Heroineburgh Custom #9 available – “Arctica in: Barbarina the Pirate Queen”
Custom #9: “Arctica in: Barbarina the Pirate Queen” is now available, written and ordered by another loyal fan who prefers to remain anonymous.
This is the first custom to feature one of our most talented and enthusiastic actresses, Bridget (Arctica).
Here’s the plot: the flame-haired Arctica arrives home exhausted after a day of fighting alongside the Heroine League. She looks forward to spending a night out on a date with another lovely heroine she’s had her eye on, and begins to unzip her costume to slip into something more comfy for the evening. Just then, she encounters a space-time anomaly which catapults her into another dimension. In this new universe, she is no longer the Frost Queen, but instead has become a character she had admired from her college days: Barbarina the Pirate Queen, stunning scourge of the spaceways, with her trusty laser gun and powerful wristbands.
She fights off threats on the spaceship, such as an attacking alien and a release of poison gas. Then she is attacked by the ruthless space slaver Draco (played by Ben), this universe’s counterpart to the corrupt Detective Drake of Heroineburgh. He wants revenge for Barbarina’s raids on his fleet, and he has both power-draining abilities and a device which administers excruciating pain. Will Barbarina triumph in her battle against Draco, or will she be spirited off to the asteroid mines?
Some of the elements:
Flirty heroine in tight costume
Superheroine fainting and knocked out
Costume transformation
Alien creature peril
Choking peril from poison gas
Female on male combat
Power drain and throatlift
Pain torture device peril
Superheroine knockout
Limp carry
Bridget and Ben had lots of fun with this one, and we hope you will, too. This follows in the tradition of campy science-fiction peril, except instead of the usual Star Trek or Star Wars, it was much more influenced by Barbarella, Buck Rogers, Alien, Dune and (hell, why not!) Ice Pirates.
Now available for download at http://www.heroineburgh.com/custom-videos/ .
If you have an idea for a custom involving one of our original characters (we also have many alternative costumes, including some standard superheroine ones – just ask!), let’s begin the discussion at info@heroineburgh.com .
Thanks to our anonymous sponsor, and all of our loyal fans! Here are some stills and a Youtube clip.

So…while we’re talking about Bridget, here are a couple of Comicon photos from her, and also a Youtube clip which is an outtake from Custom 9.

Everything’s going smoothly for Heroineburgh in 2023: one more shoot to finish Episode 22 (which will come out in the late spring) and our interior artists are working with the scripts for Issue 4. If you are attending Cause-A-Con (Beckley, WV), 3 Rivers Comicon (Pittsburgh, PA), Sci-Fi Valley Con (Altoona, PA), HeroesCon (Charlotte, NC), Garden State Con (Morristown, NJ), Hershey Comicon (Hershey, PA) or Youngstown Comicon (Youngstown, OH), we hope to see you – come up to the Comicsburgh booth and say hello. We look forward to working with more fans on customs in the near future. Heroines Assemble!
This rocked, made me want to order my own!