Now available: Episode 17 of Heroineburgh – the 4th episode of Season 2!
Heroineburgh is a PG-13 live-action superheroine video series based in Pittsburgh, PA. The first season (13 episodes) creates an entirely new universe, revealing the origins of 20 superheroines who gain their powers from a dark-energy meteor bombardment. In Season 2, fragments of the dark meteor have fallen to earth, transforming more women into evil and chaotic supervillainesses. The Heroine League must stop them, as well as contain the efforts of the sinister Black Faction, led by corrupt detective Drake and his wife Vaporia. Each episode involves several story arcs in the tradition of superhero television shows.
Action, comedy, drama, romance and combat, all in the finest spandex, capes and tights! Plus introducing three new actresses playing Hellyfra, Peccadilla, and new supervillainess Stellara. PG-13 content level.
Episode 17 is now on sale at HEROINEBURGH in the Season 2 page of the Video Store. Price is $9.99 each, and the video is 29 minutes – slightly longer than a typical TV program.
Here is the trailer for Episode 17:
A short description of Episode 17 follows below, as well as some cast photos from the episode.
EPISODE 17: SYSTEMS OF ROMANCE (Fianna’s Love Triangle – Jinniyya & Gardenia vs Devorra – Arogya & Frija vs Kaliyuga – Rise of Stellara – Sintilla’s Sidekick)
In the fourth episode of Heroineburgh Season Two…..
Fianna is trapped in a love triangle between her jealous girlfriend Carrie and the beautiful Arctica, the ice queen – how will new League member Hellfyra help to resolve it?
Crainiac and Drake devise a stronger weapon to destroy the heroines – which traitor from the League ranks provides the power?
Jinniyya and Gardenia pursue the trail of Devorra the Queen Bee, while Arogya and Frija track Kaliyuga’s vengeful path of destruction. Will the heroines succeed in their missions?
Who is the brilliant and eager sidekick of Sintilla the master thief, and what threat will the new solar-powered supervillainess Stellara pose to the city’s populace?
Starring: Emily, Sarah D, Bridget, Josh, Ben, Erika, Kristin, Laura, Sydney, Nupur, Sarah S, Anna, Anastasia, Jonathan, Sasaya, and Shannon. And Devorra’s Drones: Jon, Jake and Sean.
This episode continues Season Two of Heroineburgh, and features 7 heroines, 5 villainesses and 5 villains.
Themes: Lethal Love Triangle, Pursuit of Justice, Treacherous Villainy, New Criminal Threats.
Elements: Tight Costumes, Caped Heroines, Masked Heroines, Masked Villainesses, Heroines in Tights, Transformation Sequences, Villainess Monologues, Super Strength, Female on Female Combat, Female Domination, Knockouts, Belly Punches, Bearhug, Crotch Kick, Depowering, Peril Trap, Villainess Restrained, Heroine Peril, Lesbian Romance, Mind Control, Male on Female Combat, Super Powers, Special Effects, and more!
Cast photo of Jinniyya the wind spirit, Devorra the queen bee, and Gardenia the plant queen, displaying the ill-gotten bank loot.Cast photo of Frija the uberfrau, Kaliyuga the destroyer, and Arogya the healer, preparing for their epic battle.Arctica the ice queen, Carrie the artist, and Fianna the Celtic banshee in a lesbian love triangle.Spectrina turns traitor and switches sides, trying on her new power bracelets and joining forces with the corrupt Detective Drake and machine master Crainiac of the Black Faction.Lieutenant Stella Rathburn transforms into the powerful Stellara, wielding destructive solar blasts. Will she be friend or foe to the Heroine League?Hellfyra, the heavy-metal flamethrower, joins the Heroine League and immediately comes to the rescue in a sticky situation.Sintilla, the slinky and sexy super-thief, maximizes her criminal profits with the help of a new sidekick who debuts in Episode 17.Here’s a comic-book style rendition of Devorra’s drone henchmen – art by Jake.Devorra struggles while trapped in Gardenia’s restrictive vines.Arctica is knocked to the floor by Carrie’s crotch kick, and lashes out while in pain.Slinky Sintilla reconnoiters the scene at the hotel where the jewelry convention is taking place.Stella experiences spasms of pain from the meteorite radiation prior to her abrupt transformation into Stellara.Jinniyya takes a pummeling from Devorra’s mindless drone henchmen.Spectrina revels in the power of her new bracelets, which look like Infinity Stones.Arogya captures Kaliyuga in a tight bearhug, draining off her powers while Frija looks on.Gardenia takes a stomach punch from one of Devorra’s mindless drone henchmen, but she has a special power up her sleeve to stop his onslaught.The vengeful Kaliyuga throatlifts the helpless scientist with her super strength, taking him hostage for her spiteful purposes.In their civilian identities, the powerful superheroines Arctica and Fianna feel an undeniable attraction to each other, but Fianna’s girlfriend Carrie will have something to say about that.Jinniyya takes a moment to recover from the mighty blow Devorra delivered to her face.Frija brags to Arogya about her Teutonic level of warrior might, but the Indian heroine takes her bluster with a grain of salt.Arctica studies Sintilla’s powers at the Heroine League’s computer lab to determine her possible weaknesses.Detective Mark Drake sneaks into Stella’s office in his Black Faction disguise to plant the meteorite which will alter her destiny.The demonic Hellfyra comes to Carrie’s rescue with her flame powers.Kaliyuga is rendered unconscious and powerless by the Quexxon Power Dampener (patent pending). Will she escape to continue her plans to destroy the city?Jinnyya uses her wind powers to gather up the stolen money.What is the beautiful Fallon (aka Fianna) doing outside this jewelry store?The sexy Sintilla plans her next heist in her secret lair. She will be joined shortly by her new sidekick, who has a plan for a more profitable venture.While training for her next encounter with her superheroine nemeses, Devorra discovers yet another new insect power that she has developed.“My power is supreme!” boasts Kaliyuga, as she brings Frija to her knees with a series of painful force blasts.
We hope you have enjoyed these glimpses into the adventures of Heroineburgh Episode 17. Download the new episodes, and all 16 previous installments, from the Video Store at
And can still order our comic book Heroineburgh Comics #1 through the mail. 20 pages with two exciting stories featuring the Dark Dominion team (Lunessa, Arcana & Etherea) and a team-up between X-Machina and the scheming supervillainesses Serpenta and Mesmera! Receive bonus supervillainess character stickers with your order, only $9.99 postpaid at
Heroineburgh Comics #1 cover by DC Comics veteran Jason Wright.
The solar-powered Stellara, from the brand-new supervillainess character sticker by DC Comics veteran Jason Wright.
The reptilian raconteur Serpenta, from the brand-new supervillainess sticker by DC Comics veteran Jason Wright.
The toxic temptress Chlorina, from the brand-new supervillainess sticker by DC Comics veteran Jason Wright.
First look at the ferociously feline Panthyra, whose origin will appear in upcoming Episode 18. Character art for the supervillainess sticker by DC Comics veteran Jason Wright.
Live original character superheroine video series from Pittsburgh, PA.
Action, comedy, drama and romance in the finest spandex and capes!
Download episodes and purchase comics from our Video Store
Regardless of whatever you believe, Odile is not a ‘friend’, but rather a completely independent individual from clear across the Atlantic (we have his mailing address in France) who is one of our most loyal customers. He is usually the first in line to purchase every episode, has also ordered the comic, and is very satisfied. He also is often the first commenter on our Youtube channel clips, and we’re happy to see him there as well. So, you may continue to think otherwise if you wish, but we appreciate his patronage and long-term support. We don’t have just one… Read more »
It does read like a friend wrote it. Gushing, all-encompassing praise. It still reads that way even if it is a customer from France.
As for buying into your series, no thank you. I’m not going to criticize it. Producing something and putting it out there is hard. And in the immortal words of Joey Pants, the pimp in Risky Business, “In a sluggish economy, never fuck with another man’s livelihood.” but no, I’m not the least bit interested.
Hello Heroineburgh ! Don’t worry… I do not have the intention to change my style of comments just because few people (or several, or many, I don’t care) do not like them. I’m free, I have no boss, I’m respectful and I do what I want. I love what you do, I’m a fan, and I totally don’t care if few people do not agree with my positive comments… they think what they want and I do what I want… I have nothing more to say.
There’s barely any fighting in this. I was looking forward to a good long fight between Kaliyuga and Arogya….but they disappointed as usual.. No action beyond the preview clip of them
Thanks for the criticism, we appreciate your honesty! We emphasize team efforts in some of our battles. In this case, Frija takes the hits from Kaliyuga, allowing Arogya to slip in for the coup-de-grace which you see in the preview. Arogya’s powers are about healing and inflicting pain, so she doesn’t engage in protracted physical combat because she’s a doctor, not a fighter. 🙂
Regardless, fights are more dynamic if there is a LOT of back and forth. Not just single attacks ending things. Like maybe 10 different attacks back and forth. Contrast fights. etc. I feel like there’s too much focus on story instead of the actual battle. Maybe because each episode has a thousand different plot lines. It would be cool if each ep just had one single battle in one or two locations with a small group. In this case 2 v 1 or 1 v 1 Please consider it! Your production does have positive aspects so I don’t want to… Read more »
Glad we checked back here to see your great response. You’re generally correct about how we haven’t done many long, protracted fights..preferring to do short battles and multiple plot lines like a TV show, instead of a traditional peril video. Partially, this is because we have so many worthwhile spandex-clad characters whom we love to include, and also because we feature other popular aspects like transformations, unmaskings, and restraints. However, we will be working towards some longer-duration battles in the future – we’re hopefully bringing a dedicated fight choreographer on board! But right now if you are look for an… Read more »
The episode 17 is excellent, as usual. The comic book is excellent too. What Jason Wright does is great !
is it just me or does this reads like he got his friend to write this for him…
It’s not just you.
Regardless of whatever you believe, Odile is not a ‘friend’, but rather a completely independent individual from clear across the Atlantic (we have his mailing address in France) who is one of our most loyal customers. He is usually the first in line to purchase every episode, has also ordered the comic, and is very satisfied. He also is often the first commenter on our Youtube channel clips, and we’re happy to see him there as well. So, you may continue to think otherwise if you wish, but we appreciate his patronage and long-term support. We don’t have just one… Read more »
It does read like a friend wrote it. Gushing, all-encompassing praise. It still reads that way even if it is a customer from France.
As for buying into your series, no thank you. I’m not going to criticize it. Producing something and putting it out there is hard. And in the immortal words of Joey Pants, the pimp in Risky Business, “In a sluggish economy, never fuck with another man’s livelihood.” but no, I’m not the least bit interested.
Hello Heroineburgh ! Don’t worry… I do not have the intention to change my style of comments just because few people (or several, or many, I don’t care) do not like them. I’m free, I have no boss, I’m respectful and I do what I want. I love what you do, I’m a fan, and I totally don’t care if few people do not agree with my positive comments… they think what they want and I do what I want… I have nothing more to say.
There’s barely any fighting in this. I was looking forward to a good long fight between Kaliyuga and Arogya….but they disappointed as usual.. No action beyond the preview clip of them
Thanks for the criticism, we appreciate your honesty! We emphasize team efforts in some of our battles. In this case, Frija takes the hits from Kaliyuga, allowing Arogya to slip in for the coup-de-grace which you see in the preview. Arogya’s powers are about healing and inflicting pain, so she doesn’t engage in protracted physical combat because she’s a doctor, not a fighter. 🙂
Regardless, fights are more dynamic if there is a LOT of back and forth. Not just single attacks ending things. Like maybe 10 different attacks back and forth. Contrast fights. etc. I feel like there’s too much focus on story instead of the actual battle. Maybe because each episode has a thousand different plot lines. It would be cool if each ep just had one single battle in one or two locations with a small group. In this case 2 v 1 or 1 v 1 Please consider it! Your production does have positive aspects so I don’t want to… Read more »
Glad we checked back here to see your great response. You’re generally correct about how we haven’t done many long, protracted fights..preferring to do short battles and multiple plot lines like a TV show, instead of a traditional peril video. Partially, this is because we have so many worthwhile spandex-clad characters whom we love to include, and also because we feature other popular aspects like transformations, unmaskings, and restraints. However, we will be working towards some longer-duration battles in the future – we’re hopefully bringing a dedicated fight choreographer on board! But right now if you are look for an… Read more »