“Hell” from The Battle for Earth

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ValourSatanas avatar
7 years ago

I just got Hell downloaded and I’ve finished watching this awesome video!

My thoughts on this is that the various sexual positions that the Hell master put Coco in, should have lasted a little longer than it is inside the video. I mean, at least, make Coco cum to the position before having the Hell Master snap his fingers and change position for Coco to cum right again and again.

That would have been worth the bucks I think.

7 years ago

Hey guys! I hope those of you who have downloaded the video so far have been enjoying it. This is a custom that I put together and like how it turned out. Two things inspired the idea of this one. 1. Coco started doing movies again! Coco has been my favorite actress in this genre for a while, but if you recall, she was unavailable for a while, without that being a thing that was formally announced or anything. So when I submitted ideas for my first few customs, I’d always ask the producer if I could get Coco to… Read more »

shfyd avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Thanks very much for writing this custom. I enjoyed it very much

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

While I am not a buyer of these types of films, I am impressed with your explanations and rationale.
I like to comment on my own customs, but you are in a completely different league, aka major leagues. Hopefully I can match your eloquence someday. This is great work on your part.

Red Panda
Red Panda
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

What are your other customs? Marvelous was awesome!

7 years ago
Reply to  Red Panda

Other TBFE customs are Marvelous and No Hope. I’ve also done a bunch with Alex David (and I’ll comment with the list of those in the appropriate thread the next time one comes out, which I imagine will be sometime in the near future. I have one that’s done to the point that I have a copy of it, but it hasn’t been released).

Really glad you liked Marvelous! I realize that one wasn’t for everyone, but I REALLY liked the way it turned out.

Thevoice avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

could you give an inkling as to who your custom with Alex David is starring please?

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Question BB, Do you recoup your money if the custom sells well enough or do you simply pay for the custom?

7 years ago
Reply to  bert2

Ha, I wish I recouped my money from all the customs I ordered. Royalty payments would be awesome too.

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Yes, I wish as well. In my very first custom with another producer, I asked to recoup my money as he made sales. No surprise that I got a very frosty reception and a list of reasons why it was a dumb question on my part. I think that he thought that I was naive. Interestingly, the producer of my last three customs asked me if he could sell the video to the public at large; I agreed but did not ask for rebates. Also when quoting me a price for the custom, he listed every single cost component of… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Any chance of Coco as Solaria? I would love to see her in that outfit too (perhaps going up against the former Solaria, whom I’m starting to miss. Been too long since we’ve last seen Blair.).

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

I like the idea of same heroine vs same heroine (Solaria vs Solaria or Sonique vs Sonique), obviously with 2 models. Its like a who wore it better in SHP!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bc14

Perhaps it could be two heroines fighting each other, with the victor stripping off the loser’s costume and then teasing her by wearing it. Then the loser would regain her strength and fight for her costume/mantle. The humiliation of being stripped of the costume and the seductive way the other heroine could put it on (along with teasing the defeated heroine of how she can’t wear the costume as well as the victor can) would be a sexy addition imho.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

George Perez did a movie like that with Tylene Buck and JC Marie a few years ago. I wish someone would remake it but a bit more hardcore.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

It was awesome. Tylene was beaten and then had her ‘supergirl’ outfit removed. JC put it on and then beat Tylene some more while she was naked.

Dick E. Tickler
Dick E. Tickler
7 years ago

Oftentimes there are several good aspects of the video but the one thing I’m looking for ends up falling a bit short. How long is the electro scene? Like is she dead almost instantly or does it take a little bit?

Moue89 avatar
7 years ago

Similar to the greatest president this country has ever seen, Donald Trump, Coco can do no wrong. Her performance is much like Trump’s immigration policy in that everyone agrees it is tremendous. Despite the high price for this vid, I recommend purchasing it because of the numerous jobs Mr Trump is creating along with his reformed tax policy will save you plenty of money. LONG MAY TRUMP AND COCO REIGN!!!

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Triggered

Bwahahaha such satire! Well done.

Moue89 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Triggered

Shame so many people are down voting Coco’s performance. Smh

HM avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Triggered

I’ll un-ban you in a month. No trolling next time, and pick only one username.

7 years ago

Looks like an excellent video but I need to wait for a few more paychecks or for it to go on sale.

7 years ago

Really very good production, I think that this heroine is the number 1 at this moment and that it would have to take advantage of it a little more. The only constructive criticism she would have to do is that she should show her more when she is achieving orgasm.
Is very very sexy and catching when you see her enjoying the edge of orgasm, I think you should take advantage of this sequence of this heroine. Excellent production.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

After viewing Cocos previous movie, Undercover, I was not too sure about all the hype and I didn’t think her performance merited the rave reviews; Coco was good, as was the movie, and she looked fantastic, but…… But……now I see just why the gob smackingly sexy Coco has such an army of fans… in Hell she is absolutely incredible! Coco sells the fights and beatings better than just about anybody I’ve seen and the dramatic range and repertoire she shows here would put many a “main stream” actress to shame! The movie has a great plot too, including some devious… Read more »

shfyd avatar
7 years ago

Got the video and it is very professionally done.

Good editing, makeup and costumes

Coco is absolutely divine. She plays the cocky heroine and then the defeated heroine very well.

Well choreographed fight scenes. Excelsia is defeated, then unmasked and stripped. She is tortured in costume, tortured when naked, forced orgasm, forced BJ, she does several costume changes and gets into this really sexy black dress…………. 🙂

All in all well worth the money.

Well done TBFE……..another industry leading heroine video

7 years ago

Check THIS out. Mera! Yeah! Great looking stuff.


7 years ago

Thanks for the link bro Mera it’s looking hot

7 years ago
Reply to  DARTH_AON

You are welcome. Indeed 🙂

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

I would LOVE to see that gag used on Coco as Redwing and Alexis as SG!

7 years ago

Anyone got it yet? Need some reviews before I blow $40

7 years ago
Reply to  Woah

The price creep for the genre as a whole is real

7 years ago
Reply to  Woah

I got it, but barely have had time to fully watch it. It is good stuff I can tell you this much, but I was taken aback slightly by the price tag. 45 bucks for a vid that runs 33 min. is a bit much. Also it is fairly darkly lit, for effect, but in my assessment this also takes away something from the overall enjoyment (for me). But yeah what I enjoy is that TBFE is not shying away from some really messed up stuff. And it has Coco. So for me the price is ok, but you will… Read more »

7 years ago

Thanks for the review. I’m still on the fence due to the price time ratio. I love Coco but also not a fan of the lighting. More than likely i’ll probably get it

7 years ago

Trust me, I know the budget thing. So no real complaint. Do it AGAIN 🙂 Thanks for the brighter version as usual.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Please consider usIng that gag on Coco as Redwing! I’ll go $45 for that as she is in costume with that gag on as she is taken by some villain.

7 years ago

Compared to past $35 videos, this has more wardrobe-and-makeup changes for the star. We get more different looks, including a greater degree of nudity, a half-dozen positions of simulated sex, and simulated visible signs of injury. We need to consider premiums for what’s asked of the star, the fact that she’s highly sought-after in the genre right now, and the time it takes to make all those looks and shots on set. On the other hand, we might argue that most of those things are held to the third act, and after going to the trouble to prep those looks… Read more »

redmanx avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Each of us has his/her own idea of what we consider to be a “superior” product, and, not wishing to offend any other producer, I consider TBFEs products superior to just about anything else in the genre and am happy to pay a little extra for them. My decision to purchase Hell was purely due to TBFEs track record and the excellent trailer shown here. If, Imagineer, you have not yet purchased it too, I suggest you get that life and do so, lol.

7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

I did before I wrote the above. They really know what they’re doing. The heroine’s entrance is a treat. And the third act is tight. And then there’s the bazang.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Its really a very, very good movie, and different too in the way Excelsia fights two battles, one on earth the other in hell, a really clever twist. And the sex is awesome too, though if I was to be ultra picky, when the demon lets his children loose on her, only one turns up, lol, a demon gang bang would have been great, lol!

7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

His children joined and manifested as a humanoid male so they could all share equally in the experience. Too often group sex is like musical chairs, you’re sucking a toe and the music starts and the asshats with the best spots pretend they can’t hear it.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

TBFE are producing some of the best material this genre has ever seen and it seems that each new movie tops the previous one! Yes, theyre not cheap, but way too many times Ive paid far less and got far less an accomplished, professional product; the old saying, “you get what you pay for” is invariably correct, especially so regarding this genre.

7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

I’ve paid less, for better camerawork that much is certain.

7 years ago

This is very frustrating… First, check this page to find out there is a discount link? I don’t know what you have to do to be a part of the discount club but If it has to do with how many vids you purchase than I was screwed out of that. secondly, I wasn’t too upset at not knowing about the discount club because the new coco vid just came out … Except shg payment options apparently glitched(another poster mentioned) and are only offering prefund account payment option. So no discount for you long term customer and we don’t want… Read more »

7 years ago

Hey could someone please help. I’ve purchased multiple videos from shg and recently. Why is it only allowing for account prefund? No paypal or credit card option anymore? Please Help, I want to purchase this video as I have plenty of videos before.

7 years ago
Reply to  Blank1

Its a netcode glitch. Email shg media for assistance.

7 years ago

I only buy from SHG Media if there is a Sim BJ scene in it, and it has it, its a keeper

7 years ago

discount link doesnt work

7 years ago

wait is it an actual discount link on the price or just a regular link?

7 years ago

How does one get into the discount club?

7 years ago
Reply to  Curious

In complete contrast to idiotic previous post, quite simply. Its on the battle for earth website. its the loyalty program, just need an email to sign up. I’m an idiot for not noticing it before and how simple it is to join.

7 years ago
Reply to  Blank1

Ah Yes, thank you Blank, never knew it existed, considering the no. of films i got from them, damn, only just found out because of your post. Better late than never.

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago

Ha! Ya sneaky guy!

7 years ago

This issue seems to be excellent ! This beautiful and righteous superheroine is unmasked and forced to endure severe pains and humiliations… I can’t wait for this movie.

7 years ago


7 years ago

I fucking love it. Can’t wait to buy it.

7 years ago

Looks great, if only they could make the blows more realistic. Instead of the constant ‘cheap’ camera shaking. Simple fix…..more effort in the fight corri would take this to the ultimate level.

Ian C
Ian C
7 years ago

Those hits are huge. Very impressive trailee but I would love to see her in a film without the sex stuff one day.

7 years ago

A good and hot actress, 1v1 action, brutal hits to face, belly and crotch, blood…seems really good!!

ME92 avatar
7 years ago

This video seems to have the only thing I felt lacked from “Undercover,” also from TBFE, that was released not long ago starring Coco (otherwise it would have been the video of the year for me). I felt it lacked the sexual peril that this episode seems to really provide, alas, F/F is still my preferred cup of tea so it seems I’m out of luck xP I’m beginning to really like Coco as a heroine and hope that we get to see something similar to my taste with her again in the not too distant future, until then 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  ME92

Curious, what would you have added to Undercover to give it enough sexual peril?

ME92 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

There’s something about what happens in this video, Hell, from the looks of the trailer that really looks and feels like a few steps above and further in the sexual peril department than what happened in Undercover. If I personally were to add something to Undercover, I would have added a final yet more sensual and less rough forced orgasm at the end after she was undressed (even though from a custom video and story perspective, I realize and understand why that didn’t happen). Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly liked Undercover but in the end I ended up preferring… Read more »

7 years ago

If this is the mold of the future I’m definitely wrong on customs

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Watching the trailer made me think of how Coco would look as Sonique. She has the body for it, and she’s willing to add that sexual peril element too! Would love to see her in that costume (or as Solaris!).

Ernst Rohm
Ernst Rohm
7 years ago

Only question is: “when?”

7 years ago
Reply to  Ernst Rohm

Agree 100 %.

shfyd avatar
7 years ago

OMG………what a trailer!

Please take my money…………

BobLoblaw avatar
7 years ago

What a time for me to be short on funds…this looks excellent.

7 years ago

Not my cup of tea, but looking forward to your next project.

randy jackson
randy jackson
7 years ago

need more sexy heroines being crushed in tight front bearhugs with both arms trapped

7 years ago
Reply to  randy jackson

Can I give more than just one thumb’s up to Randy’s comment? I LOVE frontal bear hugs on heroines where their arms are pinned!

7 years ago

customs taking this industry to a new level

7 years ago
Reply to  gunit

You might be on to something.

7 years ago

I’m cuckoo for Coco.

senordescartes avatar
7 years ago

A super heroine nightmare come to life. TAKE MY MONEY.

7 years ago

Any movie with coco is a movie that needs to be seen. She is hands down the best, the innovator lol its like she invented the art of peril. Does she just go by coco? Probably lol

ak_fan avatar
7 years ago

Well, certainly an interesting storyline! Count me intrigued.