do what you do best, a nice mix of both
Sometimes the storyline calls for FvM and sometimes it calls for FvF

6 years ago
Reply to  pulphead

I concur with my learned NGC amigo.

We at KAK shoot movies and customs in seasons – usually starting in May. I admit we do concentrate more on FM movies but I will shoot FF movies some time next year. I always respond to requests so perhaps I missed yours.

toshiki avatar
6 years ago

Once again, I never said there’s no FF action in this. I said there’s only a little from the POV of an FF fan. I think what I said is clear and accurate and not particularly rude either. Again, this is how online marketplaces work. Consumers inform each other. Can you imagine if Warner Bros released Wonder Woman 2 and Wonder Woman was in it 20 percent of the time? Wonder Woman fans would point this out. And they’d have the right to. And Warner Bros would be acting oddly if their PR people responded to those reviews going –… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

At the end of Kandy Crisis 13 we saw Diva emerge victorious in the underground fight series thereby being one step closer to finding Aj. Now, some indeterminate time has passed since the events of Kandy Crisis 13 and we learn that she was eventually captured but that those events happened offscreen. I hope that just means that Diva was more or less unavailable for a shoot in the Kandy Crisis series and not something more depressing such as retiring from acting all together. I would absolutely love to see Diva back in action.

Mike J avatar
6 years ago

Do either of them get KO’d in this? That’s going to be the deciding factor for me as to whether or not I pick this up.

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Yes, they get knocked out.

Wrecker avatar
6 years ago

Best news of the day! Vixen was AMAZING in her match against Hitwoman. That might still be my favorite CC so far. EXTREMELY stoked to see Eden making an appearance and definitely hope to see her in some peril as well. HURRY UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

This looks *really* interesting. It took awhile for me to get into the Kandy Crisis series, but over time it’s become more than just a series of set-up revenge matches.

I don’t know Eden at all, but see there are a few videos featuring her on KAK. Any recommendations?

JadeOwl avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

The latest, KICKASS NEWS, is a good place to start… if for no other reason than the shorts she wears.

It should not be possible for them to stat on when she moves like she does. Defies all laws of physics, it does.

Also you get Kix in that video, which is like a ridiculous plus.

6 years ago
Reply to  JadeOwl


mantower avatar
6 years ago

Welcome back Kandy Crisis, oh how I have missed you! Instant buy. Period.

88joblo avatar
6 years ago

Looks awesome but we need to see Eden in some peril!

pulphead avatar
6 years ago

Yes ! I will buy this as soon as it comes out! Please keep Kandy Crisis coming!
Could you please include some different outfit at some point. Maybe a crop top with the beautiful belly exposed 🙂

Absstar avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  pulphead

I TOTALLY agree with that!! I am a BIG belly punching fan and may be interested in a custom with them. MvsF or FvsF, either one is good with me! Just wondering what’s their limitations though. Would the actress be comfortable being tide AOH? ( arms over head ) and belly punched to their bare belly, shown in slow motion and regular mo, as well as close up punches? Have many, many customs done from various producers and this company looks interesting. I am in the process of having HM of this site producing my custom now as we speak… Read more »

redmanx avatar
6 years ago

My favourite Kandy girl was AJ, she had it all.

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago

The return of Vixen in KC makes me feel like such a lucky boy, this as made my whole month!

JadeOwl avatar
6 years ago

The return of the Kandy Crisis videos would be a delightful treat all on its own, but you have NO IDEA how my face lit up when Eden (or whatever name she will have here) walked into the room and unshackled Vixen. She is at the very top of the recent additions to the Kandygirl roster and the idea of watching her engage in some spirited F/F action fills me with glee and anticipation. I know it will go against the grain around these parts but I’m also hoping that Vixen will be able to fight back, even if it… Read more »