“Justice Kandy” from Kick Ass Kandy

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toshiki avatar
7 years ago

Any chance we might get another Kandy Krisis soon?

pulphead avatar
7 years ago

The best formula for me is the one found in THE KICKASS EXTRACTION film that I think is one of the best KA movie so far. It had the right ammount of peril and fem power! A chloroform ko, and then briefly JJ was overpowered almost knocked out again during the fight.
I would love to see Aish get knocked out and caried especially with her lovely belly exposed 🙂

Ghost999 avatar
7 years ago

The past two kandy movies have had the veteran girls taket damage. A lot of damage. I thought this was a welcome change of pace. I hate that the new girls come in and fight without taking a single punch. Come on kandy man. A few punches doesnt hurt the overall content of the video

pulphead avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  ArtjMack

At which ones do you refer?

Ghost999 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  pulphead

The kandy wing and kandy heist. Lot of action and girls are n peril. But yes kick ass extraction has a lot of peril

7 years ago

i do like these videos… only problem i have i guess. would be that i love the fact the woman ends up winning . but would like to see her get some damage done to her… something to overcome as she fights threw the movie… other then that i love these

7 years ago

So cute. I wanna see her destroyed in a Kickassfemmes video!