Custom #11: “Vendetta in: Woman of Steel” is available now, written and ordered by the well-known DeviantArt legend Brad328, the creator of “Mindy Marvel” (who was in a series of videos from Project Superwoman).
[Please note: Our website is having some issues with the 2nd automatic email that contains the download link. So we are responding manually to orders instead. Please note that we’re not on the computer all the time, so it may take a few hours to send you the link. But rest assured, we value all of our customers and will make sure that you get what you ordered. Thanks for your patience and support!]
This was one of the most fun shoots we’ve ever done. It also features a classic costume you may have seen before somewhere on a SHIP actress (first to identify that actress in the comments wins a signed Diana photo!). Our new actress Diana (who will be playing Vendetta going forward in Heroineburgh Season 3) looks amazing in it.
Here’s the story: Law student Veronica Benedetti (aka Vendetta) comes home from a long day at school to her new apartment, only to confront a dangerous thief trying to steal a thumb drive with all of her meticulously compiled information on the city’s organized crime. With a gun in her face, she’s at a disadvantage, and she is unable to access her costume and weapons as Vendetta.
However, the thief unwittingly exposes her to a meteorite which causes wishes to be granted for the pure-of-heart, turning Veronica’s perilous gunpoint situation into an intense and powerful superheroine transformation adventure!
Some of the elements:
Gorgeous curvy Latina with astounding acting skills Wish fulfillment Removing glasses and hairclip Muscle growth sequence Clothes tearing apart Superman-style shirt rip Costume transformation Leotard with miniskirt and hot red tights Bullets bouncing off chest Female on male combat Feats of super strength Invulnerability including abs of steel Flexing and showing off powers Blowing a flirty kiss to the viewer
This video came about as a result of requests on the Superheroine-TF Reddit for producers to create superheroine transformation videos. We stepped up to the plate, thanks to Brad328, and released one for the Reddit crowd before anyone else did. After it sold a few dozen copies there, we’re now offering it to our wider fanbase.
Here’s what Brad328 said upon receiving the completed video:
“It’s phenomenal, truly the best custom I’ve ordered. And it’s thanks to you and your team.
Ben was great as the thief; you did a fantastic job shooting it and I liked the music used. I appreciate all of your hard work and thanks to Mike for the editing (and that was fast!).
Diana…wow…just wow…
She nailed it, absolutely nailed it. I love how she played Superia, strong and confident but also with humor. She seemed truly happy to play the role (other customs I’ve ordered, some of the models/actresses just went through the motions) and that means a lot. And I attribute a lot of that to the script you crafted around my idea. But also her natural skill and charisma which she is able to project onto the screen. She’s truly super.”
Available for download now at . And to repeat what we’ve noted above – if you don’t receive our download link immediately, don’t fret: you will receive it within a few hours, and you’re also welcome to use our website contact form.
If you have an idea for a custom involving one of our original characters (we also have many alternative costumes, including some standard superheroine ones like the one you see in this custom), let’s begin the discussion on our website’s contact form.
Thanks the generous and creative Brad328 (he’s already sponsored a Part 2 for Superia, which will be shot in December and will come out in January) and all of our loyal fans!
Now, here are some stills from Custom 11!
Nerdy law student Veronica Benedetti (aka the superheroine Vendetta) arrives home after a long day at school. She’s talking to her friend about how excited she is to furnish her new apartment.Suddenly, Veronica is confronted by a thief who has broken into her apartment. He has a gun pointed at her, as well as an orange meteorite which he thinks will make her weak, and she has no chance to gain access to her weapons and costume as Vendetta.However, the thief has unwittingly exposed Veronica to a meteorite which grants wish fulfillment for the pure-at-heart. Veronica flirtatiously removes her glasses as she begins to feel the wish manifesting in her body.Veronica removes her hair clip and lets her lovely brown hair cascade down her shoulders. She is beginning to feel sexy and powerful as her wish fulfillment escalates.Veronica begins to shiver with pleasure as a wave of unstoppable energy courses through her body, and the thug watches in amazement.Veronica groans with excitement as she feels herself growing stronger, her muscles expanding and hardening throughout her body.Veronica moans with ecstasy as her biceps enlarge, ripping through her sleeves. She is enjoying the transformation quite a bit!Verona groans with effort as her back muscles grow, and her shirt tears apart to reveal an emblem underneath.With a sigh of satisfaction, Veronica tears her shirt open, revealing a tight blue costume with an insignia emblazoned across her enlarged bust.As her shirt falls off in shreds, her lovely long brown hair and a bright red cape descends down her back.Veronica slips her pants down, revealing a pair of hot red tights and thigh-high black boots – the same boots she wears as Vendetta.A tight shiny skirt appears on her hips, her eyes and lips become very alluring, and her wish is complete. Veronica is now the mighty Superia!The thug fires four times at Superia’s chest, but they explode harmlessly (CGI in the episode). She is bulletproof!The thief tries to flee the apartment, but Superia is one step ahead with her super-speed, and he runs right into her like a brick wall.Just for amusement, Superia challenges the thief to an arm-wrestling match. He can’t budge against her marvelous muscles.The thief tries to hit Superia with a couple of iron pipes, but she bends the metal with her bare hands.The thug punches her in the stomach repeatedly, but Superia has Abs of Steel!She’s tired of playing games with him. With one little flick of her finger to his forehead, Superia’s super-strength knocks out the stunned thief.Superia steps on the thief’s hand with a crunch, securing her possession of the precious thumb drive. He’s going to be turned in to the cops!Superia revels in the immense power of her new muscular body, and feels amazing in her tight costume. She is here to stay!Superia blows a seductive kiss to the viewer, as well as the customer who made it all possible!
So that’s Heroineburgh Custom 11. If you missed the link to purchase, here it is again:
Next, we’re going to give you an update on how things have going since August, and what’s coming up in the future.
Aug 13 at Phantom of the Attic comic shop was “Comicsburgh Day” featuring our collective of 4 local comics publishers including Heroineburgh. From left to right: interior artist Benjamin Zeus Barnett, cover artist Jason Wright (of DC Comics), Tiffany as Darbouka, and Yi as X-Machina.In late August, gorgeous actress Raina passed the audition and became our third Arogya the Healer (for Season 3). She’ll have her first shoot with us next week, and will debut in Episode 23.The vivacious Jessica Z, who took over as supervillainess Chlorina for Season 3, traveled with us to Salem OH for a Con where the headliner was Dean Cain, but in her tight and shiny turquoise spandex costume and platinum-blonde hairstyle, she turned just as many heads!The lovely Sasaya (as superheroine Hellfyra) traveled with us on Sep 22-24 to Cincinnati Comic Expo, a large creator-oriented Con, where we also met Jeff Hicks of World Class Bullshitters – he’ll be drawing a pinup for us for Issue 4. We’ll definitely return to that Con in the future!Our new actress Sammie, the second to play Irish superheroine Fianna, traveled with us to the Supercon on Oct 7 in DuBois PA. Here the blonde Celtic banshee is flexing her marvelous muscles alongside a local version of Squirrel Girl with little Tippytoe on her shoulder.Incredible new actress Diana (aka Superia from Custom 11) made her Comicon debut with us on Oct 12 at Great Lakes Geek Fest in Geneva OH. She looks absolutely poured into that voluptuous Vendetta suit, and will make her debut as that Italian character in Episode 24 next year.On Nov 4-5 we returned to Akron Comicon for the third time, this time with the beautiful and tall Casey, who portays Devana the Huntress starting in Episode 22. Here, Devana shows off her super-strength next to Cleveland’s own villainous hottie, Tap Dance Killer (from Hero Tomorrow Comics).And coming up…if you’re going to be in central Ohio this weekend, come and meet our heroine Arctica (played by stunning redhead Bridget) on Sun Nov 19 at Buckeye Comicon in Columbus. Heroineburgh is one of several special invited guest creators on the poster!
Also, here is a handful of updates on Heroineburgh Comics Issue 4, still in production.
Half of the back cover of Issue 4 will feature a Comicsburgh banner with three characters each from the four Pittsburgh-based publishers. Eagle-eyed Heroineburgh fans should be able to spot, Vendetta, Savanna, and Arctica. Art by Mark Vuycankiat (Phillippines).Here’s one of the panels from Issue 4 on which our interior artist Benjamin Zeus Barnett has been working. Arogya the Healer has just absorbed the evil energy from Kaliyuga the Destroyer, and releases it into the sky as demon ‘rakshasas’ while her teammate Hellfyra looks on in amazement.
One last mention: Heroineburgh and the Comicsburgh team will be hanging out at our hometown LCS, New Dimension Comics in the Homestead Waterfront, from Noon to 6 pm this coming Wed Nov 22 for Local Comic Shop Day, along with Marvel artist Pat Olliffe who appears from 5 to 8 pm. If you’re a HM fan who lives in Pittsburgh, come and see our comics there. Happy Thanksgiving from Heroineburgh!
Live original character superheroine video series from Pittsburgh, PA.
Action, comedy, drama and romance in the finest spandex and capes!
Download episodes and purchase comics from our Video Store
I have all the regular episodes of Heroineburgh, and several custom ones. I mysef ordered number 2, with Darbouka, and I’m very satisfied with the result. Those who like to see an heroine properly humiliated and unmasked should appreciate it. In the same style, the number 4 with Poderosa is great too ! As soon as I can, I would like to order another custom with the new actress who plays Vendetta, where she will also be unmasked and humiliated. Heroineburgh does a very good job, the scenarios are one of their strong points. I can’t wait to be able… Read more »
We’re almost entirely PG-13, so you’re not going to get two of those three things, sorry. However, we do have one R-rated clip, which is Custom 10 with Terra Mizu. Thanks for your comment! And of course, to the more than two dozen who have already purchased this custom!
618 Hi i love sex my contact here
I have all the regular episodes of Heroineburgh, and several custom ones. I mysef ordered number 2, with Darbouka, and I’m very satisfied with the result. Those who like to see an heroine properly humiliated and unmasked should appreciate it. In the same style, the number 4 with Poderosa is great too ! As soon as I can, I would like to order another custom with the new actress who plays Vendetta, where she will also be unmasked and humiliated. Heroineburgh does a very good job, the scenarios are one of their strong points. I can’t wait to be able… Read more »
Looks promising, but I need some nudity, combat, and sex.
We’re almost entirely PG-13, so you’re not going to get two of those three things, sorry. However, we do have one R-rated clip, which is Custom 10 with Terra Mizu. Thanks for your comment! And of course, to the more than two dozen who have already purchased this custom!